Title: Maps Daily Visualizing Media Trends
1Maps Daily - Visualizing Media Trends
- Daisuke Mashima
- (Georgia Tech, GA)
- Dr. Stephen Kobourov
- Dr. Yifan Hu
- Dr. Emden R. Gansner
- (Information Visualization Group at ATT Labs, NJ)
2Goal of Our Project
- Visualize dynamic data by using a map metaphor
- http//www.last.fm
- UK-based Internet radio and music community site
- Over 30 million active users from all over the
5last.fm API
- REST API to access last.fm database
- Bindings for major programming languages
6Why Maps?
- A picture is worth a thousand words
- Graphs are often good for visualizing data.
7How to Draw a Map
Collect relational Data (artists, similarities)
1 label"Queen", listeners"1637182",
playcount"52401547", tag"classic rock",
url"http//www.last.fm/music/Queen" 2
label"The Rolling Stones", listeners"1516977",
playcount"40697311", tag"classic rock",
9999 -- 9997similarity99.65 9999 --
(DOT Format)
8How to Draw a Map
Embedding into 2D (MDS, Force-directed layout)
9How to Draw a Map
Clustering (Modularity-based etc.)
10How to Draw a Map
Draw a map (Country-like boundaries, colors)
- Dynamic Layout vs Mental Map
- Tradeoff between readability and data distortion
- Trend visualization
- How changes can be emphasized
- Step1 Create a big canonical map
- Step2 Extract HOT artists
- Step3 Visualize Trends
13Step 1 Create Canonical Map
- Need as many artists as possible
- Just map 20,000 artists
14Step 1 Create Canonical Map
- Layout and clustering done separately
- Combine them
- Cluster nodes with raw edge weights
- Adjust edge weights based on clustering
- What is distorted?
- Distance (similarity) among artists
15Step 1 Create Canonical Map
16Step2 Extract HOT Artists
- Metric
- of listeners? Playcount?
- Cumulative? Difference?
- How many?
- Need to fit a computer screen
- Top 250 in terms of difference in Playcount
17Step 3 Visualize Trends
- Pick Top 250 artists and map them
- Set font sizes according to diff sizes
- FontSize BaseSize Range F(diff)
- where
- F(diff) (diff MEAN(diff))/((MAX(diff)
MEAN(diff)) - Label overlap removal
18Step 3 Visualize Trends
Looks OK.
19Step 3 Visualize Trends Animated Map
Not easy to follow. Is it a Map?
20Step 3 Visualize Trends More Stable
- Define a time window to be animated
- Extract all artists that appeared in top 250
during the time window - Map them
21Step 3 Visualize Trends More Stable
Only changing font size is not enough.
22Step 3 Visualize Trends
- Heat map?
- Use the same module to draw a heat map
- Re-cluster artists based on diff sizes (log scale
23Step 3 Visualize Trends Heat Map
Country boundaries are lost.
24Our Final Product
25Behind The Scene
- GMap by ATT InfoVis Group (Map drawling)
- Shell Script Cron (Automation)
- Java Application (Crawling etc.)
- Graphviz (Layout, overlap removal)
- LinLog Layout (Clustering)
- ImageMagick (Conversion from PS to GIF)
- Gifsicle (Animation GIF)
27Future Work
- Consider other metrics
- Interactive user interface
- Improve visualization
- Put it online
- Black box it
- Evaluation
28Thank you very much.???????????????