Title: Township Board Meetings
1Township Board Meetings
- Board Minutes Procedures/Rules
- Minutes, Audio Video Retention
- Recommended Minutes Format vs. Verbatim Minutes
- Public Comment, Rights Privileges
- Open Meetings Act
- MCL 15.269 sec.9
- Public Bodies shall keep minutes of each meeting
showing - Date, Time, Place,
- Members Present, Members Absent,
- Decisions made at the open meeting Roll Call
Votes taken.
3A Piece of Municipal Clerk WisdomThe Blind Men
and the ElephantJohn Godfrey Saxes version of
the famous Indian Legend
- Six blind men went to see the elephant to satisfy
their minds. - The First approached the elephant, fell against
its broad sturdy side pronounced it to be
very like a wall. - The Second man felt the tusk, finding it to be
round, smooth sharp, pronounced it very much
like a spear.
4A Piece of Municipal Clerk WisdomThe Blind Men
and the ElephantJohn Godfrey Saxes version of
the famous Indian LegendContinued
- The Third man happened to take the squirming
trunk, and announced the elephant to be very
like a snake. -
- The Fourth, felt about the knee and announced the
beast is very like a tree. - The Fifth man by chance touched the elephants
ear and marveled that it was very like a fan.
5A Piece of Municipal Clerk Wisdom The Blind Men
and the ElephantJohn Godfrey Saxes version of
the famous Indian LegendContinued
- The Sixth, began to grope the beast having
seized its swinging tail, pronounced it to be
very like a rope. - The men disputed loud and strong, each one
certain they were right, and yet they all were
wrong. - The Moral of this tale
- A reminder that people dont always see or
remember things the same way, and their
statements may not provide a complete or accurate
record of what happened.
6A Piece of Municipal Clerk Wisdom The Blind
Men and the ElephantJohn Godfrey Saxes version
of the famous Indian Legend
- The minutes of a public meeting should provide a
factual, concise record of the actions taken by
the public body, not a verbatim report of
comments made. - Reprised from Taking Township Minutes
- Michigan Townships Association,
- December, 2008 MTA Conference
7Meeting Notes-Audio or Video Recordings
- State of Michigan Records Retention Schedule
- 25 - Township Clerks
- Notes, Audio or Visual recordings of meetings of
a township body made for the purpose of
transcribing the Minutes may be destroyed after
the meeting at which the Minutes are approved by
the public body. (MCL 15.269)
8Meeting Notes-Audio or Video RecordingsState
of Michigan Records RetentionGeneral Schedule
10 (MCL399.5)
- Minutes (Approved) are Permanent Records.
- Minutes (handwritten for transcription) retained
until approval of the minutes of the meeting to
which they refer. - Audio or Video recordings of meetings are
retained until approval of the written minutes of
the meeting to which the tapes refer.
9Grosse Ile TownshipAdministrative Policies
- 2.4 (4) Minutes
- The Clerk shall be responsible for maintaining
the official record and minutes of each meeting
of the Board, for presenting these to the Board
for approval, for publication of the minutes, and
for making such records available to the public
in strict conformance with the Freedom of
Information Open Meetings Acts.
10Grosse Ile TownshipAdministrative Policies
- 2.4 (5) Electronic Broadcast
- Per Section 6.8, all regular board meetings
shall be broadcast either live or by delayed
video tape over the Township municipal access
cable channel. Video taped copies of meetings
can be requested through the Clerks office
within ten (10) business days following the
meeting due to the reuse of the tapes.
11Meeting Agendas MinutesMichigan Townships
Association Guidelinesfrom An Introduction to
Township Board Meetings
- Draft Agenda prepared in advance, sent to
management Board for review prior to
publication. - Agenda sent to board members so they can be
prepared for the meeting. Items may be added or
deleted prior to approval. - Approved by the board at the meeting.
12Meeting Agendas MinutesMichigan Townships
Association Guidelinesfrom An Introduction to
Township Board Meetings
- Board members should review the Minutes of the
previous meeting before voting to approve them. - Note Our meeting packets including the Minutes
for approval are provided to the Board on Friday
before the meeting for review, questions and any
additional preparation.
13Public Comment Regular Special MeetingsOpen
Meetings Act
- Public body may establish reasonable rules in
order to minimize the possibility of disrupting
the meeting (MCL 15.263) - Townships should establish rules to determine how
they will conduct business at board meetings.
(MCL 42.7 (6)) Township Policies/Procedures 2.4 - Public has the right to attend watch the board
do its business.
14Public Comment Regular Special Meetings Open
Meetings Act - Continued
- Public does not have a right to participate in
deliberations or decisions of a township board,
although the board may always choose to
encourage and consider public input. - Public has a LIMITED right to participate through
the Open Meetings Act, in Public Comment
15Public Comment Regular Special MeetingsOpen
Meetings Act - Continued
- A person shall be permitted to address the public
body under rules established recorded by the
public body. (MCL 15.263) - Only one (1) public comment period is required by
law. A township board may choose to provide
additional opportunities to speak during its
meetings. (MCL 15.263)
16Public Comment Regular Special MeetingsOpen
Meetings Act - Continued
- A person shall be permitted to address a meeting
of the public body under the established rules, a
person shall not be excluded from a public
meeting except for breach of the peace at the
meeting. - From Michigan Municipal League Requirements for
Meetings, March 2006
17Public Comment Regular Special MeetingsOpen
Meetings Act - Continued
- Township Policies/Procedures 2.4
- Allows for two specific Public Comment areas, as
well as during each action discussion item
following board discussion. - A Trial Amendment is currently invoked
limiting Public Comment to once at the end of the
meeting and after each action or discussion item.
18Township Board Training
- November 13, 2008
- Clerks Welcome A-Board e-mail to the Board
- You all have received your MTA Guides to
Township Government explaining the myriad duties
we each are to perform. - The most important impression I can offer to
you at the beginning of this, our joint
adventure, is that we will ultimately develop a
family dynamic. We can choose to be
dysfunctional, or we can choose to be cooperative
and the fate of our community for the next four
years rests with that choice.
19Materials Provided to the New Board
- An Introduction to Township Board Meetings
Michigan Townships Assoc. - Authorities Responsibilities of Michigan
Township Officials, Boards and Commissions Red
Book - Township Policies Procedures Manual and
Management Employee Handbook
20Materials Provided to the New Board
- A similar Manual covering the duties of the
office of the Clerk, Treasurer and the Trustees
was distributed to the new board after the
election and before taking office
- Some Board Members have attended some of these
22(No Transcript)
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26Recent Seminar Offerings
- MTA On The Road, Fall Regional Meeting, October
7, 2009 - Delinquent Personal Property
- When Are You Going to do Something about These
Roads - Is Your Township Liable
- Managing the Modern Township Office
- Attended by Treasurer Van Os
- Trustee Kantz
- Trustee Johnson