Title: Fish Friendly Site Development
1Low Impact Development TechniquesSustainable
Infrastructure Strategies
Washington Public Ports Association
Environmental Seminar Climate Change and
Low-Impact Development A Practical
Overview Bellingham, Washington September 26,
- 2020 ENGINEERINGs approach for problem solving
Wholistic Engineering is a management approach
which includes the comprehensive inclusion of all
issues and possible conditions related to the
primary task or mission
Wholistic relating to a complete and total
system or organization of parts fitting or
working together as one. A system, which may
also exist within a whole system, includes a
group of units or method of procedure so combined
as to form a functioning whole and operating in
unison an organized whole. Engineering a
science by which the resources and properties of
matter and sources of energy are made useful to
humankind in systems, structures, machines, and
- Its all about relationships
- Whole System Design
- Site Relationships
- Integrated Design
- Design Relationships
- Sustainable Design
- Materials Resources
- 3-Point design criteria for evaluating solutions
- Economical (short-term and long-term costs)
- Environmentally Friendly (ecologically
compatible) - Simple (easy to build and operate)
- Ecological / Ecosystem Based Solutions
- Mimic Natural Systems
- Eliminate the Problem/Root Cause
vs. - Treat the Problem/Symptom
8Sustainable Infrastructure Strategies
- Changes to site development methods
- Learning from our past failures and successes
9Stormwater Detention
- Standard Conventional Design
- Create Pond with outlet control
- (End of the pipe solution)
- Do they have to be this ugly???
10Impervious Surfaces
Sustainable Infrastructure Strategies
- As impervious
- surface increases...
- Peak run-off velocities increase, base flows
decrease, evapotranspiration decreases - Erosion happens and streams have no water
11Sustainable Infrastructure Strategies Towards a
healthier future
- Conventional Development
- Addressed major problems and disasters
- (Crisis Management)
12Sustainable Infrastructure Strategies Towards a
healthier future
- Low Impact Development
- Reducing negative impact on resources
- Conventional Development
- Addressed major problems and disasters
- (Crisis Management)
13Sustainable Infrastructure Strategies Towards a
healthier future
- Sustainable Development
- Maintaining resources
- Low Impact Development
- Reducing negative impact on resources
- Conventional Development
- Addressed major problems and disasters
- (Crisis Management)
14Sustainable Infrastructure Strategies Towards a
healthier future
- Living Building Challenge
- Near zero impacts on resources
- Sustainable Development
- Maintaining resources
- Low Impact Development
- Reducing negative impact on resources
- Conventional Development
- Addressed major problems and disasters
- (Crisis Management)
15Sustainable Infrastructure Strategies Towards a
healthier future
- Regenerative (Restorative) Development
- Restoring damaged resources
- Living Building Challenge
- Near zero impacts on resources
- Sustainable Development
- Maintaining resources
- Low Impact Development
- Reducing negative impact on resources
- Conventional Development
- Addressed major problems and disasters
- (Crisis Management)
16(No Transcript)
17Sustainable Infrastructure Strategies
- Features On-Site Techniques
- Decentralized Approach
- (Small Scale Systems)
- vs.
- Centralized Approach
- (Large Scale Municipal System)
18Low Impact DevelopmentShoreline applications
based on site conditions
- L.I.D. Site Design Techniques
- Geometrics Layout (Build Less i.e., Narrow
Streets) - Porous Pavements (Permeable Surfaces)
- Bioretention (Raingardens)
- Soil Amendments (Compost Amended Soils)
- Rainwater Harvesting (Collection and Reuse)
- Low Impact Foundations (Little or No Excavation)
- Green Roofs
19Design Category SITE
Sustainable Water Resource Management
Sustainable Design Principles
- Mimic Natural Systems
- Net Zero Impervious Surfaces
- Minimize Earthwork
- No Curb Gutters or Catch Basins
- (Do not concentrate stormwater flows!)
- Roadways and Walkways shall be porous surfaces
- Use Impervious Surfaces for beneficial uses
- (i.e., Rainwater Harvesting, Vegetated Roofs)
- Landscape areas used for Stormwater Management
- (i.e., Raingardens)
20Low Impact Development
- Ways to Mimic Nature by design
- No Catch Basins or Curbs (Do not concentrate
flows!) - Sheet Flow Run-off
- Retain Water On-Site
- Minimize Impervious
- Surfaces
- Porous Surfaces
21Porous PavementsImpervious Surface Reduction
- Permeable (Porous) Surfaces
- Hardscapes
- Porous Concrete / Asphalt Pavements
- Interlocking Concrete Pavers
- Gravel Cellular Confinement Systems
- Softscapes
- Reinforced Grass Surfaces
- Grass Cellular Confinement Systems
- Green Roofs
22Porous PavementsImpervious Surface Reduction
Native Soil Section (Natural Conditions)
23Porous PavementsImpervious Surface Reduction
Porous Pavement Section (Built
24Porous PavementsImpervious Surface Reduction
- Stormwater Treatment, Detention/Retention and
Flow Control are built into the section
Underdrain pipe Optional depending on site
25Bioretention (Raingardens)
Raingardens Landscapes for stormwater management
Underdrain pipe Optional
depending on site conditions
- Uses plantings in a conditioned planting soil
bed to treat and manage stormwater runoff
26Soil Amendments(Compost Amended Soil)
- Amended Soil Ground Cover
- Sand/Organic blend placed over disturbed yard
areas to restore on-site water holding capacity
and provide healthy plant growing media. - Amended soil mixes may include sand,
topsoil - and/or Grade A compost.
