Title: Innovative Classrooms: Mapping Your Way
1Innovative Classrooms Mapping Your Way
- David Richardson and Susan Tyree
2What Innovative Classrooms Look Like
- Authentic assessment
- Project-based learning
- Technology innovations
- School to career opportunities
Excerpted from Edutopia Online
3Performance Assessment
- Measure what kids can do with knowledge, not how
many right answers they can give to questions.
Seymour Papert
4Project Based Learning
- Students work together in groups to solve
challenging problems that are authentic,
curriculum-based, and often interdisciplinary.
Gwen Solomon, Technology and Learning - The teacher is learning at the same time as the
students and with the students
5Technology Innovation
- We have given students a research tool and
databases used by scientists, analysts, and
planners in the field.
6School to Work
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7What Innovative Classrooms Feel Like
What students do is meaningful
Students have a sense of accomplishment and pride
in their finished product
Students are engaged and motivated
Students take control of their learning
8What is GIS?
- GIS is a computer software that allows you to
store, analyze and display data LINKED TOGETHER
GEOGRAPHICALLY. - With this program you can manage information of
any kind according to where it is located.
9Data Can Be Queried
The data tables can be queried and the results
displayed geographically.
- The data is layered together in themes.
- Each theme of data has its own database of
attributes attached. - There are three types of themes polygons,
lines, and points.
11We can project Sugarloaf Key
12Adding GPS Data
- Points can be collected with GPS unit.
- These points can be downloaded into the GIS
13Data Added To GIS as a Table
14Table Data Added to View
15Publish to the Web
- Research and data can be combined to publish on
the web for authentic assessment of student
projects. - Key Largo School
- Sugarloaf School
- Where to publish
- School district web sites
- Web World Wonders
- David Richardson
- richardsond_at_monroe.k12.fl.us
- http//www.monroe.k12.fl.us/sls/
- Sugarloaf School
- 255 Crane Blvd.
- Summerland Key, FL 33042
- Telephone (305)-745-3282
Fax(305)-745-2019 - Florida Geographic Alliance
- Dr. Laurie Molina
- lmolina_at_admin.fsu.edu
- http//fga.freac.fsu.edu/
- Susan Tyree
- tyrees_at_monroe.k12.fl.us
- http//www.keylargoschool.com
- Key Largo School
- 104801 Overseas Highway
- Key Largo, FL 33037
- Telephone (305)-453-1255
- Fax 305-453-1248