Title: Whats Happening In DC
1Whats Happening In DC?
- An Update from
- The Front Line
- Joel Mittler, Ed.D., Long Island University
- Brenda L. Heiman, Ph.D., Louisiana Tech
University - October 29, 2009
- ATIA Conference - Chicago
2DC Happenings
- A New Administration
- No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
(IDEA) - Money and then more money
- Annual Budget
- Economic Stimulus Act
3DC Happenings
4Barack Obama on Spec. Edu.
- Fully Fund IDEA
- They left the money behind for NCLB (for IDEA,
too) - Early Intervention for Children with Disabilities
- 10 Billion, Expand Early Head Start, Encourage
States to Expand Pt. C Prog. - Support Universal Screening, Voc Rehab.
- Improve College Opportunities for Stds. W.
Disabilities - Authorize a Study of Transition to Work and
Higher Ed. - Appointed Kareem Dale, Special Assistant to the
President for Disability Policy
5 Arne Duncan as new Secretary of Education
- Previously led Chicago schools
- Some criticism of his performance there for
students in Special Education - Agreed in confirmation hearings to
- Review highly qualified provision in NCLB for
Sped teachers - Support increased funding for Sped
- Favors students in Special Education using
alternative assessments in NCLB testing - Confirmed January 20, 2009
- Obama nominated Alexa Posny as Asst Secy. for
Special Education and Rehabilitation
6Civics 101 How a Bill Becomes a Law
- NCLB was up for reauthorization in the 110th
Congress, IDEA will be up this Congress. - Do you remember your civics lessons???
7Civics 101 How a Bill Becomes a Law
- House and Senate divide work into Committees
Subcommittees - Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
Committee (HELP) - Three Subcommittees
- Ted Kennedy, (D-MA), Chair
- House Edu Labor Committee
- Five Subcommittees
- George Miller, (D-CA), Chair
8Civics 101 How a Bill Becomes a Law
- Subcommittees and Committees write and pass bills
by majority (!!) vote - Chairs have extraordinary power to effect
legislation - House and Senate must pass bill (majority)
- Conference Committee when Senate and House
bills differ, go to conference, and then a revote - President can sign or veto bill
- Congress can override a veto
9No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
- On January 8, 2002, President Bush signed into
law the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. - The Act is said to be the most sweeping reform of
the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
since ESEA was enacted in 1965. - It is based on four basic principles stronger
accountability for results, increased flexibility
and local control, expanded options for parents,
and an emphasis on teaching methods that have
been proven to work.
10NCLB Update
- Late summer 2008, Cong. Miller issued 435 page
draft proposal to reauthorize NCLB - Heavily criticized by many groups and withdrawn
- Delayed until Obama Administration
- RTI included as one option (of several) for
failing schools - Growth Models also included
- Await Secretary Duncans input
11IDEA 2004 update
- Dec. 3, 2004 - IDEA 2004 signed into law
- June 21, 2005 - Proposed Regulations published
- September 6, 2005 - Comments on Proposed
Regulations due - August 14, 2006 - Final Regulations published
- Oct. 13, 2006 IDEA 2004 Regulations took effect
- May 13, 2008 - Addl Proposed IDEA 2004 rules
published - comments till July 28, 2008, Final
Regulations published Dec. 1, 2008 - Work has begun on the next Reauthorization!
- Oct. 1 - Fiscal Year Begins
- Feb. - President makes Budget requests
- April House Senate pass Budget (outline)
- Summer/Fall House Senate pass Appropriations,
Pres. signs - Oct. 1 Fiscal Year Begins
13Budget Issues
- No budget for FY2009 until March, 11, 2009
- Almost 6 months late
- President Obamas Budget Request for FY2010
issued on February 26, 2009 - Lacked specifics
- Focused on early childhood education, reform in
public schools, and strengthening higher
education access - Awaiting details
14IDEA Funding Local Schools
- Education is a State Responsibility
- IDEA is a Federal Law (Discrimination)
- Federal money go to States, then to Districts
- State money go to Districts (annual budget)
- Local districts raise the rest thru local
property taxes
15IDEA Full Funding
- IDEA2004 promised full funding glide path, not
mandatory - Average increase had been 1 Billion per year,
Full Funding required more - FY2008 State Grant increase - 165 million
- FY2009 (Bush) Admin. request - 337 million
- With inflation, increases children, Fed. Level
down to 17.2, not close to the promised 40 - ARRA takes us to 34.2 but will it continue?
