Title: Weathering, Deposition, and Erosion'
1 Weathering, Deposition, and Erosion.
- By Narciso Huerta
- 11/24/08
- Photographs by Alene Shong (except delta photos)
How Weathering, Deposition, and Erosion
Weathering is the breaking down in to smaller
pieces of rock that becomes sand and solid.
In the picture the plants are cracking the rocks.
The agents of weathering wind, ice, plants, and
In the picture the cliff is breaking in to
smaller rocks because of wind and rain.
Erosion moves rocks from were there original
places and moves them to a new location.
In this picture the water is washing the rocks
away making the water fall go down
The agents of erosion are gravity, running water,
ice and wind. They make a U shape and V valley.
In the picture the running water (waves) crashed
into the rocks making the U shape.
- Deposition is the process of sediments being laid
In this picture the delta in the Mississippi
river is made of sand and rocks.
When the sediments rocks are cemented, they
become sedimentary rocks.
The river in the delta is flowing to a bigger