Title: Athenswifi:%20??
1Athenswifi ??µ?s?? ?s??µat? ???t?? st? ???t??
t?? ????a?
- ?e?t????? ???????
- ??? / ????
????t?? ?p??es?e? ?e????????? ??µ???
??t?µata ?p?st?µ????? S?µß????? ??a t? ?t?/??? -
- ????????S???? ???G????? ?t?
- ???? ???pt??? ?s??µat?? ??????????? ?p?d?µ??
?a? ??????s? ??t?s?? ?s??µat?? ?p??es???
??ad??t??? se ????s???ast??? ???te?????? ?????? - ???s???s? 84
- ????a? 4 ?p????????e?
- ??t?? 4.2 ???pt??? ?p?d?µ?? ???t??? ??p????
???sßas?? - ?at?????a ?????? 3 ??????s? t?? a??pt????
??t?s?? e?????????? ?p??es???
3Athenswifi ?st?????
- ? p??sp??e?a ?e????se t? 2004
- ??? ?????? 2006 e?e???p??????e t? as??µat? d??t??
st?? p?ate?a S??t??µat??
4Athenswifi ?st?????
- ?? Sept?µß??? 2007 t? as??µat? d??t?? epe?t????e
st?? pe????? t?? T?se??? ?a? t?? p?ate?a? ??t???.
5Athenswifi ?µß??e?a - S??ta?µa
- S?µa se ????? t??? e??te?????? ?????? t??
p?ate?a? S??t??µat?? (pa?????a, ?afet???e?)
6Athenswifi ?µß??e?a - T?se??
- S?µa se ????? t??? e??te?????? ?????? ap? t?
sta?µ? t?? ?S?? µ???? ?a? p??? ap? t?? p?ate?a
T?se??? (?p. ?a????, pa?????a, ?afet???e?, ?????
???, µ???? ?s?µ?t??)
7Athenswifi ?µß??e?a p?. ??t???
- S?µa se ????? t??? e??te?????? ?????? t??
p?ate?a? ??t???
8Athenswifi ?e????? ?e????af? ?e?t?????a?
9Athenswifi ?e????? ?e?t???? S?µe?? ??as??des??
10Athenswifi ?st?se??da
- ?st?se??da t?? ????? www.athenswifi.gr
- Stat?st??? st???e?a Real-Time
- G?a t? s????? t?? s?µe???
- ??? p?ate?a
- ?d???e? ??as??des??
11Athenswifi ?st?se??da
Stat?st??? Real-Time
12Athenswifi ??ad??as?a S??des??
- 3 ap?? ß?µata
- 1) S??d?esa? st? as??µat? d??t?? µe SSID
athenswifi - 2) ?e ??a browser p??a??e?? se ?p??ad?p?te
?st?se??da - 3) ??t????fe?? ??a ???µe?? se ??a ?e?? p?a?s??
?a? pat?? ??
13(No Transcript)
14Athenswifi Stat?st???
15Athenswifi Stat?st???
16Athenswifi Stat?st???
17Athenswifi Stat?st???
18S???????? a???µ?? ???st?? ap? t?? a??? t?? ????? 16.190
S???????? a???µ?? s??d?se?? ap? t?? a??? t?? ????? 74.027
S???????? ????? ded?µ???? p?? ????? µetafe??e? 3,82 TB
St???e?a ??µpt?, 27 ?a?t??? 2008 (2337)
19San Francisco Municipal Wireless
- ???? Wikipedia
- is a canceled municipal wireless network
- 2004 p??s???s? ap? ??µ?t??? ???? SF
- 2006 Earthlink/Google
- 1Mbps µe p????µ?/300Kbps d??e??
- 12/2007 Earthlink staµat? t? ???? µe???a ??st?
?atas?e???/s??t???s??/?e?t?????a?, ????st?
e?d?af????/a?ta????sµ?? ISPs. - ?? ?d?? µe p??a p???? wifi blankets se ??e? t??
??? (Milwaukee, Philadelphia ??p) .
20- Businessweek (15.8.07)
- Why Wi-Fi Networks Are Floundering
- http//www.businessweek.com/technology/content/aug
2007/tc20070814_929868.htm - ?e??te? ß??s?µ?t?ta? ??a ???s? ap? 20-30
p????sµ?? - ??a?µat??? ??t?s? st? 1-2 p????sµ??
- ??ta????sµ?? ap? ISPs
- p.?. st? LOMPOC (CA)
- wifi 16/month vs Comcast µe ADSL 33/month
- Corpus Christi/TX
- EarthLink about 200,000 a year to operate its
Wi-Fi network, which covers 146 square miles - The city built out its initial network for
between 6 million and 7 million,
21???? e??a? t? µ????? sta Municipal Wifi
- S?µp????µat???-d??e?? ?p??es?a se p???te? (ß??pe
?a??s? ??p) - ?st?asµ??? se s?µe?a e?d?af????t??, s?????t??s??
??sµ?? - ???t??? Meraki-FON (e?e???t???? d?aµ???asµ?? p.?.
ADSL bandwidth)
?e? d?afa??eta? ß??s?µ? ??p??? ???? business
model (p.?. WISPs)
22Athenswifi S??te?est??
23Athenswifi ?p????????a
- ??e?t?????? ??e????s? athenswifi_at_cslab.ece.ntua.gr
24Athenswifi Stat?st???
25Athenswifi Stat?st???
26Athenswifi Stat?st???
27Athenswifi Stat?st???
28Athenswifi Stat?st???
29Athenswifi Stat?st???
30Athenswifi Stat?st???
31Athenswifi Stat?st???
32Athenswifi Stat?st???