Title: Florida Department of Environmental Protection
1Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Workshop for Nonmetallic Mineral Processing
Plants (NMMP) and Affected Asphalt Plants
- Air Resource Management
- Southwest District Office
Mara Nasca Air Program Administrator Cindy
Zhang-Torres Air Permitting Supervisor Danielle
D. Henry Air Compliance Supervisor Cindy
Falandysz Air Enforcement Supervisor Susan Pelz
Solid Waste Supervisor Natrevia Gradney,
Engineering Specialist Max Grondahl,
Environmental Specialist Nancy Knight,
Engineering Specialist
- Nonmetallic Mineral Processing (NMMP)
Plant General Permit (GP) Requirements - New Requirements in 40 CFR 60, New Source
Performance Standards (NSPS) Subpart OOO - Operating a RAP Crusher at Asphalt Plants
- Waste Processing Facility Permit Requirements
4Nonmetallic Mineral Processing (NMMP) Plant
General Permit (GP) Requirements
5NMMP Rule 62-210.310(5)(e) F.A.C.Air General
Permit for Facilities Comprising Nonmetallic
Mineral Processing Plants
- General Conditions in Rule 62-210.310(3), F.A.C.
- http//www.dep.state.fl.us/air/rules/fac/62-210.pd
f - Specific Conditions
- Fuel consumption limits
- Controlling unconfined particulate matter
- Controlling yard dust
- General visible emission requirement
- Subpart OOO requirements
- Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part
60, Subpart OOO 60.670-676 - Initial performance tests
- Annual performance tests
- Relocation requirements
- Conditions for collocation
- Non-routine use at non-Title V facilities
6Fuel Consumption Limits
- Total fuel consumption shall not exceed
- 23,000 gallons per year of gasoline
- 275,000 gallons per year of diesel
- 1.3 million gallons per year of propane
- 44 million standard cubic feet per year of
natural gas - Equivalent amount if multiple fuels used.
7Controlling Unconfined Particulate Matter
- Unconfined emissions from all relocatable
nonmetallic mineral processing plants, except
those located at mines or quarries and processing
only material from onsite natural deposits, and
all stationary nonmetallic mineral processing
plants that process dry material shall be
controlled by using a water suppression system
with spray bars located wherever unconfined
emissions occur at the feeders, the entrance and
exit of the crushers, the classifier screens, and
the conveyor drop points.
8EPA Regulatory and Inspection Manual for
Nonmetallic Minerals Processing Plants
9Controlling Yard Dust
- Unconfined emissions generated by vehicular
traffic or wind shall be controlled by applying
water (by water trucks equipped with spray bars)
or effective dust suppressants on a regular basis
to all stockpiles, roadways and work yards where
the nonmetallic mineral processing plant is
10General Visible Emissions Requirement
- Visible emissions from any emission point not
subject to Subpart OOO shall be less than 20
11Subpart OOO Requirements
- Types of subject units
- Types of excluded units
- Particulate matter standards
- Test methods and procedures
- Reporting and recordkeeping
12Subpart OOO Requirements
- The following are types of subject units
(affected facilities)
- Crushers
- Grinding mills
- Screening operations
- Bucket elevators
- Belt conveyors
- Bagging operations
- Storage bins
- Enclosed truck or railcar loading stations
- In the context of Subpart OOO, affected
facilities refers to facility components.
13Subpart OOO Requirements
- Types of subject units
- Crushing of concrete and asphalt pavement is
subject to Subpart OOO, because both types of
materials are generally composed of nonmetallic
minerals listed in 40 CFR 60.671(a) to (r). (EPA
Applicability Determination Index, Control
Number NR42) - Types of excluded units
- Underground mining operations.
- Some equipment associated with hot mix asphalt
plants and portland cement plants are excluded.
14Subpart OOO Requirements
- Types of excluded units
- Fixed sand and gravel plants and crushed stone
plants with capacities of 25 tons per hour or
less. - Capacity means the cumulative rated capacity of
all initial crushers that are part of the plant. - Portable sand and gravel plants and crushed stone
plants (e.g. limestone, granite, shell, quartz)
with capacities of 150 tons per hour or less. - Common clay plants and pumice plants with
capacities of 10 tons per hour or less. -
- RAP crushers fit into this category.
15Subpart OOO Requirements
- EPA Applicability Determination Index further
defines capacity as based on manufacturers
rating. (Control Number NR122) - Example The Barmac crusher and associated
conveyors are subject to Subpart 000 because the
Barmac crusher has a rated capacity greater than
150 tons per hour. Although Central Rock claims
that, because of the size of the feed material
and product, the Barmac crusher can not process
more than 150 tons per hour, Subpart 000 is based
on the actual rated capacity of the affected
facility which is 260 tons per hour for this
Barmac crusher according to the manufacturer.
16Subpart OOO Requirements
- Types of excluded units
- Plants built before, and not modified or
reconstructed after, August 31, 1983. - Modification any physical change in, or change
in the method of operating of, an existing
facility which increases the amount of any air
pollutant or causes any new air pollutant to be
emitted. (40 CFR 60.2) - Reconstruction40 CFR 60.15(b)
- Reconstruction means the replacement of
components of an existing facility to such an
extent that - (1) The fixed capital cost of the new components
exceeds 50 percent of the fixed capital cost that
would be required to construct a comparable
entirely new facility, and - (2) It is technologically and economically
feasible to meet the applicable standards set
forth in this part.
