The Use of American Propaganda During the Cold War - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Use of American Propaganda During the Cold War


The Use of American Propaganda During the Cold War Kristin M AHAP- DEF Horace Greeley HS Chappaqua NY – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Use of American Propaganda During the Cold War

The Use of American Propaganda During the Cold War
  • Kristin M AHAP- DEF
  • Horace Greeley HS Chappaqua NY

Essential Question
  • How did propaganda reflect on American fears and
    support during the Cold War?

The Red Scare Hysteria
  • In the 1950s, communism was not an imagined
    enemy, it had concrete shape in the form of the
    Soviet Union and Joseph Stalin.
  • Many hindrances were encountered in Americas
    fight against communism
  • The Korean deadlock
  • The defeat of China
  • The development of the Atomic bomb by the Soviets
  • People were searching for somebody to blame, and
    many were drawn to the suggestion of a communist
    conspiracy among the American nation.
  • State and local governments, the judiciary,
    schools and universities, labor unions all
    sought to rid themselves of real or imagined
  • Not only was the fear of communism in the air,
    but also the fear of being suspected of ties with
  • This panic gave way to an extraordinary public
    figure whose behavior was merely accepted because
    of the crucial times that called for such

Joseph McCarthy
  • National spotlight shone first on McCarthy in
    1950, when he made a speech in Wheeling, W.Va. He
    declared he had a list of 205 Communists working
    in the State Department.
  • In the 1950s, he became the most visible public
    face during a period of extreme anti-communism

Republican US Senator from Wisconsin
McCarthys Manner
  • Along with his immoral assistants, Roy Cohn and
    David Schine, McCarthy moseyed his way through
    federal offices and American embassies seeking
    evidence of communist influence.
  • One after another were harassed by McCarthys
    subcommittee and their public careers were soon
    destroyed due to feeble proof produced by
  • His accusations were without confirmation yet a
    rising community in the US grew to adore his
    policies and the assaults he was making on those
    subversives, real or phony.

  • Is characterized by uncontrollable, and unproven
    accusations, as well as public attacks on the
    character or patriotism of political opponents

Have a care, sir.
  • No one was able to bash McCarthy without the risk
    of being called a communist spy or sympathizer,
    even President Eisenhower remained silent.

In the summer of 1954, a branch of the American
Legion denounced the Girl Scouts, calling the
"one world" ideas advocated in their publications
House of Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
  • In search of an issue to attack the Democratic
    party with, the Republican-controlled Congress
    established the House of Un-American Activities
    Committee with the goal to prove that the
    government under Democratic rule, had tolerated
    communist sedition.
  • A committee that was made up of the U.S. House of
    Representatives, was created to investigate
    treachery and subversive associations. (193875)

Hollywood Ten
  • The movie industry was the first to be attacked
    by HUAC, claiming that communists had broke into
    Hollywood and polluted America with propaganda.
  • Writers and producers were called to testify and
    when some refused to answer questions about their
    own political views, they were jailed for their
  • Not only were these ten fined and sentenced to
    years in jail for contempt of Congress, they were
    also blacklisted from working in the film
    industry in Hollywood until the 1960's when the
    ban was lifted.

Herbert Biberman, Martin Popper, Robert W. Kenny,
Albert Maltz, Lester Cole, Dalton Trumbo, John
Howard Lawson, Alvah Bessie, Samuel Ornitz, Ring
Lardner Jr., Edward Dmytryk, Adrian Scott.
  • There were many grounds by which HUAC
    investigators arrested those in the entertainment
  • sympathy toward the American Communist Party
  • involvement in liberal or humanitarian political
    causes that enforcers associated with communism
  • refusal to assist federal investigations into
    Communist Party activities
  • Some were blacklisted merely because their names
    came up at the wrong place and time

