Title: PrimEx at 12 GeV with GlueX
1PrimEx at 12 GeV with GlueX
- A. Gasparian
- NC AT State University, Greensboro, NC
- Outline
- PrimEx Physics _at_ 12 GeV
- FCAL/PbWO issues
- Beamline issues
- Institutions and manpower
2The PrimEx Project at 12 GeV
- Experimental program
- 1) Precision measurements of
- Two-Photon Decay Widths G(?0???), G(????),
G(????) - Transition Form Factors at low Q2 (0.001-0.5
GeV2/c2) F(??? ?0), F(?? ??), F(?? ???)
2) The ? rare neutral decays
3Physics Motivation
- Fundamental input to Physics
- precision test of chiral
- anomaly predictions
- determination of light quark
- mass ratio
- ?-? mixing angle
- ?0,? and ? interaction
- electromagnetic radius
- is the ? an approximate
- Goldstone boson?
4Primakoff Method
12C target
Nucl. Coherent
Nucl. Incoh.
Challenge Extract the Primakoff amplitude
5PrimEx _at_ 12 GeVPrecision Measurement of ????
decay width
- All ?? decay widths are
- calculated from ???? decay
- width and experimental
- Branching Ratios (B.R.)
- G(?? decay) G(????) B.R.
- Any improvement in
- G(????)
- will change the whole
- ?- sector in PDB
6Physics Outcome from ???? Experiment
7Primakoff Method
12C target
Nucl. Coherent
Nucl. Incoh.
Challenge Extract the Primakoff amplitude
8 ???? Experiment with GlueX
- Advantages
- High energy tagged photon beam
- E?10 11.5 GeV
- High acceptance electromagnetic calorimeter
- (FCAL)
- Solenoid detector to veto charged particles,
- and reduce background on FCAL
- Targets (1-5 R.L.)
- LH2,
- LHe4,
- solid 12C
- Challenges
- Photon flux stability and control
- possible solutions
- ee- pair spectrometer
- Compton scattering
- High resolution FCAL needed for
- precision experiments
- possible solution
- Pb-glass PbWO4 crystals
9FCAL/PbWO Issues (prod. Angle Resol.)
- Precision Primakoff
- measurement requires
- high resolutions in
- luminosity (flux target)
- production angle (for fit)
- invariant mass (background)
FCAL with all Pb-glass
FCAL PbWO4(35x35 blocks (70x70 cm2)
FCAL PbWO4(75x75 blocks (150x150 cm2)
10FCAL/PbWO Issues (inv. Mass resol.)
FCAL with All Pb-glass
FCAL PbWO4(35x35 blocks (70x70 cm2)
FCAL PbWO4(75x75 blocks (150x150 cm2)
112) The ? Rare Decays
(from B.Nefkens)
12Study of the ???0?? Decay
- A stringent test of the ?PTh prediction at ?(p6)
level - The first sizable contribution comes at ?(p6)
A long standing ? puzzle is still un-settled.
13GAMS Experiment on ???0?? at Protvino
- Experimental result was first published in 1981
- The ?s were produced with 30 GeV/c ?- beam in
the ?-p??n reaction - Decay ?s were detected by lead-glass wall
Final result (D. Alde et al.) 40 of ???0??
events BR(???0??)(7.11.4)x10-4 ?(???0??)0.840
.17 eV
- Major Background
- ?-p? ?0?0n
- ? ??0?0?0
14What can be improved?
- Tagged ? to reduce non-resonance ?0?0 background
- Higher beam energy to reduce the background
- FCAL with PWO4 insertion
- Higher energy resolution ? improve ?0??invariance
mass - Higher granularity? better position resolution
and less shower - pile-up
- Large statistics to provide a precision
measurement of Dalitz plot
15Improvement on the ?0?? invariant mass
16Readout of PbWO in Magnetic Field
- FCAL with PbWO4 insertion is critical for our
- Required Modifications
- change the G10 housing
- to sift ion housing and
- extend it (2)
- insert optical extension
- extend the brass strips
- reassemble modules
The optical wrapping of Crystal should not change
17Time for PbWO Installation
- disassemble HYCAL - 3 months
- (2
person) - reassemble PbWO modules
- 3-4 months (3-4 person)
- assemble 1200 PbWO bloks in FCAL
- 3 months (2 person)
- Total estimated time from HYCAL to
- FCAL lt 12 months
18Beam Line Requirements
- Energy interval the 10 higest
- tagged range (10.5 - 11.5 GeV)
- Resolution 10-3
- Photon flux stability 1
- Collimation ??
19HYCAL (Crystal part)
20PrimEx Hardware Expertise Beam Profile/Position
21 Institutions/Manpower
- UMass (R. Miskimen, )
- ISU (D. Dale, )
- UNCW (L. Gan, )
- NC AT SU (A. Gasparian, R. Pedroni, )
- ITEP, Moscow group (in progress)
22The End
A. Gasparian
23Experimental Resolutions (production angle vs.
beam spot size)
Photon beam size up to 5 mm, as it is designed,
seams reasonable
A. Gasparian
24Experimental Resolutions(production angle vs.
target length)
- Reaction vertex can not be reconstructed
- in this experiment
- (recoil energies are too small Tlt 1 MeV)
- Large size of the FCAL calorimeter
- provides longer target to FCAL distance
- That makes less sensitivity from the
- target length up to designed 30 cm
- liquid targets
A. Gasparian