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David Gerdes


The ether had the strange property that, despite being some type of structure ... 'The most important fundamental laws and facts of physical science have all been ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: David Gerdes

The Physics of
  • David Gerdes
  • Department of Physics
  • University of Michigan
  • March 15, 2003

Why is there Something Rather than Nothing?
  • the darkest question in all philosophy.
    (William James)
  • This problem can tear the individuals mind
    asunder. (A.C.B. Lovell)
  • Each of us is grazed by this questions hidden
    power. (Martin Heidegger)
  • What is it that breathes fire into the equations
    and makes a universe for them to describe? Why
    does the universe go to all the bother of
    existing? (Stephen Hawking)

The Vacuum in Antiquity
Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Void.
Nature abhors a vacuum.
A vacuum is a hell of a lot better than some of
the stuff nature replaces it with.
What is, is. What is not, is not.
Aristotle (384-322 BC)
Tennessee Williams (1911-1983)
Parmenides (5th c. BC)
Buddha (6th c. BC)
The debate on the nature of space also engaged
some of the greatest minds of the Enlightenment
Space is the sensorium of God. It is absolute,
existing apart from matter.
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716)
Space is relative and must be thought of as a set
of relationships between material objects.
Isaac Newton (1642-1727)
Summary of the Vacuum in Classical Mechanics
  • The passive stage on which the play of force
    and motion is acted out.
  • Space is static and unchanging.
  • Geometry is Euclidean.
  • Time marches according to an absolute, universal

Electromagnetic Waves and the Ether
  • We are familiar with many types of waves water
    waves, sound waves, waves on a rope or slinky.
  • In each of these cases, the wave needs some
    medium (water, air, a slinky) in which to
  • In 1863, James Clerk Maxwell showed that light is
    an electromagnetic wave.
  • Obviously, light should propagate in a physical
    medium too. This medium was dubbed the
    luminiferous ether.

James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879)
Searching for the Ether
  • The ether had the strange property that, despite
    being some type of structure that allowed the
    propagation of light, it did not produce any
    frictional drag on the motion of mechanical
  • In fact, it could not be directly detected at
    all. It was massless and invisible.
  • But there was a way to look for it indirectly

The Michelson-Morley Experiment (1887)
  • Maxwell predicted that light should travel at
    speed c 299,792,458 m/s in the
    rest frame of the ether.
  • Earth is moving around the sun at about 30,000
    m/s. If the ether exists, we would expect to
    measure values for the speed of light that differ
    by roughly this amount, depending on whether the
    light is traveling along our direction of motion
    or perpendicular to it.
  • But Michelson and Morley found that the speed of
    light was always the same, independent of its
    direction or the state of motion of the observer.
    ? death knell for the ether.

Despite this inconvenient result, many physicists
were slow to appreciate the fact that something
momentous had happened
  • The most important fundamental laws and facts
    of physical science have all been discovered, and
    these are now so firmly established that the
    possibility of their ever being supplanted in
    consequence of new discoveries is exceedingly
    remote Our future discoveries must be looked for
    in the sixth place of the decimals.

-- Albert Michelson, 1894
The Special Theory of Relativity (1905)
  • Einstein elevated the Michelson-Morley null
    result into a fundamental principle of nature

The speed of light is constant, independent of
the motion of the source or the observer.
This required him to treat space and time as
a single entity
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
The General Theory of Relativity (1916)
  • Extension of special relativity to include
  • Matter warps spacetime falling object follow
    straight lines in curved, 4-dimensional
  • Space tells matter how to move matter tells
    space how to curve.

General Relativity and the Universe
  • Einstein attempted to find solutions to his
    equations that described the complete spacetime
    shape of the universe.
  • Much to his consternation, he discovered that he
    could not find static solutions they all
    described a universe that was either expanding or
  • Since this was clearly nonsense, Einstein
    modified his equations, adding a term that
    corresponded to the energy of the vacuum. He
    called this term the cosmological constant.

1929 The Universe is Expanding
Edwin Hubble (1889-1953)
Age of universe 14 billion years
Chagrined, Einstein called the cosmological
constant my greatest blunder.
Summary of the Vacuum in Relativity
  • Active player in the dynamics of physics.
  • Space can change. In fact a static universe is
    hard to achieve. The dynamics of spacetime
    determines the fate of the universe (Big Chill or
    Big Crunch).
  • Geometry can be non-Euclidean.
  • Space and time are intertwined.

The Quantum Leap
  • Relativity abolished the distinction between the
    seemingly independent concepts of space and time.
  • Meanwhile, quantum mechanics was doing the same
    thing for the seemingly independent concepts of
    particles and waves.