27Rainwater Harvesting
- LID - Stormwater Management Technique - Options
for potable and non-potable water uses -
Non-potable uses include toilet flush, laundry,
and irrigation
Islandwood Cisterns for irrigation of organic
28Rainwater Collection and Reuse
- Use impervious roof surfaces for beneficial uses
- Irrigation Only
- Toilet Flush Water
- Potable Water
29Green Roofs
- Types of Green Roofs
- Extensive
- Intensive
- Underground Parking Garages Earth
Shelter Buildings
Underground Parking Midrid, Spain
30Green Roofs
- Ecological Benefits
- Cleansing of airborne toxins
- Re-oxygenates the air (carbon sink)
- Recycling of nutrients
- Reduction of the Urban Heat Island effect
- Technical Benefits...
- Reduces temperature extremes on the roof
- Prevents mechanical damage to the roof
- Reduces noise transmission into the building
- Increased energy efficiency
- Stormwater Management
- Owner Benefits...
- Additional Usable Space for tenants
- Lowers maintenance and replacement cost
31Green Roofs
- Extensive Green Roofs
- Lightweight systems of thin layers of drought
tolerant self-seeding vegetated roof covers using
colorful sedums, grasses, mosses and meadow
flowers requiring little or no irrigation,
fertilization or maintenance. - Can be constructed on roofs with slopes up to
33, and can be retrofitted onto existing
structures with little, or most often, no
additional structural support.
32Green Roofs
- Intensive Green Roofs
- more elaborately designed roof landscapes, such
as roof gardens, that are intended for human
interaction and need to be engineered to conform
to the load requirements. - Typically have flat roof surfaces or slopes of up
to 3.
33Low Impact Foundations (Little or No Excavation)
- Diamond Piers
- www.pinfoundations.com
- Helical Screw Piles
- www.abchance.com
34LEED Leadership in Energy Environmental Design
A leading-edge rating system for designing,
constructing, and certifying the worlds greenest
35Green Building
- LEED Scoring - 69 points total
- Sustainable Sites 14 points
- Water Efficiency 5 points
- Energy and Atmosphere 17 points
- Materials and Resources 13 points
- Indoor Environmental Quality 15 points
- Innovation 4 points
- LEED Accredited Professional 1 point
36Green Building
- LEED Rating
- Platinum 52-69 points
- Gold 39-51 points
- Silver 33-38 points
- Certified 26-32 points
37Green Building
- LEED Categories
- Water Efficiency
- 2. Innovative Wastewater Technologies (1)
- 3. Water Use Reduction (2)
- Sustainable Sites
- 5. Reduced Site Disturbance (2)
- 6. Stormwater Management (2)
- 7. Landscape Exterior Design to
- Reduce Heat Islands (1)
- Materials Resources
- 5. Regional Local
- Materials (2)
38The Living Building Challenge
39The Living Building Challenge
40The Living Building Challenge
41The Living Building Challenge
42The Living Building Challenge
- Net Zero Energy
- Net Zero Water
43(No Transcript)
44shortcomings of conventional water carriage
ecosan principles
- Unsatisfactory purification or uncontrolled
discharge of more than 90 of wastewater
worldwide - Severe water pollution, unbearable health risks
- Consumption of precious water for transport of
waste - High investment, energy, operating and
maintenance costs - Frequent subsidization of prosperous areas and
neglect of poorer settlements - Loss of valuable nutrients and trace elements
contained in excrements due to discharge into
waters - Problems with contaminated sewage sludge in
combined, central systems - Linear end-of-pipe technology
45closing the loop between sanitation and
ecosan principles
rainwater harvesting
restoring soil fertility
agricultural use
organic waste
treatment / hygienization / energy recovery
water reuse
no waste disposal in water bodies
46Source separation of wastewater
(Alsen and Jenssen 2005)
47ecosan projects
main building of GTZ headquarter, Germany
ecosan concept separation, processing and
agricultural reuse of urine (implementation
Source GTZ
urine diversion toilets and waterless urinals
48wastewater and excreta are a valuable resource
ecosan principles
- farmers around the world yearly require 135 Mio
tons of mineral fertiliser for their crops, while
at the same time conventional sanitation dumps 50
Mio tons of fertiliser equivalents from so called
wastewater flows into our water bodies -
nutrients with a market value of around 15
Billion US dollars.
