Title: About WHO
1About WHO
- Prof Adik Wibowo
- WHO Representative to Myanmar
Sharing information at the University of Public
Health, Yangon-MYANMAR, October 23, 2008
2World Health Organization
- World Health Organization is a specialized agency
under the United Nations System responsible for
health - The mission of WHO is the attainment by all
peoples of the highest possible level of health - Headquarters is in Geneva, Regional Office for
South East Asia (SEARO) in New Delhi and Country
office for Myanmar is in Yangon - WHO is a technical agency not a donor agency
- WHO is an intergovernmental organization not an
3World Health Organization
- WHO experts produce health guidelines and
standards, and help countries to address public
health issues. - WHO also supports and promotes health research.
- Through WHO, governments can jointly tackle
global health problems and improve peoples
4WHO Constitution
- WHOs Constitution came into force on 7 April
1948 a date we now celebrate every year as
World Health Day. - Basic Agreement between WHO and Government of
Union of Myanmar for provision of technical
advisory assistance was signed on September 20th,
1957 between the Ministry of national planning
and the Regional Director of SEARO.
5- Dr Margaret Chan
- Director General
- Chief Technical Admin Officer
6Headquarters Regional Offices
- HQ
- Geneva, Switzerland
- Regional Offices
- Region of Americas (Washington)
- European Region (Copenhagen)
- Eastern Mediterranean Region (Cairo)
- African Region (Brazzaville)
- South East Asia Region (New Delhi)
- Western Pacific Region (Manila)
http//www.who.int/en/ http//devserver.paho.
org/ http//www.euro.who.int/ http//www.emro.who.
int/index.asp http//www.afro.who.int/ http//www.
searo.who.int/ http//www.wpro.who.int/
7WHO HQ and its Regional Offices
8- Dr Samlee Plianbangchang
- Regional Director
- South East Asia Region
9World Health Assembly
- The World Health Assembly is the supreme
decision-making body for WHO. It meets every
year in May in Geneva, and is attended by
delegations from all 193 Member States
10Executive Board
- The Executive Board is composed of 34 members
technically qualified in the field of health.
Members are elected for three-year terms. The
main Board meeting, at which the agenda for the
forthcoming Health Assembly is agreed upon and
resolutions are adopted for forwarding to the
Health Assembly, is held in January, with a
second shorter meeting in May, immediately after
the Health Assembly, for more administrative
11WHO Regional Committee
12Health Ministers Meeting
13The Sub-Committee on Policy and Programme
Development and Management (SPPDM)
14WRs WHO Representatives meeting
15DG delegates authority to Regional Directors
- RDs delegate to WRs
- WRs may delegate to other staff under her
16Organizational Chart WHO SEARO
17Various websites of WHO country offices
- Bangladesh
- Bhutan
- DPR Korea
- India
- Indonesia
- Maldives
- Myanmar
- Nepal
- Sri Lanka
- Thailand
- Timor-LesteÂ
http//www.whoban.org/ http//www.whobhutan.org/EN
/Index.htm http//www.dprk.searo.who.int/EN/Index.
htm http//www.whoindia.org/EN/Index.htm http//ww
w.who.or.id/ http//www.who.org.mv/EN/Index.htm ht
tp//www.whomyanmar.org/EN/Index.htm http//www.ne
p.searo.who.int/EN/Index.htm http//www.whosrilank
a.org/EN/Index.htm http//w3.whothai.org/ http//w
18Organizational Chart WR Myanmar
19WHO Programmes
- Approved workplans authorize WR to implement
planned WHO/MoH collaborative activities
20WHO Country Cooperation Strategy 2008-2011 Myanmar
- Areas of Priority
- Improve health system performance
- Reduce excess burden of disease
- Improve health conditions for mothers, children
and adolescents
21Source of WHO Funding
- Assessed Contribution
- WHO receives its funding principally through
assessed contributions from Member States - Voluntary Contribution
- WHO is currently financed largely from voluntary
contributions donated by various donors.
22Component-wise allocation of Regular Budget
2008-2009 fundsTotal Budget - US5,455,000
23Types of WHO Contracts
APW Agreement of Performance of Work
24DFC Direct Financial Contract
25TSA Technical Service Agreement
26WHO Country Office, Myanmar Traders Hotel, A
floor, Yangon
27WR office
28WCO MMR - office staff
29Regional Surveillance Officers (RSO) office
teamOne team in each division/ state
30Nargis field officers, office team (Laputta,
Bogale, Pathein)
31Regional meeting/workshops
32National meeting/workshops
33WHO Publications
WHO Bulletin
WHO Myanmar Newsletter
SEARO Bulletin
34Guideline in local Myanmar language
352007 New year gifts
36The Calcutta Declaration, 1999 Basis for
development of Public Health Education in SEAR
37WHO relationship with UoPH MMR
38Employment with WHO
- Professional Staff
- Applicants are normally required to have a
university degree as well as a relevant
postgraduate specialization, experience at
national and/or international level in the
required field of public health and development
issues. - Generally, we seek applications from candidates
in the following fields - Health related medical officers
epidemiologists public health specialists
related paramedical fields environmental health
specialists health scientists statisticians
health economists policy analysts. - Non health-related finance human resources
informatics legal general administration. - Often, the professional technical staff act as
advisers in public health to Member states.
Candidates should therefore normally have
substantial training and experience in this field
before they can be considered for an assignment.
Because of WHO's particular needs and the keen
competition, we are able to offer appointments
only to very few applicants. Applications are
carefully considered against current and
projected vacancies. - Website adress for employment with WHO
39Thank you.Questions?