16 Proposed Federal Budget Outlays Fiscal Year
2009 (Outlays in billions)
Source Department of Education and Office of
Management and Budget data (numbers may not add
due to rounding)
17IDEA Appropriation Info.(see following slides)
- Fiscal Year 2006
- Fiscal Year 2007
- Fiscal Year 2008
- Fiscal Year 2009
- Admin. (Obama) request for FY2010
- CEC Recommendation
18State and Local Grant Program(in thousands)
- Fiscal Year 2006 10,582,849
- Fiscal Year 2007 10,782,961
- Fiscal Year 2008 10,947,500
- Fiscal Year 2009 11,505,211
- ARRA 11,300,000
- Admin. request (FY2010) 11,505,211
- CEC Recommendation 14,434,200
19Preschool Grants(in thousands)
- Fiscal Year 2006 380,751
- Fiscal Year 2007 380,751
- Fiscal Year 2008 374,100
- Fiscal Year 2009 374,100
- ARRA 400,000
- Admin. request (FY2010) 374,100
- CEC Recommendation 774,100
20Early Intervention Program (Part C)(in thousands)
- Fiscal Year 2006 436,400
- Fiscal Year 2007 436,400
- Fiscal Year 2008 435,700
- Fiscal Year 2009 439,427
- ARRA 500,000
- Admin. request (FY2010) 439,427
- CEC Recommendation 939,427
21State Personnel Development Grants(in thousands)
- FY 2006 50,146
- FY 2007 0
- FY 2008 22,600
- FY 2009 48,000
- ARRA 0
- FY Admin. Request (FY 2010) 48,000
- FY 2008 CEC Recommends 181,662
22Personnel Preparation(in thousands)
- FY 2006 89,720
- FY 2007 89,720
- FY 2008 88,200
- FY 2009 90,653
- ARRA 0
- FY Admin. Request (FY 2010) 90,653
- FY 2008 CEC Recommends 339,102
23Technical Assistance, Model Demonstration
Projects, and Dissemination of Information(in
- FY 2006 48,903
- FY 2007 48,903
- FY 2008 48,000
- FY 2009 48,550
- ARRA 0
- FY Admin. Request (FY 2010) 48,550
- FY 2008 CEC Recommends 181,662
24Parent Training(in thousands)
- FY 2006 25,704
- FY 2007 25,704
- FY 2008 26,500
- FY 2009 27,028
- ARRA 0
- FY Admin. Request (FY 2010) 27,028
- FY 2008 CEC Recommends 96,886
25Technology Development, Demonstration and
Utilization, and Media Services(in thousands)
- FY 2006 38,428
- FY 2007 38,428
- FY 2008 39,300
- FY 2009 38,615
- ARRA 0
- FY Admin. Request (FY 2010) 38,615
- FY 2008 CEC Recommends 145,330
26Research in Special Education(in thousands)
- FY 2006 71,840
- FY 2007 71,840
- FY 2008 70,600
- FY 2009 48,000
- ARRA 0
- FY Admin. Request (FY 2010) 70,600
- FY 2008 CEC Recommends 266,438
- Research and Innovation was redesigned and
moved to the Institute of Education Sciences
(IES) within the Department of Education.
27Javits Gifted and Talented Grants(in thousands)
- Fiscal Year 2006 9,596
- Fiscal Year 2007 7,596
- Fiscal Year 2008 7,500
- Fiscal Year 2009 7,463
- Admin. request (FY2010) 0
- CEC Recommendation 20,000
- The President did not request any funds for the
Javits Gifted and Talented grants program for FY
28 More Students With Disabilities Federal Share
of Funding Decreasing Federal Share of Average
Per Pupil Expenditure vs. Full Funding (40
percent of the excess costs of educating
children with disabilities)
Federal Share
Full Funding ? Children Served Source
Congressional Research Service and U.S.
Department of Education, Projections of Education
Statistics to 2016
29American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
- Commonly known as the Economic Stimulus Package
- Focus is on Jobs Innovation
- Of the total of 787 billion, 105 billion for
education related programs - In addition, 4 billion for education tax credits
- But the really good news is
3012.2 Billion for Special Education -IDEA!!!
- 11.3 billion for Part B (school age)
- 400 million for Section 619 (preschool)
- 500 million for Part C (infants and toddlers)
- 53.6 billion for State Fiscal Stabilization Fund
(to help states) - for Title I, Head Start, Early Head Start,
IES (education research)
31ARRA Issues
- must be obligated by Sept. 30, 2011
- A one-shot deal??
- Avoid Funding Cliff
- Emphasize long term impact on children schools
- Demonstrate effectiveness
32CECs Federal Outlook
- CEC publishes the Federal Outlook for Exceptional
Children each year. - Currently accepting success stories for the book.
33CEC Provides
- Public Policy Department continually provides
up-to-the-minute information about Congressional
activities - Maintains constant communication with key
Congressional leaders on issues affecting our
constituents - Publishes entire set of support letters and bill
summaries for CAN representatives - Offers Legislative Action Center where you can
send letters to YOUR Congresspersons
34Purposes of CAN
- to effect the necessary public policy changes at
the local, state/province and federal levels
which will make possible the implementation of
CEC policies related to - a) the education of exceptional children
- b) the special education profession that serves
them, including the conditions of practice
35Purposes of CAN
- further vitalize CEC units (federations,
divisions, branches and chapters) by providing
meaningful vehicles for membership involvement
and CEC public visibility
36What Can CAN Do?
- CEC CAN representatives from across the nation
meet once/year - gather information from CEC and
Advocate in Congress! - CEC sends regular updates via e-mail - instant
information from DC on issues related to our
field - Influence on lawmakers is extensive from our
40,000 member organization
37What Can CAN Do?
- organize state-wide efforts
- provide updates at all Federation, Division,
Branch, or Chapter meetings - disseminate information and call for quick
38Want to join up???
- To be added to the TAM/CAN e-mail list, contact
- Joel Mittler at jmittler_at_liu.edu or
- Brenda Heiman at bheiman_at_flash.net
39CECs Headquarters
- www.cec.sped.org
- Suite 300
- 1110 North Glebe Road
- Arlington, VA 22201-5704
- Phone 1-800-224-6830
- Public Policy FAX 703/620-4334
40Thanks for Having Me