Title: Discussion of ILC high luminosity parameters
1Discussion of ILC high luminosity parameters
- Andrei Seryi
- with suggestions from Tor Raubenheimerand
critical comments by Peter Tenenbaum and Andy
2Design challenges and 1 TeV high lumi case
- Extraction of the disrupted beam is one of ILC
challenges - Energy acceptance of extraction beamline is not
unlimited - so far achieved acceptance of approximately 35
to 100 - Need to treat E acceptance in a similar way as
other limits - like emittance growth in the linac, or
- DR emittance due to coupling or collective
effects -
- Below, a very tentative set of parameters is
suggested for discussion for 1 TeV high lumi case - It is designed to relax extraction line problems,
but it certainly push other parts of the design
3Version of parameters February 28,
2005 http//www-project.slac.stanford.edu/ilc/acce
ldev/beamparameters.html Extraction line
challenge low energy tail
500GeV CM, high lumi
500GeV CM, nominal
1TeV CM, high lumi
1TeV CM, nominal
4- For quick optimization used analytical expression
for spectrum after collision - Shape reproduced nicely, but the relative energy
is somewhat lower in GP simulations - Used as a criteria the energy, below which there
is less than 10W of tail
Beam-beam simulations with Guinea-Pig
500GeV CM nominal ---Input energy250 particles
2 sigma_x655 sigma_y5.7 sigma_z300 emitt_x10 e
mitt_y0.04 beta_x0.021 beta_y0.0004 frepnb141
----Output (analytical numbers) P_b11280000 Dx
0.16 Dy18.4 Hd1.69 LumG1.20e038 Lum2.03e038
P_beamstrh243670 Upsilon0.045 nG1.26 delB0.021
6 inc. pairs/bc total206900 Elower10W136 GeV
( 54.5)
Analytical shape P.Chen, K.Yokoya
5- For High Lumi 500 GeV CM, the 10W limit occur at
30 of the nominal energy (analytical number) - This case is barely works (or not) with 20mrad
extraction - Lets consider this 30 as the limit
----Output P_b11280000 Dx0.168 Dy21.71 Hd1.7
33 LumG2.837e038 Lum4.916e038 P_beamstrh78010
4 Upsilon0.13 nG1.73 delB0.069 inc. pairs/bc
total507646 Elower10W75 ( 30)
---Input energy250 particles2 sigma_x452 sigm
a_y3.5 sigma_z150 emitt_x10 emitt_y0.03 beta_x
0.01 beta_y0.0002 frepnb14100
6- For High Lumi 1 TeV CM, the 10W limit presently
occur at 13.3 of E0 - With present extraction design, with downstream
diagnostics, this set does not appear to work - Lets modify parameters so that 10W limit
increase at least to 30 of E0
----Output P_b18048000 Dx0.167 Dy21.46 Hd1.7
4 LumG4.488e038 Lum7.812e038 P_beamstrh317698
9 Upsilon0.369 nG2.22 delB0.176 inc. pairs/bc
total1084825 Elower10W66.5 ( 13.3)
---Input energy500 particles2 sigma_x320 sigm
a_y2.5 sigma_z150 emitt_x10 emitt_y0.03 beta_x
0.01 beta_y0.0002 frepnb11280
7- For new 1TeV high lumi case, basically need to
decrease ? more than twice, while keeping L
almost same and keeping Dy below 28 - aim for "high L" 2nominal, not higher
(presently high/nom2.8) - aim that disrupted beam tail has lt 10W below 30
of E0 - Remind scaling
- Reduction of ? twice seem to possible only with
twice longer bunch - Further reduce ? by increasing sx faster then N
(also helps to keep Dy lt 28) - Same sy with 2long bunch (twice by) require
smaller ey , gt slight increase of sy , so that
required ey is more feasible - In summary, the suggested 1TeV high L parameter
set has - twice longer bunch (300um, not 150um as in
present 1TeV high L set) - somewhat lower y emittance (0.023 , not 0.030)
- somewhat higher charge (2.4 , not 2.0)
- larger beam at IP (5502.7 , not 3202.5)
- higher y disruption ( 27 , not 21)
8- Suggested new 1 TeV High Lumi case
- If the higher charge is not possible, one can
reoptimize with somewhat lower luminosity
Suggested 1TeV high L ----Input
energy500 particles2.4 sigma_x550 sigma_y2.7
sigma_z300 emitt_x10 emitt_y0.023 beta_x0.029
6 beta_y0.00031 frepnb11280
----Output P_b21657600 Dx0.136 Dy27.75 Hd1.6
4 LumG3.48e038 Lum5.718e038 P_beamstrh1450127
Upsilon0.128 nG1.697 delB0.0669 inc. pairs/bc
total786246 Elower10W146.5 ( 29.3)
9February 28, 2005
Suggested for discussion
- The new 1TeV high L set need to be further
discussed - The biggest push is of course for DR performance
and LET performance - E.g. DR extracted emittance 18nm
- LET emittance dilution budget 5nm
- Other sets, e.g. high Lumi 500 GeV CM, need to be
considered from the same assumptions