Title: Mick Waters
1Mick Waters
Mick Waters
Director of Curriculum
2The future for curriculum
- a secure base
- a changing society
- greater expectations for our young
- the role and organisation of schooling
- new leadership, new buildings, new workforce
- the capacity to re-engineer
3A curriculum
- for the 21st century
- adaptable
- challenging
- inspiring
for our changing societyeconomytechnology
for pupils different needsfor schools in
different circumstances
real audiencesreal purposesreal skills
engagingexpanding horizons
4Curriculum re-engineering
- What can be done centrally?
- expose issues
- provoke debate , conjecture,and possibilities
- create blueprints and models
- What can schools and settings do?
- pick up the gauntlet
- resist institutional and organisational habit
- use design options
- support schools and settings in re-engineering
- influence accountability frameworks
- lay down a gauntlet
- influence accountability frameworks
- see the big picture of the curriculum
- look through the eyes of the pupil
5Repositioning curriculum
- challenge, evidence, debate
- nationwide consensus
- co-development
- energy within the system
- natural enthusiasm for shaping learning
6What about the primary curriculum?
- schools are already reconstructing curriculum
- making learning matter
- demonstrating that attainment rises when
engagement and attitude are good - balancing skills, knowledge and understanding
with personal wellbeing - meeting the aims and purposes of the curriculum
7Ignite video to 100212 100441
8Business, Industry, Higher and Further Education
engaging with experts
curriculum purpose
economic awareness
Every Child Matters(5 outcomes)
enjoy and achieve
9(No Transcript)
10(No Transcript)
11(No Transcript)
12Secondary Curriculum Review
13KS3 What needs to be different?
- more clarity about the purpose and value of
educationand learning - clarity of possible route ways through school and
beyond - more diverse design within clear parameters
local interpretation within a national framework - the use of the curriculum to encourage analysis
of choice, specialism, diversity and need - a shared emphasis on doing better raising
standards in literacy, numeracy and ICT as well
as citizenship, health, enterprise, creativity
and internationalism
- more diverse design within clear parameters
local interpretation within a national framework - the use of the curriculum to encourage analysis
of choice, specialism, diversity and need
14KS3 What needs to be different?
- assessment to enhance learning
- coherence and consistency from KS2 to KS4
- acknowledgement of success and progress in a
range of areas of learning that recognises and
values pupils development as people - planning KS3 as a single stage with emphasis on
clear aims driving outcomes
- acknowledgement of success and progress in a
range of areas of learning that recognises and
values pupils development as people
15A distinctive purpose for key stage 3
- a world of learning
- opens eyes to potential and possibilities
- extends horizons
- adaptability and confidence
- a rite of passage with adults
- approaches to learning
16Subject programmes of study
17Some issues
- from concern about subject content
- to concern about the nature and impact of
subjects - to a focus on effectiveness of learning
- supporting schools and settings in building
their curriculum - harmonising thinking and practice in curriculum
18Secondary Curriculum Review
19Flash tour and commentary
20Video of Eye
21A curriculum should
address difficult issues
affect the person and social
deal with emotions and relationships
not shrink from controversy
help young people face fears
see things from different view points
technical skills
real purpose
sensitive subject
use of audience
23Employers descriptions of a good learner
24What do schools need to do?
- help learners develop an appetite for learning
- use the ingredients
- to create a learning feast
- recognising individual taste, considerations,
diversity and need - see a big picture for curriculum
251000 words to shape the future
We need to abandon the approach of designing
progression routes for the ideal learner and
then differentiating the curriculum for young
people who do not fit this mould. Disability
Rights Commission
261000 words to shape the future
Let us finish with the traditional school
curriculum in which subjects are served up as
ends in themselves. Let us dig deeper and use
subjects as the vast and inspiring resources
they are for serving the educational goals we
value. Geographical Association
271000 words to shape the future
The curriculum should not be seen as something
limited to school and formal education, but
should be holistic and widespread. Financial
Services Skills Council
281000 words to shape the future
Assessment should focus on identifying what
learners can do rather than grading them
according to what they cannot. Royal National
Institute for the Blind
291000 words to shape the future
Is it too obvious to state that young people
will enjoy and value a curriculum that enables
them to enjoy and value themselves? British
Association of Advisers and Lecturers in
Physical Education