Title: National Conference on Agriculture for Rabi Campaign 20092010
1National Conference on Agriculture for Rabi
Campaign 2009-2010
24-25th September, 2009 NASC, PUSA Complex, New
Delhi Presentation by Himachal Pradesh State
2Rainfall Pattern Kharif 2009
Source IMD, Shimla
3 District-wise Rainfall Pattern (1st June to
15th July, 2009 Peak Sowing)
Deficient 6 Districts, Scanty 4 Districts
Source IMD, Shimla
4 District-wise Rainfall Pattern (1st June to
22nd September, 2009)
Source IMD, Shimla
5Daily Actual Rainfall in H.P. State
Source IMD, Shimla
6Cumulative Departure of Daily Rainfall in H.P.
State (w.e.f. 1st June to 18th Sep., 2009)
Source IMD, Shimla
7Weekly Rainfall in H.P.State during 2009 (w.e.f.
1st week of May, 2009)
- After the 1st week of May, almost in all the
weeks the rainfall - was below normal
- During last three weeks the rainfall was above
from normal
Source IMD, Shimla
8Kharif Assessment 2009
9Rabi 2009-10 Targets
10Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana
(Rs. in lacs)
(Year 2008-2009)
Unspent Amount Rs.32.21 lacs revalidated
(Year 2009-2010)
Additional outlay of Rs.857 lacs received for
which meeting of SLSC is being held soon
11Sectoral Outlays and Expenditure 2009-2010
(Rs. in lacs)
(Rs. in lacs)
13Preparation of District Agriculture Plans/
State Agriculture Plan
? Multidisciplinary approach followed by
involving all stakeholders ? Working
groups comprising all related departments
were constituted in all districts to have
better coordination ? Block level teams
were constituted involving all
stakeholders ? SAU was appointed as a
Consultant ? DAPs of 11 District have been
prepared and being got approved from
District PlanningCommittees during
September-October, 2009 ? DAP of Una given to
CRRID by G.O.I. which is yet to be finalised
14Strengthening of Extension Machinery
? Extension Staff Sanctioned at Block
Level ? Agri. Ext. Officer (Graduate)
6 Nos ? Agri. Dev. Officer (Post
Graduate) 2 Nos ? Block Agri. Officer
1 No. ? Posts Sanctioned/ New
Recruitment to Strengthen Extension
Agencies ? Agri. Dev.
Officers 100 Nos ? Agri. Ext.
Officers 300 Nos
15Extension Reforms 2009-2010
- ? Funds approved by G.O.I. - Rs. 800.03 lacs
- Funds Released - Rs. 323.46
lacs ? SREPs of all 12 Districts prepared
and submitted to Government of India?
8 NGOs, 265 FIG and 77 FACs formed and are
complimenting extension activities - ? 977 FIGs and 228 Farm School being organized
in next 2 years - ? 67 Farm Schools organized on Cereals, Pulses,
- Vegetables and Fruits Crops
- ? Effective use of mass media/ TV/ Radio for
extension (Crop seminars, chat show,
phone-in-programme, Jingles, flash
messages, press news, Kisan Call Centre)
16Seeds (Availability, Treatment, Testing)
? Seed requirement for Rabi 2009-2010 1,15,750
qtls. ? Seeds arranged
85,750 qtls.
(30,000 qtls. seed potato to be
arranged after crop harvest in Nov.)
Seed Treatment
17Micro Irrigation (State Scheme)
(Rs. in crore)
Kharif 2009 (Availability)
(in M.T.)
19Rabi 2009-2010
(in M.T.)
20Integrated Nutrient Management (INM)
2009-2010(Target and Achievement)
NPK Ratio Achieved ? 4 1.3 1
? Fertilizer freight inadequate to move
material up to consumption points ? Fertilizer
manufactures are not supplying fertilizer
in the State (IPL, RCF- Ex Chandigarh and
NFL/ IFFCO Ex whole sale godowns) ?
Additional outlays under CSSs in view of
increase in subsidy ceilings