Title: Simulations: resolution, occupancy,
1Simulationsresolution, occupancy, ,for the
- Silicon upgrade workshop in Nashville
- June 9, 2003
- Yuji Goto (RIKEN/RBRC)
2Physics goals of silicon vertex detector
- heavy-ion physics
- modification of gluon structure in nuclei
- gluon shadowing
- properties of earliest, densest stage of AuAu
- charm enhancement
- charm baseline for J/y suppression
- energy-loss of high-pT heavy quarks
- spin physics
- gluon polarization in broad xBj range
- prompt photon jet production gluon Compton
process - heavy flavor production gluon fusion
process - flavor contents of quark polarization
- weak boson production
- transversity
- particle correlation
Channels Occupancy (central AuAu)
barrel 1st pixels 1.3 M lt1
barrel 2nd strips 92 K 12
barrel 3rd strips 123 K 7
barrel 4th strips 154 K 5
endcaps pixels 2.8 M lt3
4XBj coverage before and after
- figure for the LoI presentation in March
- ?s 200 GeV, full luminosity 320 pb-1
- S/N gt 1
- statistics event gt 100-1000
5Photonjet measurement
- S/N will improve ?
- S/N gt 1 for pT gt 5 GeV/c after isolation cut
- xgluon 2pT / ?s gt 0.05
- jet-axis resolution ?
- kinematic reconstruction
- how much advantage ?
- improvement of isolation cut ?
inclusive ?
inclusive ?
xg calculated by xg2pT/?s
? leading hadron
xg calculated by kinematic reconstruction
6Single-electron measurement
- mid-rapidity sources of electron
- remove Dalitz via vertex cut
- charm pT(e) lt 3 GeV/c
- beauty pT(e) gt 3 GeV/c
by Vladimir Rykov
7Electron DCA resolution
- 50mm x 425mm pixels, full multiple scattering
- DCA resolution (electrons) lt 50 mm at moderate pT
- less than c?, D0 125mm, D? 317 mm
by Johann Heuser
- S/N will improve by displaced vertex
identification - baseline pT 2-4 GeV/c ? xgluon 0.05-0.1
- upgrade pT 1-4 GeV/c ? xgluon 0.01-0.1
by Wei Xie
- pT gt 4 GeV/c ? xgluon gt 0.1
- triggering ?
by Iowa group
D?K- p p (BR 9)
D0?Kp pp 30k/year AuAu 10K/year
- statistics will improve
- 30 times larger statistics
- baseline xgluon 0.04-0.15
- upgrade xgluon 0.02-0.3
- triggering is necessary
- J/??ee
- baseline xgluon 0.02-0.06
- B?J/??ee
- upgrade xgluon 0.03-0.1 or narrower
12More studies to do
- resolution, occupancy,
- how much occupancy in the heavy-ion environment
realistically ? - how to survive it ? pattern recognition,
tracking, - matching to central arms
- jet-axis resolution ?
- S/N, statistics, how to pin-down xgluon,
- others
- triggering
- ?s 500 GeV
- other channels bb?eX,