Title: Spin and Charge Transport in Carbon-based Molecular Devices
1Spin and Charge Transport in Carbon-based
Molecular Devices
- Rafael Gutierrez
- Molecular Computing Group
- University of Regensburg
- Germany
2Carbon-based electronics
Green function techniques
F. Grossmann, RG and R. Schmidt, ChemPhysChem 3,
101 (2002)
5CNT-C60-CNT junctions
Motivation C. Joachim et al. Phys. Rev. B 58,
16407 (1998) compression J. J. Palacios
et al. Nanotechnology 12, 160 (2001) charge
Alternative way to modify the transmission ?
RG, G. Fagas, G. Cuniberti, F. Grossmann, K.
Richter, and R. Schmidt, Phys. Rev. B65, 11341
6- Structural optimization is essential
- Strong mixing of CNT-states with C60 molecular
orbitals lifting of degeneracies
7- Strong orientational dependence of the
conductance! - Variations of 2-3 orders of magnitude near EF
8Do the caps introduce something new ?
9Evolution of the projected DOS with increasing
(a-gtd) CNT-C60 separation
10Metallisation via unconventional MIGS
NO !
RG, G. Fagas,K. Richter, F. Grossmann and R.
Schmidt, Europhys. Lett. 62, 90 (2003)
11Switching behaviour
12GMR in FM-MWCNT-FM junctions
13A minimal model
14Paramagnetic case P0
- Conductance(EF ,tin0) 2G0 for full contacted
MWCNT expected value for infinite metallic DWCNT
4G0 (tin0) - channel blocking charge transferCNT-metal
contact symmetry
see also e.g., S. Sanvito et al. Phys. Rev.
Lett. 84, 1974 (2000) J. J. Palacios et al.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 106801 (2003)
15Ferromagnetic case P0.5
- full contact GMR lt 0
- partial contact GMR gt 0
- GMR weakly affected by tin
- Charge neutrality essential
S. Krompiewski, RG and G. Cuniberti,
16Elastic transport
GMR in FM-DWCNT-FM junctions
(capped) CNT-C60-CNT
Incommensurability structural disorder
Inelastic transport electron-vibron
coupling Keldysh NEGF techniques
G. Cuniberti (MC-Group,Uni Regensburg) G. Fagas
(NMRC, Cork, Ireland, Poster) K. Richter (Uni
Regensburg) S. Krompiewski (IfMP-Poznan,
Poster) M. Hartung (Uni Regensburg, Poster) N.
Ranjan (TU-Dresden, Poster) G. Seifert (TU
Dresden, Talk Fri. 1135) F. Grossmann
(TU-Dresden) R. Schmidt (TU-Dresden) A. Di Carlo
(Tor Vergata, Rome, Talk Wed. 1430) A. Pecchia
(Tor Vergata, Rome, Poster) M. Gheorghe (Uni
Regensburg, Poster) C. Böhme (Uni Marburg)