Introduction to PublicKey Cryptography - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to PublicKey Cryptography


In 1977, Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman invented the first trapdoor function, the RSA. ... information is stored on computers and transmitted over computer networks. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Introduction to PublicKey Cryptography

IntroductiontoPublic-Key Cryptography
by GAnn Adamov
CS 4140 UMSL Fall 2005
  • Introduction and History
  • Modern Cryptography
  • Number Theory
  • Public Key Encryption
  • The RSA Cryptosystems
  • RSA Vulnerabilities
  • Conclusion

Introduction and History
  • Cryptography - from the Greek words kryptos
    (secret) and graphos (writing)- has been a
    solution for secure communication over an
    insecure channel.
  • Two parties wish to communicate a secret message,
    but the communication line may not be secure. So,
    the parties agree on a pair of encryption and
    decryption algorithms, and a common secret key.
    Sender encodes a plain message using the
    encryption algorithm and transmits it over an
    insecure line. Receiver decrypts it using the
    decryption algorithm and the secret key. Any
    other party monitoring the line is unable to
    encrypt the message because of lack of the key.

Introduction and History
  • Encryption algorithms are very important for
    cryptography, because cryptography uses
    encryption algorithms to provide security and
  • There are two main classes of encryption
  • Symmetric ? Private Key encryption
  • Asymmetric ? Public Key Encryption

Introduction and HistorySymmetric-key
  • In 1943 Claude E. Shannon developed a rigorous
    theory of perfect secrecy, based on information
    theory, which required the encryption key to be
    as large as the encrypted message. A message
    would be encrypted by applying bitwise ? with the
    one time use portion of a secret key. Repeated
    use of a portion can easily reveal it by bitwise
    ? of two transmitted messages. When decoded by
    the receiver, by applying the same mathematical
    function and key portion, the original message
    will be produced.
  • The total length of the key must exceed the total
    length of all messages to be communicated, and no
    portion of a key should be used more than once to
    avoid the code break.

Modern CryptographyAsymmetric-key cryptosystems
  • The major drawback in classical cryptography is
    the need of the prior communication of the key
    over a secure channel, which is not always
  • The idea of public-key cryptosystem was
    introduced by Diffie and Hellman in 1976.They
    proposed the concept of a trapdoor function
    for implementation of PKC. A trapdoor function is
    a one way function that can only be inverted by
    knowing specific secret information available
    only to the receiver.
  • Modern cryptography is based on a gap between
    efficient algorithms for encryption for the
    legitimate users versus the computational
    infeasibility of decryption for the adversary.

Modern CryptographyAsymmetric-key cryptosystems
  • In public-key encryption methodology, it is
    highly infeasible to compute a private key based
    on the knowledge of the public key.
  • The advantage of key separation is in two parties
    not having to secretly agree on the keys. The
    encrypting key is published freely, and the
    recipient uses its corresponding private
    decrypting key to decode the cipher text.
  • A special software generates a pair of such
    encryption and decryption keys.

Modern CryptographyAsymmetric-key cryptosystems
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Modern CryptographyDigital Signatures
  • One of the most fundamental and useful inventions
    of modern cryptography.
  • A signature scheme provides a way for each user
    to sign messages, so that the signatures can
    later be verified by anyone else.
  • Each user creates matching pair of private and
    public keys, so he can sign the message using the
    private key, and recipient to verify it using
    the signers public key.
  • Mathematically, signing and authentication are
    very similar to message encryption and decryption
    with the role of public and private keys
  • Encryption and digital signing can be used in
    combination by applying keys from both methods.

Modern CryptographyDigital Signatures Example
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Number TheoryPrime Number Properties
  • This example demonstrates that sequential
    application of mathematical functions results in
    a value equal to the original argument.
  • Select primes p11, q3.
  • n pq 113 33phi (p-1)(q-1) 102 20
  • Choose e3, a number relatively prime to 2 and
    10, and therefore to phi20
  • Compute d such that ed 1 (mod phi)i.e.
    compute d e-1 mod phi 3-1 mod 20i.e. find a
    value for d such that phi divides (ed-1)i.e.
    find d such that 20 divides 3d-1.Simple testing
    (d 1, 2, ...) gives d 7Check ed-1 37 -
    1 20, which is divisible by phi.

