Chapter 23- Nationalism Triumphs in Europe - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 23- Nationalism Triumphs in Europe


After the invasions made by Napolean, territorial changes developed ... Despite their efforts, factories were popping up everywhere and socialism was stirring. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 23- Nationalism Triumphs in Europe

Chapter 23- Nationalism Triumphs in Europe
  • By James Kazlausky

Section 1-Building a German Nation
  • After the invasions made by Napolean, territorial
    changes developed in German speaking lands. Many
    people welcomed the French ruler, others were
    sparked with German nationalism and demanded a
    unified German state. Metternich for example,
    felt Germany should have dismantled the German
    states in order to unify them. Instead the German
    Confederation was created, a weak body headed by
    Austria. The position as king was offered to the
    Prussian King Frederick IV of Prussia he

  • Otto Von Bismarck, the Prussian prime minister,
    helped in the unification of Germany. He believed
    in the way of the ends justified the means.
    Unfortunately, Bismarck was not a German
    nationalist. He was a Prussian nationalist. He
    had the purpose to strengthen the Prussian army
    and pursue an aggressive foreign policy.

  • Bismarck ventured Prussia into 3 main wars
  • Schleswig and Holstein- Austria and Prussia took
    over these provinces and divided them.
  • War with Austria- Prussia won and took all lands
    won in the Schleswig and Holstein war. They also
    got rid of the German Confederation led by
    Austria and added the new North German
    Confederation led by Prussia.
  • Franco-Prussian War- Napoleon declared war on
    Prussia after seeing it take over Austria and
    after the Spanish offered Bismarck a spot on the
    throne. With the help from the Germans, Prussia
    crushed the French giving Prussia yet another
  • Bismarck also set up a two house legislature,
    but the way it was set up, it was far from
    democratic. Real power was in the hands of the
    emperor and his chancellor.

Section 2- Strengthening Germany
  • William I and his chancellor, Bismarck, are now
    running Germany and have made it very powerful.
    German shipping was second only to England among
    European powers.
  • Germanys industry was very popular and was very
    well developed, due to a strong work force and a
    larger population of 50,000 employees.

  • Germany was also very supportive of their
    scientific developments. They developed new
    chemicals and dyes.
  • Economic development was very supported. A single
    currency was made, banking system was new, and
    the railroads were coordinated.
  • They wished for economic and military power.

  • Bismarck tried to eliminate all threats to his
    country. He isolated the French so his ties could
    grow with Austria and Russia. He also caused
    tension with Britains navy.
  • He also tried to eliminate the Catholic church
    and socialists from his government.
  • He tried to make Catholics focus on loyalty
    towards the throne and not towards the pope. He
    launched the Kulterkampf to try and supervise
    Catholic activities.
  • This idea backfired and the church rebelled. He
    realized his mistake and quickly made peace with
    the church.

  • Bismarck also felt that socialists would
    undermine the loyalty of German workers and turn
    them to a revolution.
  • He tried to shut socialism down, but his idea
    backfired, they united against him.
  • Instead he steered people away from socialism by
    giving them benefits by following his ways.
  • It partly worked, but socialism was still a
    belief of many.
  • William II soon followed, who asks Bismarck to
    resign due to his belief in divine right to rule.
    He introduced many reforms and strengthened the
    navy to fight rivals, Britain and France at sea.

Section 3- Unifying Italy
  • Around the 1830s, Italy was a very separated
    country and was lacking unity.
  • Giuseppe Mazzini was the first to step forward
    and wanted to form a united Italy.
  • After the Congress of Vienna, Austria had held
    land in Northern Italy. Now revolts were brought
    up against them and they in turn sent troops to
    crush these rebels.

  • Mazzini founded young Italy, which was a secret
    society to help unite Italy.
  • Although his rebellion failed, it gave life to
    other nationalists and united the country.

  • Nationalism soon arose in Sardinia, led by Victor
    Emmanuel II. He then appointed Count Camillo
    Cavour as his prime minister. Cavour wished to
    expell Austria from Italy and add land to
  • Cavour later helped Britain and France against
    Russia. It gave them support from other countries
    and a say at the peace conference. With this
    power Sardinia and France got rid of the
    Austrians in Italy and Sardinia got the land they

  • Soon, Garibaldi and his red-shirts were taking
    control of Sicily and unifying it as one. He also
    later took control of the major parts of Italy.
    He turned these lands over the Victor Emmanuel II
    and crowned him king of Italy.
  • Soon after Rome was retaken and named capital
    since the fall of the Roman empire.

