Title: Documenting Traditional knowledge
1Documenting Traditional knowledge
- Paul Quek and Pablo Eyzaguirre
- p.quek_at_cgiar.org
- p.eyzaguirre_at_cgiar.org
2Traditional knowledge
- Traditional knowledge generally refers to the
body of wisdom, innovation and practices of
indigenous people and local communities around
the world
(Source CBD website www.biodiv.org)
3Documenting Traditional Knowledge
It is important that the process is not a one
sided approach where TK is studied without gain
to the communities
4The TK Journal Method
The Farmers Journal
Formal Journal
TK Journal
A paper by the Scientist about the TK collected
A paper by the Farmer in Farmers own language
5The TK Journal Method
Merging of Knowledge
TK Journal
Formal Journal
6(No Transcript)
7Oral transmission of Knowledgethe need for
Knowledge is embedded in songs, poetry, dances,
practices, skills and more.
Knowledge holder Trainee Situation/Time Material
Where one component is missing knowledge erosion
8A missing component
(Source Paul Quek, 2003)
9Who should record?
Local Institution
Active Working
Active Learning
10Malaysia Ethnobotanical garden
11 the evolution of knowledge
- When I was young my father taught me to keep
accurate time by winding a watch and today I pass
down the knowledge of keeping accurate time to my
children to inform them to change the batteries
in their watches. Probably for their children the
knowledge of keeping accurate time is to
synchronize with an atomic clock on the Internet.