Title: Improvements to QPE in complex terrain using
1A proposal to GOES-R3 Innovative Ideas for
Multi-Instrument Blended Satellite Products
Improvements to QPE in complex terrain using
multiple satellites and model data
Proposed research team
Dr. Robert Rabin NOAA/NSSL Dr. Bob Kuligowski
NESDIS Dr. Jian ZhangNOAA/NSSL Dr. Valliappa
Lakshmanan CIMMS University of Oklahoma Dr.
Shayesteh Mahani NOAA/CREST City College of NY
2Project Summary
Goal Improve Self-Calibrating Multivariate
Precipitation Retrieval (SCaMPR)
- Incorporate
- High resolution cloud structure from visible
albedo - Cloud top phase and hydrometeor size
- Moisture and wind fields from RUC model and GOES
- High resolution topography
- Model and Validate
- High resolution national gauge networks
- National WSR-88D based QPE NSSL Q2
- Evaluate
- National Mosaic and Multisensor QPE (NMQ) system
4Probability of overshooting tops
5WSR-88D composite reflectivity
6Relevance to the GOES-R program
- Problem
- Heavy precipitation poses threats of flash
flooding - in regions of complex terrain
- Existing satellite techniques often perform
poorly in these situations - Radar beam is blocked and/or overshooting the
precipitation - Possible Solution
- Addresses the need for remote sensing-based
estimates of precipitation - complex terrain of the U.S. and its coastal
waters - Utilizes high resolution GOES-R ABI including
visible data - Combines cloud-top observations with other
relevant data - topography, model analysis, and WSR-88D where
7Leverage with Other Programs
- National QPE research program at OAR/NSSL
- 2009 Gunnison CO Radar Gap Project
- GOES-R Nowcasting and AWG projects at CREST
8Budget Estimate
FY2010 Total 50K NSSL/CIMMS 33.5 Salary
15K Lakshmanan 10K CIMMS
associate IT overhead 5K Travel
3.5K Contributed time Rabin,
Zhang CREST/CCNY 16.5 Salary 4.5K
Mahani MS student 12K