HUAC Hearings (Click on individual pictures to
read on!)
I have turned down quite a few scripts because I
thought they were tinged with communistic ideas.
We have exposed their lies when we came across
them, we have opposed their propaganda...
Gary Cooper
Ronald Reagan
Nobody has stated just what they mean by
propaganda. I use the term to mean anything which
gives a good impression of communism as a way of
They looked at a lot of our pictures, and I
think they ran a lot of them in Russia, but then
turned them back to us ... They didn't suit their
Ayn Rand
Walt Disney
In 1947, Ronald Reagan was an actor and
president of the Screen Actors Guild. Throughout
out the 1940s, he was an active member in
anti-communist movements, which led him into the
political stage. His keen involvement in politics
was just the beginning as his beliefs shifted
from liberal to conservative. Throughout out the
1940s he was active in anti-communist movements,
which led him into the political arena. In this
testimony before HUAC, Reagan explains the
activity of communists in the Screen Actors
By 1947, Walt Disney Studios were famous for
their short cartoons and animated motion
pictures, which were distributed all over the
world. Walt Disney also worked with the FBI in
its investigations of communists in Hollywood. In
his testimony before the House Un-American
Activities Committee, Disney lists the effects
that he believes communists have had on his
employees, who recently unionized and went on
In 1947, Gary Cooper testified before the HUAC
investigators as a friendly witness. Cooper was
a famous leading man in such movies as "Mr. Deeds
Goes to Town," "Beau Geste," "Sergeant York" and
"Meet John Doe." Cooper mentions, in his
testimony, scripts he has seen that he felt were
communist in nature. He believed the principle
medium used in Hollywood to inject propaganda
was done through word of mouth and pamphleting.
He also defends himself against the false rumors
that he participated in a Communist rally.
By 1947 Ayn Rand had been writing screenplays in
Hollywood for many years and had recently gained
fame for her novel, "The Fountainhead." Born in
St. Petersburg, Russia, Rand had emigrated to
America in 1926. Because of her heritage, Rand
held very strong opinions in regard to the HUAC
investigations. She spoke of a recent film that
she felt fabricated life in a communist country,
the Soviet Union, as unrealistically enjoyable.
Alger Hiss Trial - Background
  • Alger Hiss was a tall, handsome Harvard-trained
    lawyer with an impeccable family background.
    Whittaker Chambers was a short, stocky, and
    rumpled Columbia drop-out and confessed former
    Communist from a poor and troubled Philadelphia
  • According to Chambers, Hiss was a devoted
    Communist engaged in espionage, even while
    working at the highest levels of the United
    States government. Hiss story was very
    different, claiming unwavering loyalty and
    denying even membership in the Communist Party.
  • Chambers did not wish to testify before the House
    un-American Activities Committee in August 1948
    but he believed that "the danger to the nation
    from Communism had now grown acute," threatening
    his country's very existence.

Alger Hiss Trial - Background
  • Questioned about his association with Alger Hiss,
    Chambers described a close friendship that
    included time in the Hiss home with Alger and his
    wife, Priscilla.
  • In response to Chambers's claims, which were
    given large play in the media, Hiss sent a
    telegram to HUAC's chairman, firmly denying the
    charges.  Hiss's telegram said

Alger Hiss Word Vs. Whittaker Chambers Testimony
Alger Hiss
Whittaker Chambers
Who Was Lying?
  • One member of the Committee, however, wanted to
    continue with the investigation.  Congressmen
    Richard Nixon found Hiss "patronizing" and
    "insulting in the extreme."  Hiss's Eastern Ivy
    League pedigree and style offended Nixon, a
    Whittier College graduate and the product of
    working-class parents.  With some reluctance, the
    Committee voted to make Nixon chair of a
    subcommittee that would seek to determine who was
    lying, Hiss or Chambers, at least on the question
    of whether they knew each other.
  • Through intense questioning on both ends, and the
    release of the Pumpkin Papers, it was soon
    uncovered that Hiss and Chambers had in fact been
    in close relations.
  • Pumpkin Papers were a series of documents turned
    into the Hiss case committee by Chambers that
    consisted of various evidences that placed Hiss
    in serious danger of criminal charge.
  • Hiss could not be tried for espionage because of
    the statute of limitations, a law that protects
    individuals from prosecution for most crimes
    after seven years had passed.
  • He was charged with two counts of perjury and
    several years in prison

  • Heightened Americans fears
  • Cast the suspicion that communism had in fact
    crept into the US government.
  • Projected an unknown California congressman named
    Richard Nixon to national fame
  • Set the stage for Senator Joseph McCarthy's
    infamous Communist-hunting
  • Marked the creation of a conservative
    intellectual and political movement that would
    put Ronald Reagan in the White House

