Title: Career Planning for Biologists
1Career Planningfor Biologists
- Janice Simpson
- Careers Adviser
2By the end of this session you should
- Be aware of the options open to you after
graduation - Know when and how to make applications for
employment and further study - Know how to find out about opportunities
- Know how to research and develop your career
ideas - Know how the Careers Service can help you to plan
your career
3Biology graduate 2009
- This is just to let you know that the lecture
you gave to - the Biology 3rd years in the Autumn term was the
wake up - I needed. That one lecture highlighted the need
for me to - apply to graduate schemes. After over 30
applications I - have been offered a position at NPower when I
leave - university, I can safely say that without the
push that I - received I wouldn't be in such a good position
4Options after a degree
- Employment
- Related to degree
- Indirectly related
- Not related to degree
- Graduate level
- Non-graduate level
- Postgraduate Study
- Related directly to degree studies
- Not related
- Conversion course
- Time Out
- Travel
- Work
- Volunteering
5Careers Using Biology
- Research Scientist (pharma,
- food drink, agriculture,
- ecology, environment,
- medical)
- Clinical Scientist (NHS
- Clinical Scientists Training
- Programme)
- Forensic Scientist
- Clinical Research Associate
- Medical/Pharmaceutical Sales
- Bioinformatics
- Health Professions
- Policy related (eg Public Sector, Civil Service)
- Environmental (consultancy, education,
management, conservation) - Education (teaching, lecturing)
- Communication (journalism, publishing,
museums/science centres
6Finding out more
- Society of Biology http//societyofbiology.org/edu
cation/careers - www.biology4all.com
- www.environmentalcareers.org.uk
- Forensic Science Service www.forensic.gov.uk
- NHS Careers www.nhscareers.nhs.uk
- Pharmaceutical industry www.abpi-careers.org.uk
- www.biochemistry.org
- Association of British Science Writers
www.absw.org.uk - Institute of Food Science Technology
7Other Graduate Opportunitieswww.york.ac.uk/univ/m
- Management (general and specific)
- IT
- Finance
- Social care/welfare
- Law
- Management consultancy
- Library/information management
- Retail
- Media
- Sales/Marketing
- Advertising/Public Relations
- Administration (public, private and voluntary
8Looking for a job ?Graduate Training Schemes
- Typically blue chip and large
- public sector organisations
- Structured programme lasting 1-3 years, featuring
a range of placements and often study for
professional qualifications - Greatest number of opportunities in accountancy
and finance, general management, legal work, IT
and retail - Any degree discipline for many schemes
9Looking for a Job ?Graduate Training Schemes
- Majority require completion of online application
form - Assessment likely to involve individual and group
based activities eg - Psychometric tests, interviews
- (face to face and telephone),
- group exercises, presentations,
- role play, work management
- tasks, case studies
10Seeking employment ? Direct entry
- Opportunities with large, medium and small
companies - Jobs advertised when vacancies are available
- Usually immediate start (within a couple of
months of advertisement) - Application may be CV/covering letter or
application form - Smaller companies may have less structured
recruitment and assessment procedures
11When to apply for jobs
- Autumn term
- Deadlines for many large graduate recruitment
programmes in private and public sectors - Recruitment fairs
- Spring/Summer terms
- Deadlines for smaller recruitment schemes and
some ongoing programmes - Make applications for advertised vacancies
- Speculative applications
- Recruitment Fairs
12 Finding out about Jobs
- Careers Service www.york.ac.uk/careers/jobs.c
fm - Prospects graduate website
- www.prospects.ac.uk
- Regional graduate websites www.graduatesyorkshire.
co.uk - Graduate directories and career guides
- Careers Fairs and events
- Newspapers
- Specialist publications
- Speculative applications
- Recruitment agencies and websites
13Thinking about further study ?
14Postgraduate StudyWhat are the options ?