  • Although Italy was now united as one country it
    still was not truly united.
  • There was a split between the north and the south
    due to their economies. Their was also a split
    between the religious organization of the people,
    concerning the pope and the government.
  • Still some people went against this united
    government but the turmoil was handled. Italys
    industry rose as well as its economy. Italy
    lacked resources but they made up for it in other

Section 4- Nationalism Threatens Old Empires
  • The Hapsburg Empire consisted of Austria,
    Romania, Poland, Ukraine and Italy and was led by
    Metternich and Francis I. They tried to keep the
    kingdom conservative and steer them away from
    nationalism. They tried to limit industry and
    keep the country traditional. Despite their
    efforts, factories were popping up everywhere and
    socialism was stirring.

  • Of the 50 million people in the Hapsburg empire,
    less then a quarter of them were German-speaking
    Austrians. Austria was the main land of the
    empire. Due to this wide spread of nationalities,
    rival groups often shared the same region. When
    nationalist revolts erupted, the government
    quickly crushed them.
  • Young Francis Joseph soon inherited the throne
    and set up a constitution and a legislature. This
    body was mainly German-speaking Austrians which
    angered other countries of the empire. The
    Hungarians especially would settle for nothing
    less than self government.

  • In 1866 Austria loses to Prussia in a war. A year
    later Francis Deak, a Hungarian leader,
    compromises a Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary.
  • Under the agreement Austria and Hungary were two
    separate states led by Francis Joseph. They
    shared the same ministries of finance, defense,
    and foreign affairs. Other then that they were
    independent of each other.

  • The Balkans in the Ottoman power was as bad as
    the Hapsburg empire. Nationalism erupted and
    caused crises and wars.
  • The Russians saw the empire in a weak state and
    started an invasion. So did other countries like
    Britain, France and Austrians.
  • The empire was divided up and taken by other
    countries. In between all these wars,
    nationalities revolted and fought among
    themselves. This region was later referred to as
    the Balkan powder keg, the explosion that came
    in 1914 helped set off World War I

Section 5- Russia Reform and Reaction
  • By 1800 Russia was the biggest nation in Europe.
    It had great natural resources and it size gave
    it global interests and influence.
  • Unfortunately it fell behind and was highly
    undeveloped. By the 1800s, czars feared
    modernization because it would undermine absolute
    rule. The country was ruled by rich landowners
    but was mostly made up of serfs. Serfdom had
    disappeared in Western Europe by the 1700s but
    still remained in Rusia.

  • Alexander I took the throne in 1801. He seemed
    interested in reform and even talked about
    freeing the serfs. When Napoleon invaded in 1812
    he drew back from the reform.
  • Nicholas I takes the throne in 1825 and quickly
    suppresses any revolts for liberal ideas, the
    Decembrist Revolt.
  • Nicholas was a very strict ruler and focused on
    the 3 pillars of Russian absolutism. Orthodoxy,
    autocracy, and nationalism.
  • Even though he was strict, Nicholas did try to
    modernize towards the end of his rule.

  • Alexander II took the throne in 1855 during the
    Crimean War. Russia lost, revealing how not
    modernized they truly were.
  • Liberals demanded for change and in 1861 the
    serfs were freed. Other reforms like assemblies,
    trial by juries, womans liberation were made at
    this time.
  • Many radicals were not happy with the reforms
    like the terrorist group called the Peoples
    Will. They assassinated the czar and other

  • The new Alexander III, took the harsh methods of
    Nicholas I and shut down all liberal movements.
    He was strict and had a secret police to expel
  • He also persecuted Russian Jews. Pogroms, or
    attacks on the Jews, were performed and they were
    robbed and beat. They became refuges and had to
    escape to a safer area, like the U.S..

  • Under Alexander III and his son Nicholas II,
    Russia entered and industrial age. The
    Trans-Siberian Railway was built stretching 5,000
    miles long. He tried to industrialize.
  • He faced socialist revolutionaries such as
    Vladimir Ulyanov, or Lenin. His brother was
    executed as being part of the assassination of
    Alexander III. He wanted revenge on the
    government. He was a follower of the ideas of
    Karl Marx and would take power in a revolution to
    transform Russia.

  • War broke out in 1904 between Russia and Japan.
    Russia had been losing. Nicholas II feared his
    people revolting. As crisis deepened, Father
    George Gapon organized a religious march to show
    the czar how much the people were really
    suffering. When the people got to the palace of
    the czar, Nicholas II, in fear, called on his
    army. They fired at the march for no reason. This
    day is known as Bloody Sunday, the day when the
    peoples trust was lost in the czar.

  • After Bloody Sunday, reforms needed to be made.
    He gave people more freedom and created a Duma,
    or a an elected national legislature. No law
    could be passed without going through the Duma.
  • The Duma didnt last. Nicholas tried to have a
    prime minister, but because of the prime
    ministers conservative beliefs, he was
    assassinated. By 1914, Russia was still an
    autocracy, with peasant and worker unrest.
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