Title: Peer facilitation of interprofessional learning:
1Peer facilitation of interprofessional learning
- Whats in it for the facilitators?
2Bianca Broadbent, Lynn Clouder, Bernie Davies,
Ali Roughton
3Presentation Plan
- Context
- Experience of facilitation
- Benefits for facilitators
- Lessons for the future
- Existing programme with facilitated on line
interprofessional discussion groups - Final year students selected and trained to
facilitate 24 of the 74 discussion groups - Facilitated first and then 2nd year groups
- HEA funded project
5In it for which facilitators?
6Student facilitator role
- The responsibility of keeping discussions track,
contributing special knowledge and insights,
weaving together various discussion threads and
course components, and maintaining group harmony
- (Rohfeld and Hiemstra 1995 cited in Berge and
Collins 1995 91)
7Student facilitator role
- Covers a wide range of issues
- Based on a comprehensive training initiative
8(No Transcript)
9What other student facilitators said
Developed my ability to organise groups
A more holistic view of IPLP
Made me more aware of the different learning
styles people adopt
10What other student facilitators said
Facilitation has developed my negotiation skills
I have learned how to make suggestions without
appearing patronising
The experience will help me communicate with
colleagues in the workplace
11So what does this mean?
12Benefits for academic staff
13Considerations for future initiatives
- How will student facilitators be selected?
- Who will support them? How?
- Will they be assessed?
- Will facilitation off set other module outcomes?
- Incentives and rewards?
- Rohfeld, R. Hiemstra, R. (1995) Moderating
Discussions in the Electronic Classroom cited in
Berge, Z. and Collins, M. (1995) Computer
Mediated Communication and the Online Classroom
Volume 3 Distance Learning Cresskill NJ Hampton
Press. - Salmon G (2004) E-Moderating The key to teaching
learning online. London. Routledge Falmer - Saunders, D. (1992) Peer Tutoring in Higher
Education. Studies in Higher Education, 92(17),
211- 216. - Tuckman B In Tuckman B, Jenson N (1977) Stages of
small group development revisited. Group
Organisational Studies. (2) 419-27
15Thank you for listening