- Research degrees (Masters, MPhil, PhD)
- Taught Masters courses
- Postgraduate diplomas/certificates
- Conversion courses
- Undergraduate degrees
15How To Apply
- Apply directly to universities
- Some exceptions
- Clearing houses for Teaching and Law
- Apply through UCAS for Social Work and Medicine
- No overall closing date, but you may need to
apply early (eg Oxford, popular
courses/institutions) - PhD Apply to advertised opportunities but can
make direct approach talk to academic staff and
16What do York graduates do ?www.york.ac.uk/univ/m
- Bioscience related
- Genetics
- Ecology
- Environmental Management
- Forensic Science
- Bioinformatics
- Molecular cell biology
- Bioinformatics
- Infectious Diseases
- Pharmacology
- Other courses
- Teacher training
- Nursing
- Medicine
- Audiology
- Speech Therapy
- Dietetics
- Accounting and Finance
- Law
17Finding Out More
- So you think you might do a PhD ? Tue 27th Oct,
2.15 3.15 - So you think you might do a Masters ? Thur 29th
Oct - Websites
- www.prospects.ac.uk/links/PGstudy
- www.prospects.ac.uk/links/Abroad
- www.postgrad.hobsons.com
- PhD Studentships
- www.jobs.ac.uk
- www.newscientistjobs.com
- www.findaphd.com
18Not sure what you want to do ?
19Help in getting started
- Careers Service Lots of exercises and career
guides to help you in the Getting Started
section - MBTI workshops to help you think about your
personality preferences and career motivation - Prospects Planner to generate job ideas
- www.prospects.ac.uk/links/pplanner
- Profiling for Success www.york.ac.uk/careers/psych
ometrictests/access - Windmills programme www.windmillsonline.co.uk
- Talk to a Careers adviser 20 minute quick
query (QQ) appointments available daily at
Careers Service - Regular drop-ins at Cookies (no sign-up)
20Think about yourself
- Personal skills/strengths
- Weaknesses
- Academic interests
- Technical/scientific skills
- Values
- Mobility
- Motivation
- What interests you ?
- What are you passionate about ?
- Practical issues eg mobility
21Finding out more
- Careers Service information room
- Researching careers information sessions
- Take-away career guides and casebooks
- Society of Biology
- http//societyofbiology.org/education/careers
- Careers Service website
- www.york.ac.uk/careers
- Prospects graduate website
- www.prospects.ac.uk
- Work/voluntary experience
22Finding out more
- Careers events www.york.ac.uk/careers/events.cfm
- Finance, journalism, voluntary sector, law,
numerical analytical careers, environment,
non-academic careers in HE . - Employer open days
- Recruitment Fairs on campus and elsewhere
- General recruitment fair 27th Oct 11am 3pm
- Science, Engineering Technology 3rd Nov 11am
23Making applications
- Help available
- Information room handouts/take-away guides
handouts available on website - www.prospects.ac.uk/links/jobs
- Workshops for CVs, application forms, interviews
- Practice assessment centre and aptitude tests
- One to one appointments with Careers Service
staff - Employer led activities and York Award courses
24Taking time out
Build up work experience
Travel and maybe work as well
Do some voluntary work
25Ideas and more information
- Careers Service resources eg Work your Way around
the World, Voluntary Projects Abroad - Work and travel schemes eg Work Australia, Work
New Zealand - Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) eg
British Council Language Assistants, Japan
Exchange Teaching Programme (JET) - Environmental projects eg BTCV, Wildlife Trusts,
Studentforce, Groundwork Trust.
26The York Award
- Gain recognition for activities youve been
involved in during University - Application process good experience for graduate
job applications and interviews - Application form available end Nov 09
- Deadline is 5pm on 22nd Jan 2010
27After graduation what next ?
- Continued support from York in person, by phone
and e-mail register with the Careers Service - Consider non-graduate jobs and volunteering as a
foot in the door - Training programmes and support from other
Universities and local providers - Financial support (Jobseekers Allowance, Housing
28Getting work experience
- Student Internship Bureau
- Project based work for students and new
- graduates www.yorkinternships.com
- Graduate Talent Pool
- Internships and voluntary placement from
- a range of organisations across the UK
- http//graduatetalentpool.direct.gov.uk
- Volunteering
- Database of volunteering opportunities
- across the UK www.do-it.org.uk
29The University of York Careers
- Open Mon Fri , 10am -5pm
- Quick Query appointments
- Job vacancies
- Information
- Events programme
- www.york.ac.uk/careers/events .cfm
30Any questions