Title: Gray Fox Team Back to School Night Agenda
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2- Gray Fox Team Back to School Night Agenda
- Welcome
- Field Trip Bald Eagle State Park
- We need Parent Volunteers!
- Introductions
- Kristie Putt
- Kari Smith
- Mark Feldman
- Nancy McKee
- Pete Moyer
- Maureen Branigan
- Final Instructions/Parent Conferences
3Left to right 1st row Mrs Smith, Mrs Branigan,
Mrs McKee 2nd row Mr Moyer, Mr Feldman, Mrs
Simpson, Mrs Putt, Ms Meyers
4Mr. Heggie - English student teacher Mr.
Blackburn - Social Studies student teacher
5Bald Eagle we need field trip stuff today or
ASAP!-6 for transportation -bagged
lunches-Emergency Forms-Permission Slips
Building fish Structures is one of the
community service activities at Bald Eagle.
6Mrs. PuttWelcome to Art!
- Background Info
- Masters ArtEd from PSU
- Administration degree from St. Francis
- Reside in Spruce Creek
- Sixth year at PFMS
- Looking forward to a great year!
7Art Mrs. Putt
- We are off to a great start
- Drawing Unit (Human Body)
- Tree Mural
- Wire Sculpture
- Clay Shoes (Shoe as Self)
8Art Mrs. Putt
- SCASD Annual Art Exhibit
- Please join us!
- HUB Robeson Gallery
- January (date to be determined)
- Do you have something to share?
- Please join us for class!
9Art Mrs. Putt
- Please visit my website
- More detailed information
- Photos of student work
- PFMS Site/Staff/Putt
- 272-8485
- Kep24_at_scasd.org
- Thank you!
10Mrs. Karianne Smith 8th Grade Physical Science
- My background
- Degrees BS in Meteorology, Masters degree in
Earth Science with a minor in Education (PSU) - Teaching Certifications General Science, Middle
School Science, Earth Science, Physics - Prior experience as a meteorologist at
AccuWeather (still there on weekends)
11Physical Science
- We are starting with a new unit this year
Electronics - I need a parent volunteer to come up and
demonstrate what we did on the first day of the
unit ) - Eighth grade science provides students with
hands-on lab experiences in introductory
chemistry and physics. - The first semester we explore atoms, properties
of matter and chemical interactions - The second semester focuses on force, motion and
12How to find me
- Area science help or ask to meet with me and
well find time - Email kls25_at_scasd.org Phone 272-8508
- Website www.scasd.org/parkforestmiddle
- Staff Mrs. Smith
- My website is always up to date and you can find
everything there!!!
13Electronics Lab
- Total Point Scale.
- Standards-based Categories are standards
- Examples lab safety, scientific method,
properties of matter, etc. - This will help you and I to know where your child
is having difficulty or success. - Most grades will come from in-class assignments
(labs). - Occasional homework - do not expect homework
every night. - Most homework is from assignments not completed
in class.
15BTS Parent Math Quiz1
- How many outs in an inning of baseball?
- 6
16BTS Parent Math Quiz2
- Divide 30 by one half. What is the result?
- 60
17BTS Parent Math Quiz3
- Mary lives in a one story home in which
everything is red. The couch, the carpet, the
refrigerator, the doors, the walls - all are red.
What color are the stairs? - One story has no stairs!!
18Why Math?
- Math is
- Challenging
- Intriguing
- Structured
- Logical
- Practical
19Why Math?
- Wouldnt every parent want their middle schooler
to be a logical, practical problem solver who
utilizes a structured approach to solving
challenging and intriguing problems.?
20Why Math?
- The simplest answer I can give you is this If
you don't understand - math, then the people who do understand it will
be able to jerk you around like a trout - Doctor Ian, The Math Forum
- http//mathforum.org/dr.math/
21Mr. Feldman - Grades
- All classes graded on a total points basis
- Homework graded on an effort basis unless
otherwise specified - All homework expected on the day it is due
- If absent - student is responsible to see me for
work missed - Grades can be emailed home regularly - see me
22Nancy McKee - English
- Questioning is the most sophisticated and
civilized of arts. - -John Stuart Mill
- Skills
- Critical Thinking
- Writing-expository
- Persuasive writing on a controversial subject
- Compare/contrast writing
- Informative Writing
- Multi-paragraph writing
23Critical Reading Materials
- Johnny Tremain
- To Kill a Mockingbird
- The Giver
- Extensive study of Edgar Allen Poe and O. Henry
stories (10) - Mystery Unit And Then There Were None or Face on
the Milk Carton - Choice novels
248th Grade Social Studies
- Topic American History
- Causes of and the Revolutionary War to the
Civil War and Reconstruction - Workbook
- Textbook
- Due date sheet
- Unit calendar
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28Mrs. Maureen Branigan
- Learning Support teacher
- Will be in some of the team classes.
- Email mmb29_at_scasd.org
- Phone 272-8509