Title: Arthur M' Moraes
1Describing minimum bias and the underlying event
at the LHC with ATLAS
- Arthur M. Moraes
- University of Sheffield
University of Glasgow
Glasgow, 20th February 2004
- Describing minimum bias and the underlying
event. - Comparison of different PYTHIA tunings.
- LHC predictions.
- Activation levels in the SCT-barrel system
- Comments and conclusions.
- What do we expect from a proton-proton collision
at a centre-of-mass energy of 14 TeV?
- There will be a combination of soft (most of
the time) and hard (occasionally) interactions.
- Perturbative QCD is highly successful when
applied to hard processes (large-pt) but cannot
be applied to soft interactions (low-pt).
- Alternative approaches to describe soft processes
are therefore required.
4Underlying event in charged jet evolution (CDF
style analysis)
Minimum bias events
- Experimental definition depends on the
experiment - trigger!
- Minimum bias is usually associated to
- non-single-diffractive events (NSD),
- e.g. ISR, UA5, E735, CDF,
- It is not only minimum bias event!
- The underlying event is everything except the
two outgoing hard scattered jets.
- In a hard scattering process, the underlying
event has a hard component (initial final-state
radiation and particles from the outgoing hard
scattered partons) and a soft component
(beam-beam remnants).
- CDF analysis
- charged particles
- ptgt0.5 GeV and ?lt1
- cone jet finder
Df f - fljet
stot 102 - 118 mb
sNSD 65 - 73mb
5Model for hadron-hadron collisions (Pythia)
- Defines two interaction regions in pt scale hard
and soft processes. - Uses perturbative QCD to describe high-pt
parton-parton scattering.
- Attempts to extend perturbative (high-pt) picture
down to low-pt region. - Considers the possibility that multiple parton
scattering takes place in hadron-hadron
n sint
?pt0 ?n (and vice-versa)
- Different options for hadronic matter
?d ?probability of hard-scattering (and
6(No Transcript)
7F(z) ltnchg gt P(nchg)
z nchg /ltnchg gt
High-multiplicity events are described
differently by each tuning
Transverse lt Nchg gt
- ATLAS TDR it hasnt been tuned to UE data
doesnt include double diffraction for - minimum bias events uses a model with a small
hadronic core size doesnt correct for particle
decays which affect minimum bias distributions
and doesnt include - a pTmin energy dependence.
- CDF tuning it has been tuned particularly to UE
data doesnt correct for particle decays which
affect minimum bias distributions.
Ratio (MC/Data)
Pt (leading jet in GeV)
- Developed mainly for soft and semi-hard particle
- Implements ideas of Dual Parton Model for low-pT
- Multiple Pomeron exchanges (sea-quark
multi-chains) enhances the event activity.
- Limited to production mechanisms of strong
- However, useful tool for MB and UE studies where
jets are involved.
F(z) ltnchg gt P(nchg)
z nchg /ltnchg gt
dNchg/d? at ?0
Transverse lt Nchg gt
Pt (leading jet in GeV)
vs (GeV)
- PYTHIA models favour ln2(s)
- PHOJET suggests a ln(s) dependence.
12Combined ?2 (not the minimum ?2 !)
Multiplicity information nch, dN/d?, KNO
Transverse region (UE) nch and pTsum
- PHOJET1.12 and PYTHIA6.214 tuned give the best
global agreement to the data!
13LHC predictions pp collisions at vs 14 TeV
- PYTHIA6.214 tuned is going to be used for
ATLAS DC2 production. It is also being used as
a reference by CMS and ALICE Collaborations.
- Minimum bias DC samples will be used to validate
ATLAS Software.
- Reconstructed minimum bias DC data-samples will
also be used to develop strategies aimed at
measuring minimum bias events during the ATLAS
Commissioning Stage.
Model Improvements GRID resources
- Model improvements are being investigated in
collaboration with T. Sjöstrand (PYTHIA6.3 new
MPI model) and R. Field (CDF run II data).
- GridPP resources are already being used to
generate minimum bias and underlying event
15VBF Signal (H?WW?l?l?)
The Underlying Event at the LHC
Prospects for the search for a standard model
Higgs boson in ATLAS using VBF, S.Asai et al,
SN-ATLAS-2003-024 -gt EPJ
- forward tagging jets
- correlated leptons
- low hadronic activity in central region
- central Higgs production
D. Gaussian PYTHIA6.214 tuned Default PYTHIA6.2
e-µ channel only! (MH 160 GeV)
16Activation of SCT barrel-modules at ATLAS
- The harsh radiation environment at ATLAS will
cause the radioactivation of detector components.
- There can be severe implications for any access
or maintenance operations
- Our predictions are based on both calculations
and measurements.
- Consider the effects from both neutron capture
and spallation induced activation.
17Estimating activity levels
irradiation (180d) and cooling times.
Produced radionuclides per pp event per module
Average number of pp events/s (4 x 108 s-1)
- 64Cu, 198Au and 110mAg are the dominant
radionuclides from (n,?). - Notice that 1 week after shut down, 110mAg will
- Concerning spallation induced activation 3H, 7B,
22Na and 24Na are the dominant radionuclides.
22Na will be the most important for dose analysis!
18? and ß dose estimates
? (ß) dose rates in nSv/h for one SCT barrel
module (10 years irradiating)
- Our estimates indicate that individual
SCT-barrel modules will fall into the
slightly-radioactive category.
Maximum ? (ß) dose µSv/h (10 years irradiating)
- Dose rates from the SCT-barrel will be small
when compared to other elements of the ATLAS
experiment. It should not create any serious
19Conclusions and Outlook
- Current minimum bias and underlying event data
can be described with appropriate tunings for
- Multiple parton interactions give a natural way
of explaining the event activity for both minimum
bias and the underlying event.
- We have successfully tuned PYTHIA to both
minimum bias and the underlying event
distributions. The tuned model is now being used
to generate LHC predictions.
- Our investigations on soft interactions can be
extended to applications beyond the LHC
experiment (Tevatron, HERA, ).
- The levels of radioactivation of SCT-barrel
modules should not pose any serious problems
after operation in high radiation environments.