Title: Measuring Success in the Early Years: the EDI
1Measuring Success in the Early Years the EDI
- Clyde Hertzman
- Director, HELP
2Kindergarten Early Development Instrument (EDI)
- 5 domains
- Physical health and well being
- Social knowledge and competence
- Emotional health and maturity
- Language and cognitive development
- Communication skills and general knowledge
Developmental Readiness
3Percentage of Students Vulnerable Physical
Health and Well-Being scale of the EDI Based on
Provincial cutoffs, Wave 2
4Average ScoreSocial Competence scale of the EDI,
Wave 2
5Base Map Wave 2
6(No Transcript)
7Percentage of Students Vulnerable Social
Competence scale of the EDI Based on Provincial
cutoffs, Wave 2
8Average Score Emotional Maturity scale of the
EDI, Wave 2
9 10Percentage of Students Vulnerable Emotional
Maturity scale of the EDI (Based on Provincial
cutoffs), Wave 2
11Average Score Language and Cognitive Development
scale of the EDI, Wave 2
12(No Transcript)
13Percentage of Students Vulnerable Language and
Cognitive Development scale of the EDI Based on
Provincial cutoffs, Wave 2
14Average ScoreCommunication Skills and General
Knowledge scale of the EDI, Wave 2
15 16Percentage of Students Deemed Vulnerable
Communication Skills and General Knowledge scale
of the EDI (Provincial cutoffs) Wave 2
17Proportion of Students Vulnerable on One or More
Scales of the EDI Based on Provincial cutoffs,
Wave 2
18 19Percentage of Students Vulnerable on One or More
Scales of the EDI Based on Provincial cutoffs,
Wave 2
20(No Transcript)
21(No Transcript)
22Upcoming HELP Seminars
- Brain and Development
October 23rd, UBC Robson Square,
Vancouver. Â - Early Child Development An Update on WHO, HUBs
and the Child Welfare Dialectic
November 1st , Kelowna
Coast Capri Hotel. Â - Child Development Indicators, Perspectives on
Early School Readiness Predictive Analyses
November 13th, UBC Robson Square, Vancouver. Â - Cant attend in person? Listen view
presentations online! - http//classroom.horizon.colo.ubc.ca/launcher.cgi?
roomHELP - For more information email help.events_at_ubc.ca.