Title: Creating an Environment for Learner Centered Leadership
1Creating an Environment for Learner Centered
- First Year of an Emerging Model of Professional
Development for School Administrators
2What is the Learner Centered Leadership program?
- 3 year USDoE sponsored training grant (Title II,
Subpart B, 2151, School Leadership). - An emerging and co-constructed model of
professional development for school
administrators in four urban school districts in
partnership with university.
3What is learner centered leadership?
Alternate framing in which school leaders are
learners focus on learning focus on systems
thinking focus on central role of community
4Average Student Scores on AIMS for Reading,
Writing, and Mathematics for Participating
Schools, Districts, and State Averages
5Average Percentage of Students at or above
Proficiency on AIMS in Reading, Writing, and
Mathematics by School, District, and State Average
6Average Percentile Ranks-SAT 9 for Participating
Schools, Districts and State Averages
7Participant Information (Gender and
8Participant Information (Educational Position)
9Participant Retention
10First 18 Months of the Project(for Rising and
Accomplished Leaders)
- Needs Assessment
- Development of Relationships (Team and Trust
Building) - District Experiences and Programs
- Technology Integration
- Co-construction of Thematic Strands
- Negotiation of Action Plans
- Mentoring Workshop
- Implementation of Action and Mentor Plans
- Reflection and Celebration
11TELSA Average Results (Rising Administrators,
February 1, 2003)
12LEADNA Average Results (Rising Administrators,
February 2003)Completed surveys N102, LEADNA
Class Score 4.22
13Assessment of Needs and Brainstorming Session
Rising 1. Leadership vs. Management 2.
Effecting Change Dealing with Resistance
(systems thinking) 3. Student Achievement/Success
for All Students
- Accomplished
- Communication
- Learner-Centered Leadership
- Human Relations
- Management
14Average Results of Self-Assessment (Accomplished
Administrators, February 1, 2003)
Participants were asked to rate their expertise
using a Likert scale (1weak, 5strong) on
processes related to ten administrative
15Action Goals in Relation to Educational
Categories (November, 2003)
16Six Attributes of Action Learning Plans (Rising
- Specific
- Observable and Measurable
- Data Driven
- Continuous and Ongoing
- Sustainable
- Critically Six Attributes of Action Learning
Plans (Rising Administrators) Reflective
17Co-Constructed Themes or Strands(by Mentors and
University Team)
- Human Relations, Communication and Legal
Reasoning - Learner Centered Leadership
- Language and Cultural Diversity
- Mediating Change/Dealing w/ Resistance
18Participation in Each Strand (December,
2003-March, 2004)
19Average Attendance Rates by District
20Technology Support for Mentoring
21Comments (by Mentors) on Mentoring Process
- I have had to do a lot of reflection about my
skills and abilities as an administrator. I have
also been working at developing my concept of
mentoring and how to mentor in an effective
manner. - I think that it is always a positive experience
to share what youve learned with others. It also
helps you to re-evaluate the type and kinds of
activities that help you to be a more effective
leader. - Giving the mentees an opportunity to dialog with
us about areas that are CURRENTLY challenging
them, like bringing a current issue and having us
brainstorm possible solutions is an effective way
for them to learn a variety of problem solving
strategies. We also need to find a way to offer
them point-in-time assistance! - As an experienced administration unfortunately
it is not often that we can dialogue with
principals from other districts. The dialogue
with other administrators within the
multicultural strand has been worthwhile. I have
enjoyed hearing them speak about what they are
doing within their schools. - The process has allowed me continual time to
self-reflect on my own practices. It is also
helpful to hear how others solved problems and
get ideas that I may be able to implement at my
22Comments (Rising Administrators)
- The action plan helps me to address my now more
specific needs. I am attempting to work more
effectively toward those things identified by a
team evaluating my school. - I have found that the LCL meetings have provided
me with the networking I was looking for. It has
helped to build relationships with other
administrators and provided a forum for organized
discussions which are relevant to me and my
professional growth. I feel that as a result of
the meetings I now have a network of people I can
turn to for advice and to bounce ideas off. - I believe the action planning will help me to
formalize my personal professional plan which
with out this process I might have not done. I
believe it will help me to address issues I might
have ignored had I not developed a formal plan of
action. - I think often people are geared toward action
with out taking time to go through a process
which enables sustainable change. I think this
process has been just that a process. With out
the strand sessions we would not ultimately get
the best most desirable results. They have been
very useful and enlightening. - The specific strand sessions have been the most
beneficial part of the program. It is wonderful
that these strands have been tailored to meet our
needs. I would like to see more research
discussed during these sessions. - I am getting stretched outside of my comfort
zone and I look forward to getting into groups
and sharing ideas.