Number TheoryPrime Number Properties (continued)
  • Now lets consider the following application of
    modular arithmetic
  • Show that me mod (pq) d mod (pq) m, for any
    m, and for p, q, e, d chosen as described above.
    First, pick m7, and compute cme mod (pq).73
    mod (311) 343 mod 33 13.Then, 137 mod
    (311) 62748517 mod 33 7.
  • Calculating me mod pq is easy, but calculating
    the inverse c-e mod n is very difficult for
    large ns. However, if we can factor n into its
    prime factors p and q, the solution becomes easy
    again, even for large n's. Obviously, if we can
    get hold of the secret exponent d, the solution
    becomes easy.

Public Key Encryption
  • In PKC there is a network of users u1..un unlike
    a pair of users in other encryptions.
  • Each user ui has a pair of keys ltPu, Su gt
    generated by algorithm G
  • To send a message m to ui, it is necessary to
    look up that users Pu in a public directory and
    encode m using publicly available algorithm E.
    The encrypted result CE(Pu, m) is then sent to
    ui over the open channel.
  • Upon receipt of C, the ui calculates D(Su, C)
    using Su, where D is public decryption algorithm.
  • The implementation of PKC provides that D(Su,
    E(Pu, m)) m (i.e. D and E act as invert math
    functions), and is defined by three public
    algorithms (G, E, D).

Public Key Encryption Algorithms
  • Formal definition of public-key encryption
  • Key-generating polynomial-time algorithm G that
    produces a pair of encryption/decryption keys (e,
    d) based on a certain security input (1k).(e, d)
    ? G(1k)
  • Polynomial time encryption algorithm E, that
    takes security input (1k), public key e, from
    range of G(1k) and message string m ? 0, 1k ,
    and produces cipher text c ? 0,1c ? E(1k ,e,
  • Polynomial time decryption algorithm D that takes
    security input (1k), private key d from the range
    of G(1k) and a cipher text c from the range of
    E(1k ,e, m), and produces output string m' ?
    0,1.prob(D(1k ,d, c) ? m' ) is negligible.

The RSA Cryptosystem
  • In 1977, Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman invented the
    first trapdoor function, the RSA.
  • The RSA algorithm can be used for both public key
    encryption and digital signatures. Its security
    is based on the difficulty of factoring large

The RSA Cryptosystem
  • RSA cryptosystem uses computation in the finite
    set of natural numbers, where n is a product of
    two very large distinct primes p and q. For such
    an integer n a function is defined f(n)(p-1)(q-
  • Let K (n, p, q, a, b) ab 1(mod(f(n))For
    any K (n, p, q, a, b) define encryption and
    decryption keys eK (x)xb mod n dK(y)ya mod
    n, where x and y are natural numbers
  • The public key is comprised of n and b, and the
    private key of p, q and a

The RSA CryptosystemImplementation
  • To start using RSA encryption, one must generate
    parameters first.
  • Generate two large prime numbers, p and q
  • N?pq and f(n)?(p-1)(q-1)
  • Choose a random b(1ltbltf(n)) such that gcd(b,
  • a ?b-1mod f(n)
  • The public key is (n,b) and the private key is
  • One way to break RSA is to compute factors of n.
  • Then finding f(n) becomes trivial, and
    computation of exponents a and b comes straight
    out of simple algorithm. The most computationally
    intensive step, however, is the factoring of n,
    and for that very reason pq must be large enough
    to make such computation infeasible. Generally,
    it is recommended for p and q to be 512-bit
    numbers, making n a 1024-bit number.

The RSA CryptosystemPrimality testing
  • Instead of generating large prime numbers, in
    reality large random numbers are generated which
    then tested for primality using randomized
    polynomial time Monte Carlo Algorithms such as
    Solovay-Strassen or Miller-Rabin.
  • These algorithms are fast (O(log2n) for n-bit
    number), but may possibly yield a false positive
  • Multiple consecutive applications of algorithms
    reduce probability of error.
  • According to the Prime number theorem, for
    randomly chosen p from 1..N, the probability of
    it being a prime is 1/ln(N).Therefore,a random
    512-bit odd integer will be prime with
    probability 2/ln(2512) 2/355.