  • Localized in space.
  • Cant bend around corners.
  • Have a definite momentum.
  • Cant pass through each other.
  • Spread out in space.
  • Can bend around corners.
  • Usually contain a range of different momenta.
  • Can combine (interfere) constructively or

Quantum Uncertainty
The wavelike nature of particles is summarized in
the famous Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle,
which states that position and momentum cannot be
known to arbitrary precision simultaneously
Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976)
Niels Bohr (1885-1962)
(?x)?(?p) gt h
NB Copenhagen at Ann Arbor Performance Network,
March 20 April 13.
h is Plancks constant, a fundamental constant of
Implications for Particles
In classical physics, there is an exact
relationship between the masss position and its
Consider a mass that can oscillate up and down on
a spring
The Quantum Oscillator
  • Classically, at x0, the energy is zero.
  • Therefore, the momentum is zero too.
  • But this would violate the Heisenberg uncertainty
  • Therefore, the quantum oscillator cannot be
    completely at rest. Allowed energies, En, are

The minimum possible energy for the quantum
oscillator is E0 ½ hf.
En (n ½ )hf (n0,1,2)
This is called the zero point energy.
f oscillation frequency
Quantum Fields
  • Relativity meets quantum mechanics everything is
    an oscillator!
  • Each type of particle (photon, electron,) is
    described by a field that fills all space.
  • At each point in space, the field has the ability
    to oscillate at any frequency.
  • Mechanical analogy a 3-D lattice of connected

Richard Feynman (1918-1988)
Empty space the oscillators move with their
random quantum fluctuations.
Particle present a traveling disturbance in the
Summary of the Quantum Vacuum
  • Filled with fields corresponding to each type of
  • Think of the field as describing the potential
    for particles to exist.
  • Quantum fluctuations of the fields, even when no
    particles are present, mean that the vacuum
    contains a sea of virtual particles.

A Force from Nothing the Casimir Effect
  • The vacuum is seething with quantum fluctuations
    of the electromagnetic field.
  • We can classify these fluctuations by the
    wavelengths of the corresponding photons.
  • Free space all wavelengths allowed.
  • Between two mirrors only discrete wavelengths
    are allowed.

Hendrik Casimir (1909-2000)
Prediction (1948) A weak attractive force
between the two mirrors
Measured in 1996
S. K. Lamoreaux, PRL 78, 5 (1997).
The Energy of Nothing An Embarrassing Result
  • Given the quantum nature of the vacuum, its no
    longer obvious that the energy density of the
    vacuum is zero.
  • We can try to calculate the vacuum energy
    density, ?vac, by adding up the zero-point
    energies of all the quantum oscillators that make
    up the fields.

Surprise! The Expansion of the Universe is
  • Stunning convergence of recent results.
  • Type Ia supernovae.
  • Observations of the cosmic microwave background
    radiation (echo of the Big Bang).

Type Ia Supernovae A Standard Candle for
Measuring Cosmic Distances
Survey of Many Type 1a Supernovae at high
redshiftPerlmutter et al., 1998Riess et al.,
1998The Universe was expanding more slowly in
the distant past!
Dark Energy
  • The vacuum appears to have a nonzero energy
    density that is propelling the accelerating
    expansion of the Universe.
  • Most recent data (Feb. 2003)
  • This result implies that nearly ¾ of the energy
    density of the universe resides not in matter or
    radiation but in the vacuum itself!
  • The cosmological constant Einsteins greatest
  • Come to Prof. Katie Freeses SMP talks on April 5
    and 12 for many more details.

?vac 0.73 ? 0.04
Conclusion Much Ado about Nothing
  • The vacuum is a dynamic place
  • Space and time are intertwined.
  • Curved by matter this curvature affects motion.
  • A roiling sea of virtual particles created by
    quantum fluctuations that follow from the
    uncertainty principle.
  • Contains a nonzero energy density that makes up
    70 of the energy of the Universe. The nature of
    this dark energy is almost completely unknown.
  • The dark energy propels the accelerating
    expansion of the universe.

Perhaps the hottest topic in physics right now.
  • The Demo Lab staff Warren Smith, Bonnie Evans,
    Mark Kennedy, Angela Plagemann.
  • Carol Rabuck
  • Ted and Ann Annis

Advertisement Rollercoaster Physics
(No Transcript)
Rollercoaster Physics June 29-July 12, 2003
  • Offered through the Michigan Math and Science
    Scholars summer program.
  • Open to students entering 9th-12th grade this
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  • Also of interest The Physics of Magic and the
    Magic of Physics, 7/13-7/26/2003.
  • More info math.lsa.umich.edu/mmss

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