Title: Rocks and Weathering
1Rocks and Weathering
2Q1. What do we call a naturally occurring
aggregate of minerals?
3A1. Rock
4Q2. What do we call the physical, biological or
chemical breakdown of rocks?
5A2. Weathering
6Q3. What do we call the transport of weathered
7A3. Erosion
8Q4. What do we call the deposition (laying down)
of small particles of rock, usually on a sea or
river bed?
9A4. Sedimentation
10Q5. What word means rubbing away, for example
when rocks are swept along by a river?
11A5. Abrasion
12Q6. What do you call the place where a river
joins the sea?
13A6. An estuaryA delta
14Q7. What do you call a valley full of flowing ice?
15A7. A glacier
16Q8. Give a word that means able to soak up liquid
like a sponge
17A8. Porous
18Q9. Name a hard, white form of calcium carbonate
that can be polished and that is used to make
19A9. Marble
20Q10. Name a soft, white form of calcium carbonate
that forms the cliffs near Dover.
21A10. Chalk
22Q11. Name a form of calcium carbonate that is
softer than marble but harder than chalk.
23A11. Limestone
24Q12. Name a hard, igneous rock with large pink,
grey, black and white crystals.
25A12. Granite
26Q13. Name a black, volcanic rock with tiny
27A13. Basalt
28Q14. Name the shiny black, glassy volcanic rock
which has no crystals in it.
29A14. Obsidian
30Q15. Name a light grey volcanic rock that floats
on water. It is used to remove hard skin.
31A15. Pumice
32Q16. What do we call liquid drops that fall from
the sky in a storm?
33A16. Rain
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