Title: World War I Posters and Propaganda
1World War IPosters and Propaganda
2Terms to know
- Huns Germans
- Yanks Americans
- Thrift Stamps stamps bought for 25 cents each,
when a card of 8 was filled, the card could be
traded in for 5.00 in 1923 (but it only cost
4.00) - Liberty Bonds sold to raise money for the war
effort (like a loan to the government) - Munitions weapons and ammunition
3The Most Famous Recruitment Poster
1. Why do you think this poster became so
famous (it is still used today)?
4Uncle SamHe the Man!
2. List all of the symbols of the United States
that you see in this poster.
5The headline reads, Huns Kill Women and
3. What message do you think this poster is
trying to convey?
6The Little Soldier
4. What group is targeted by this poster? What
is that group supposed to do?
75. What is the message of this poster?
86. Why do you think the American government
wanted people to conserve sugar?
97. Describe what you see in this poster. Use
as much descriptive language as you can.
108. What was coal used for? List at last 2
suggestions for saving coal.
11U. S. Fuel Administration
9. How is this list like or unlike reasons we
might use to conserve gasoline?
1210. How do you think women reacted to this
request for their help?
13Even Grandma Buys Liberty Bonds
11. Do you think this poster would have been
effective? Why or why not?
14Belgium was a neutral country that was invaded by
Germany on its way to France (the Schlieffen
12. Why do you think the government wanted to
remind Americans about what happened to Belgium?
15- 13. What do you think each of these represents?
- The Gorilla (King Kong)
- The woman
- The club
- The buildings in the far background
1614. Rewrite the statement on this poster in
your own words.
1715. What do you think the bloody hand and knife
represent (in other words, what was the menace of
the seas)?
18Now choose any one of posters in this slide show
and recreate it on your own paper. Make it
approximately the size of a square of toilet
paper. I dont expect you to be a great artist.
Just do your best. I will ask you later why you
picked this particular poster.
19If you finish, explore this website looking for
posters from other countries involved in World
War I.http//firstworldwar.com