The RSA CryptosystemPrimality testing
Solovay-Strassen Algorithm
  • The Solovay-Strassen primality test runs as
    follows on input an odd integer n and an integer
    k, indicating the desired reliability.
  • 1. Test if n be for integers b, e gt 1 if so,
    output composite and terminate.
  • 2. Randomly choose a1, a2,ak ? 1, 2, n -1.
  • 3. If gcd(ai, n)?1 for any 1 i k then output
    composite and terminate.
  • 4. Calculate ?i ai (n-1)/2 mod n and ßi
    Jn(ai). Where J is a Jacobi symbol
  • 5. If for any 1 i k, ?i ? ßi mod n then
    output composite. If for all 1 i k ?i ßi
    mod n then output probably prime.
  • Every step runs in polynomial time, therefore
    algorithms complexity is polynomial in log(n)
    and k. If n is composite then Prai ßi mod n
    1/2 and thus Prai ßi mod n for 1 i k

The RSA CryptosystemPrimality testing
Miller-Rabin Algorithm
  • Another algorithm for determining if the number
    is prime.
  • It runs as follows on input of an odd integer n
    and an integer k, indicating the desired
  • Randomly choose b1, b2, bk? 1, 2,..,n-1.
  • Let n-12lm where m is odd
  • For 1 i k compute bim mod n by repeated
  • Compute bi2jm mod n for j1,2,,l. If for some
    j,b2j-1m ? 1 mod n but bi2jm1 mod n then
    witness condition Wn(bi) holds
  • If bin-1 1 mod n then Wn(bi) holds
  • If for any 1 i k, Wn(bi) then output
    composite. If for all 1 i k, Wn(bi) does not
    hold then output probably prime.
  • The algorithm runs correctly with high
  • PrMiller-Rabin outputs probably prime n is
    composite (1/4) k
  • PrMiller-Rabin outputs probably prime n is
    prime 1

RSA VulnerabilitiesFactoring Algorithms
  • The most obvious way to attack the RSA
    Cryptosystem is to attempt to factor the public
  • The most effective three algorithms are Quadratic
    Sieve, Elliptic Curve and Number Field Sieve.
  • The other well known are Pollards rho-method and
    p-1 algorithm, Williams p1 algorithm, the
    continued fractional algorithm and trial

RSA VulnerabilitiesFactoring Pollards p-1
  • Lets consider a relatively simple algorithm for
    factoring large integers which is based on
    modular arithmetic.
  • Let n be the composite number that we want to
    factor. Pollards algorithm assumes if there
    exists integers e and a such that ae 1 mod p
    and ae ? 1 mod q for some prime factors p and q
    of n.
  • Choose an integer e that is a multiple of all
    integers less than some bound B.
  • Choose a random integer a between 2 and n-2
  • Compute ae mod n by repeated squaring.
  • Compute d gcd (ae-1, n) by Euclidian algorithm.
    If 1 lt d lt n output the nontrivial factor d.
    Otherwise, repeat from step 2 with a new choice
    for a.

RSA VulnerabilitiesFactoring Pollards p-1
  • Example
  • Suppose n15770708441.Select B180 then a2180!
    mod 15770708441, so d135979In fact 15770708441
    / 135979115979 So 15770708441 135979115979
    and 13597823131173 1159782103563
  • Therefore by taking B173, it will guarantee that
    B! is divisible by 135978.

  • The idea behind public-key cryptosystem is that
    it might be possible to find one where it is
    computationally infeasible to determine
    decryption key given the encryption key. The
    advantage of public-key system is that one user
    can send an encrypted message to another user, by
    using recipients public key. The recipient will
    be the only one able to decrypt cipher text using
    its private key.
  • Modern cryptography is very important issue for
    providing security and privacy for e-commerce,
    which is conducted electronically. In addition to
    that, it is very important where personal
    information is stored on computers and
    transmitted over computer networks. Cryptography
    has a tremendous potential to enrich mathematics
    education and some encryption algorithms used in
    cryptography have basic mathematical concepts.

  • Douglas R. Stinson. Cryptography Theory and
    Practice. Second Edition.
  • Lecture notes on cryptography
  • http//
  • Cryptography Education for Students
  • http//www.umsl.edu2263/iel5/9391/29802/01358246.
  • RSA Algorithm
  • http//
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