Title: Conservation and Ecology of Marine Reptiles
1Conservation and Ecology of Marine Reptiles MARE
494 Dr. Turner Summer 2006
2Conservation Efforts
What are Sea Turtles Worth? Use values Non-use
values Remediation for take Habitat How do we
measure sea turtle value?
3Conservation Efforts
Tragedy of the Commons Failure of individuals
to act in the publics interest Key to avoid
tragic loss manage oceans as an area with
turtles having specific identifiable ownership
legal responsibility
4Case Studies
Light Pollution Artificial light disrupts
hatchlings ability to find ocean Desirable for
esthetics crime prevention Who should pay for
light modification Cost to stakeholder to modify
lights to aid in sea turtle recovery
5Case Studies
Marine Fisheries Mortality Who should pay for
gear modification? Balance of species
conservation business models
6Case Studies
Managing Ecotourism Environmental
Responsibility/Stewardship Catch 22 - ? tourism
leads to ? for protection ? tourism leads to
greater NEED for protection
7Incredible Edible Eggs
Harvesting sea turtle eggs is probably not
sustainable if the population is also being
subjected to human induced mortality How do we
get this idea of Stewardship across to the
general public? In many countries, sea turtle
eggs/meat consumed for supposed sexual potency
8Ay Chihuahua!
My man doesn't need turtle eggs
9Vaya con Dios
10(No Transcript)