49Upscaling decentralized urban ecosan systems
Treatment/collection site
50Low Impact Development
Project Examples
51Porous Concrete PavementImpervious Surface
Reduction Strategies
Public Alley, Bellingham, WA
52Porous Concrete PavementImpervious Surface
Reduction Strategies
Bayview Corner, Whidbey Island, WA
53Porous PavementsImpervious Surface Reduction
Residential Driveway, Bellingham, WA
54SF-RIMA Porous Pavement
Porous PavementsImpervious Surface Reduction
55Porous PavementsImpervious Surface Reduction
- Reinforced Grass Pavement
Bayview Corner, Whidbey Island, WA
56Porous PavementsImpervious Surface Reduction
- Reinforced Grass Pavement
Boundary Bay Brewery, Bellingham, WA
57Porous PavementsImpervious Surface Reduction
ADA Assessible Trail
58Low Impact DevelopmentExample Project
Residential and Waterfront Resort
Roche Harbor, San Juan County, WA
59Low Impact DevelopmentExample Project Narrow
Streets Alleys
Roche Harbor, San Juan County, WA
60Low Impact DevelopmentExample Project Narrow
Streets Alleys
61Low Impact DevelopmentExample Project
- Raingarden
- For Handling Parking Street Run-off
- Raingarden Planting Strips
- For Handling Street Edge Run-off
Roche Harbor, San Juan County, WA
62Low Impact DevelopmentExample Project
Raingarden for handling street run-off
Roche Harbor - Raingarden
63Low Impact DevelopmentExample Project
Raingarden for handling street run-off
Roche Harbor - Raingarden
64Low Impact DevelopmentExample Project
Raingarden for handling street run-off
Roche Harbor - Raingarden
65Low Impact DevelopmentExample Project
Raingarden Planting Strip for handling street
Roche Harbor Raingarden Planter Strips
66Low Impact DevelopmentExample Project
Raingarden Planting Strip for handling street
Roche Harbor Raingarden Planter Strips
67Sustainable Development LEED Example Project
City Recreation Center100 Infiltration
Pervious Pavements Raingardens
- 75,000 SF community center on 10.5 acres
- No curbs
- No catch basins
- 100,000 SF of pervious concrete pavement
- Raingardens
- Infiltration of roof water
- Pool-water re-use for toilet flushing
Firstenburg Community Center, City of Vancouver,
68Sustainable Development LEED Example Project
City Recreation Center100 Infiltration
Pervious Pavements Raingardens
Firstenburg Community Center, City of Vancouver,
69Low Impact DevelopmentExample Project School
Campus100 Infiltration - Raingardens
Cottage Lake Elementary, Woodinville, WA
70Low Impact Development Example Project
Commercial DevelopmentRetention/Detention
Design Pervious Pavement Raingardens
Wilson Motors (Along Whatcom Creek) Bellingham, WA
71Low Impact Development Example Project Medical
Office Complex
Park Tower Plaza, Bellingham, WA
72Low Impact Development Example Project Medical
Office Complex
Park Tower Plaza, Bellingham, WA
73Water EfficiencyEcological Wastewater
Treatment and Re-Use
- Living Machine
- An ecological wastewater treatment system
- Uses of reclaimed water
- Educational
Missouri Discovery Center Kansas City, Missouri
Islandwood An Environmental Learning
CenterBainbridge Island, Washington
74Water Use EfficiencyEcological Wastewater
Treatment and Re-Use
Islandwood LEED GOLD
75A Sustainable Integrated Water Resource
Management Plan
Pleasant Harbor - Hood Canal
76A Sustainable Integrated Water Resource
Management Plan
Pleasant Harbor Proposed Re-Development
77A Sustainable Integrated Water Resource
Management Plan
Closed-Loop Water Cycle Concept Flow Diagram
78(No Transcript)
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82Charrette Results
- Site Design Considerations
- Utilize parks open space for treatment
- Infiltrate where appropriate
- Water expression education
83Charrette Results
84Sustainable Infrastructure StrategiesSummary
- Integrated Design
- Build Less Build Smarter
- Water Conservation
- Water Reuse
- Rainwater Harvesting
- Porous Pavements
- Raingardens
- Low Impact Foundations
- Green Roofs
85Sustainable Infrastructure StrategiesSummary
- Economical (short-term and long-term costs)
- Reduce Potable Water Demand
- Reduce Land Area Requirements
- Reduce or Eliminate Costly Stormwater Handling
Systems - Reduced or Comparable Maintenance Costs
86Sustainable Infrastructure StrategiesSummary
- Economical (short-term and long-term costs)
- Reduce Potable Water Demand
- Reduce Land Area Requirements
- Reduce or Eliminate Costly Stormwater Handling
Systems - Reduced or Comparable Maintenance Costs
- Environmentally Friendly (ecologically
compatible) - Mimics Nature
- Reuse of water resources
- Reduces surface run-off
- Promotes infiltration
- Provides natural treatment
87Sustainable Infrastructure StrategiesSummary
- Economical (short-term and long-term costs)
- Reduce Potable Water Demand
- Reduce Land Area Requirements
- Reduce or Eliminate Costly Stormwater Handling
Systems - Reduced or Comparable Maintenance Costs
- Environmentally Friendly (ecologically
compatible) - Mimics Nature
- Reuse of water resources
- Reduces surface run-off
- Promotes infiltration
- Provides natural treatment
- Simple (easy to design, build and operate)
88Why Did the