Federal Loyalty Program
  • 1947 - In an effort to shield itself from
    Republican attacks, the Truman administration
    began a widely publicized program to review the
    loyalty of federal employees
  • 1950 Truman approved agencies to fire people
    believed to have no more than bad security
  • 1951 Over 2,000 government employees resigned
    under pressure and 212 were discharged

McCarran Act
  • Congress passed the Internal Security Act of 1950
    that required all communist associations to
    register with the Attorney General and to make
    public all records.
  • Subversive Activities Control Board (SACB) -
    tightened alien exclusion and deportation laws,
    allowing for the arrest of dangerous, disloyal,
    or subversive persons in times of war or
    "internal security emergency"
  • J. Edgar Hoover director of Federal Bureau of
    Investigations (FBI)
  • Investigated and harassed alleged radicals

  • June 1950 3 former FBI agents and a right-wing
    television producer, Vincent Harnett, published
    Red Channels
  • A pamphlet listing the names of 151 writers,
    directors and performers who they claimed had
    been members of subversive organizations before
    the World War II but had not yet been
  • The blacklist had been compiled from FBI files
    and a detailed analysis of the Daily Worker, a
    newspaper published by the American Communist
  • A free copy of Red Channels was sent to those
    involved in employing people in the entertainment
    industry and hundreds were blacklisted until they
    appeared in front of the House of Un-American
    Activities Committee and swore to its members
    that they had abandoned their radical past.
  • McCarthy also began receiving information from
    his friend, J. Edgar Hoover. William Sullivan,
    one of Hoover's agents, later admitted, "We were
    the ones who made the McCarthy hearings possible.
    We fed McCarthy all the material he was using."

The FBI, under J. Edgar Hoover, helped provide
the committee with material from its aptly named
raw files'. Some producers, directors and screen
writers refused to testify or to play the name
game' in which the committee demanded the names
of associates, who could then be called on to
name others thus providing an ever-expanding list
of suspects to be summoned.
  • In June, 1945, the FBI raided the offices of
    Amerasia, a magazine concerned with the Far East,
    and discovered a large number of classified State
    Department documents.
  • The 1946 Atomic Energy Act gave the FBI
    responsibility for determining the loyalty of
    individuals having access to restricted Atomic
    Energy data.
  • Any public or private agency or individual with
    information about subversive activities was urged
    to report it to the FBI and posters were
    distributed to police departments throughout the

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
  • Paranoia was increasing among the American nation
  • The explosion of an atom bomb by Russia
  • The invasion of South Korea by the Communist
    North Koreans and Chinese
  • The numerous revelations and confessions of
    former communists and professed spies
  • The intensity of the McCarthy mentality of the
  • Klaus Fuchs validated these fears when he
    confessed to have given the Russians information
    on the construction of the bomb.
  • From the beginning, the trial attracted a high
    amount of media attention, but unlike the trial
    of Alger Hiss, there was no single public
    expression of doubt as to their guilt in any
    media before and during the trial because of the
    immense fear in the heart of every American.
  • The Rosenbergs were convicted on March 29, 1951,
    and sentenced to death under Section 2 of the
    Espionage Act.

Julius Rosenberg
  • This death sentence is not surprising. It had
    to be. There had to be a Rosenberg Case because
    there had to be an intensification of the
    hysteria in America to make the Korean War
    acceptable to the American people. There had to
    be a hysteria and a fear sent through America in
    order to get increased war budgets. And there had
    to be a dagger thrust in the heart of the left to
    tell them that you are no longer gonna give five
    years for a Smith Act prosecution or one year for
    Contempt of Court, but we're gonna kill ya!

Julius Rosenberg, as quoted by his attorney,
Emanuel Bloch, September 22, 1953.
(No Transcript)
  • In imposing the death sentence, Judge Irving
    Kaufman held the Rosenbergs responsible not only
    for stealing atomic secrets but also for more
    than 50,000 deaths in the Korean War.
  • Klaus Fuchs, who spied for many more years than
    the Rosenbergs, provided far more sensitive
    nuclear information to the Soviet Union, and was
    caught, confessed, tried, convicted, and
    sentenced in the United Kingdom, received 14
    years in jail, which was the maximum penalty in
    that nation for passing military secrets to
    friendly nations.

The End
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  • "Seeing Red." PBS. 24 Oct. 1997. 1 June 2007
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