Chap 8: Estimation of parameters - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chap 8: Estimation of parameters


of Multinomial Cell Probabilities ... Here the multinomial cell probabilities are functions of other unknown parameters ; that is ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chap 8: Estimation of parameters

Chap 8 Estimation of parameters Fitting of
Probability Distributions
  • Section 6.1 INTRODUCTION
  • Unknown parameter(s) values must be estimated
    before fitting probability laws to data.

Section 8.2 Fitting the Poisson Distribution to
Emissions of Alpha Particles (classical example)
  • Recall The Probability Mass Function of a
    Poisson random variable X is given by
  • From the observed data, we must estimate a value
    for the parameter

What if the experiment is repeated?
  • The estimate of will be viewed as a random
    variable which has a probability distn
    referred to as its sampling distribution.
  • The spread of the sampling distribution reflects
    the variability of the estimate.
  • Chap 8 is about fitting the model to data.
  • Chap 9 will be dealing with testing such a fit.

Assessing Goodness of Fit (GOF)
  • Example Fit a Poisson distn to counts-p240
  • Informally, GOF is assessed by comparing the
    Observed (O) and the Expected (E) counts that are
    grouped (at least 5 each) into the 16 cells.
  • Formally, use a measure of discrepancy such as
    the Pearsons chi-square statistic
  • to quantify the comparison of the O and E counts.
  • In this example,

Null distn
  • is a random variable (as a function of random
    counts) whose probability distn is called its
    null distribution. It can be shown that the null
    distn of is approximately the chi-square
    distn with degrees of freedom df no. of cells
    no. of independent parameters fitted 1.
  • Notation df 16 (cells) 1(parameter ) 1
  • The larger the value of , the worse the fit.

  • Figure 8.1 on page 242 gives a nice feeling of
    what a p-value might be. The p-value measures
    the degree of evidence against the statement
    model fits data well Poisson is the true
  • The smaller the p-value, the worse the fit or
    there is more evidence against the model.
  • Small p-value means then rejecting the null or
    saying that the model does NOT fit the data
  • How small is small ?
  • when P-value lt ALPHA,
  • where ALPHA is the level of confidence.

8.3 Parameter EstimationMOM MLE
  • Let the observed data be a random sample i.e. a
    sequence of I.I.D. random variables
    whose joint distribution depends on an unknown
    parameter (scalar or vector).
  • An estimate of will be a random variable
    function of the whose distn
    is known as its sampling distn.
  • The standard deviation of the sampling distn
    will be termed as its standard error.

8.4 The Method of Moments
  • Definition the (popn) moment of a random
    variable X is denoted by and its
    (sample) moment by
  • is viewed as an estimate of
  • Algorithm MOM estimates parameter(s) by finding
    expressions for them in terms of the lowest
    possible (popn) moments and then substituting
    (sample) moments into the expressions.

8.5 The Method of Maximum Likelihood
  • Algorithm Let be a
    sequence of I.I.D. random variables.
  • The likelihood function is
  • The MLE of is that value of that
    maximizes the likelihood function or maximizes
    the natural logarithm (since the logarithm is
    monotonic function)
  • The log-likelihood function
    is then to be maximized to get
    the MLE.

8.5.1 MLEs of Multinomial Cell Probabilities
  • Suppose that , the counts in
    cells , follows a multinomial
    distribution with total count n and cell
  • Caution the marginal distn of each is
  • BUT the are not INDEPENDENT i.e. their joint
    PMF is not the product of the marginal PFMs. The
    good news is that the MLE still applies.
  • Problem Estimate the ps from the xs.

8.5.1a MLEs of Multinomial Cell Probabilities
  • To answer the question, we assume n is given and
    we wish to estimate
  • From the joint PMF
    , the log-likelihood becomes
  • To maximize such a log-likelihood subject to the
    constraint , we use a
    Lagrange multiplier to get after

8.5.1b MLEs of Multinomial Cell Probabilities
  • Deja vu note that the sampling distn of the
    is determined by the binomial distns
    of the
  • Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium GENETICS
  • Here the multinomial cell probabilities are
    functions of other unknown parameters that is
  • Read example A on page 260-261.

8.5.2 Large Sample Theory for MLEs
  • Let be an estimate of a parameter based
  • The variance of the sampling distn of many
    estimators decreases as the sample size n
  • An estimate is said to be a consistent estimate
    of a parameter if approaches as the
    sample size n approaches infinity.
  • Consistency is a limiting property that does not
    require any behavior of the estimator for a
    finite sample size.

8.5.2 Large Sample Theory for MLEs (contd)
  • Theorem Under appropriate smoothness conditions
    on f , the MLE from an I.I.D sample is consistent
    and the probability distn of
    tends to N(0,1). In other words, the large
    sample distribution of the MLE is approximately
    normal with mean (say, the MLE is
    asymptotically unbiased ) and its asymptotic
    variance is
  • where the information about the parameter is

8.5.3 Confidence Intervals for MLEs
  • Recall that a confidence interval (as seen in
    Chap.7) is a random interval containing the
    parameter of interest with some specific
  • Three (3) methods to get CI for MLEs are
  • Exact CIs
  • Approximated CIs using Section 8.5.2
  • Bootstrap CIs

8.6 Efficiency Cramer-Rao Lower Bound
  • Problem Given a variety of possible estimates,
    the best one to choose should have its sampling
    distribution highly concentrated about the true
  • Because of its analytic simplicity, the mean
    square error, MSE, will be used as a measure of
    such a concentration.

8.6 Efficiency Cramer-Rao Lower Bound (contd)
  • Unbiasedness means
  • Definition Given two estimates, and , of
    a parameter , the efficiency of relative to
  • defined to be
  • Theorem (Cramer-Rao Inequality)
  • Under smooth assumptions on the density
    of the IID sequence
    when is an
    unbiased estimate of , we get the lower bound

8.7 Sufficiency
  • Is there a function
    containing all the information in the sample
    about the parameter ?
  • If so, without loss of information the original
    data may be reduced to this statistic
  • Definition a statistic
    is said to be sufficient for if the
    conditional distn of , given T
    t, does not depend on for any value t
  • In other words, given the value of T, which is
    called a sufficient statistic, one can gain no
    more knowledge about the parameter from
    further investigation with respect to the sample

8.7.1 a Factorization Theorem
  • How to get a sufficient statistic?
  • Theorem A a necessary and sufficient condition
    for to be sufficient for
    a parameter is that the joint PDF or PMF
    factors in the form
  • Corollary A if T is sufficient for , then the
    MLE is a function of T.

8.7.2 The Rao-Blackwell thm
  • The following theorem gives a quantitative
    rationale for basing an estimator of a parameter
    on an existing sufficient statistic.
  • Theorem Rao-Blackwell Theorem
  • Let be an estimator of with
    for all Suppose that T is sufficient for
  • and let .
  • Then, for all ,
  • The inequality is strict unless

8.8 Conclusion
  • Some key ideas in Chap.7 such as sampling
    distributions, Confidence Intervals were
  • MOM and MLE were applied to some distributional
    theory approximations.
  • Theoretical concepts of efficiency, Cramer-Rao
    lower bound, and efficiency were discussed.
  • Finally, some light was shed in Parametric
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