17Subpart OOO Requirements
- Standards for particulate matter
- On and after the 60th day after achieving the
maximum production rate at which the affected
facility will be operated, but not later than 180
days after initial startup, no owner or operator
subject to the provisions of this subpart shall
cause to be discharged into the atmosphere from
any transfer point on belt conveyors or from any
other affected facility any fugitive emissions
which exhibit greater than 10 percent opacity
except as provided below.
18Subpart OOO Requirements
- Definitions
- Transfer Point
- A point in a conveying operation where the
nonmetallic mineral is transferred to or from a
belt conveyor except where the nonmetallic
mineral is being transferred to stockpile. (40
CFR 60.671Definitions) - Affected facility
- Crusher, grinding mill, screening operation,
bucket elevator, belt conveyor, bagging
operations, storage bin, enclosed truck/rail
loading station, RAP crusher at asphalt plants.
19EPA Regulatory and Inspection Manual for
Nonmetallic Minerals Processing Plants
20Subpart OOO Requirements
- Standards for particulate matter
- Exceptions to 10 opacity limit requirement
- The opacity limit for fugitive emissions from any
crusher in which a capture system is not used is
15. - Truck dumping (also includes using a front end
loader, track hoe, etc.) of minerals into any
screening operation, feed hopper, or crusher is
exempt from Subpart OOO requirements.
21EPA Regulatory and Inspection Manual for
Nonmetallic Minerals Processing Plants
Truck dumping lt20 standard, no testing
Conveyor to stock pile lt20 standard, no testing
Conveyor transfer Point (underbelt to stacker)
Crusher (in out), 15 standard
22EPA Regulatory and Inspection Manual for
Nonmetallic Minerals Processing Plants
Note When submitting a General Permit
registration or renewal application for a crusher
subject to Subpart OOO, it may be beneficial to
include a flow chart describing plant components
and operation.
23Subpart OOO Requirements
- Standards for particulate matter
- Wet screening operations a screening operation
at a nonmetallic mineral processing plant which
removes unwanted material or which separates
marketable fines from the product by a washing
process which is designed and operated at all
times such that the product is saturated with
water. - Wet mining operations a mining or dredging
operation designed and operated to extract any
nonmetallic mineral regulated under this subpart
from deposits existing at or below the water
table, where the nonmetallic mineral is saturated
with water.
24Subpart OOO Requirements
- Test methods and procedures
- The test methods and procedures in Subpart OOO
are being revised, and the new requirements will
be discussed later in the presentation.
25Subpart OOO Requirements
- Reporting and recordkeeping
- The owner or operator shall submit written
reports of the results of all performance tests
conducted to demonstrate compliance with
standards. - The owner or operator of any screening operation,
bucket elevator, or belt conveyor that processes
saturated material and is subject to the wet
material processing standards and subsequently
processes unsaturated materials shall submit a
report of this change within 30 days following
such change. Likewise if a process is changed
from dry material to wet material, a report must
be submitted within 30 days.
26Subpart OOO Requirements
- Reporting and recordkeeping
- Notification of the actual date of initial
startup of each affected facility shall be
submitted. - The notification may be submitted for a
combination of affected facilities in a
production line that share the same initial
startup date. The notification shall be
postmarked within 15 days after such date and
shall include a description of each affected
facility, equipment manufacturer, and serial
number of the equipment, if available. - For portable plants, the startup notification
shall include both the home office and the
current location of the portable plant.
If the equipment manufacturer or serial number
are unavailable, this should be specified in the
initial startup notification.
27Initial Performance Tests Rule
62-210.310(5)(e)3.e., F.A.C.
- For facilities subject to Subpart OOO, initial
performance tests for visible emissions shall be
conducted in accordance with the requirements of
Subpart OOO and Subpart A. - Within 60 days after achieving the maximum
production rate at which the affected facility
will be operated, but not later than 180 days
after initial startup of such facility, the owner
or operator shall conduct performance test(s) and
furnish the Administrator a written report of the
results of such performance test(s).
28Annual Performance Tests Rule 62-210.310(5)(e)3.e
., F.A.C.
- For facilities subject to Subpart OOO, annual
compliance tests must be performed pursuant to
Rule 62-297.310, F.A.C. and in accordance with
the test methods and procedures set forth at
Subpart OOO. - Test results shall be reported in accordance with
the provisions of Rule 62-297.310, F.A.C.
29Annual Performance Tests
- Rule 62-297.310, F.A.C.
- Operating rate during testing
- Observation period
- Reporting
- Test frequency
- Subpart OOO (previously discussed)
30Annual Performance Tests
- Rule 62-297.310 F.A.C.
- Operating rate during testing
- Testing of emissions shall be conducted with the
emissions unit operating at permitted capacity.
If it is impracticable to test at permitted
capacity, an emissions unit may be tested at less
than the maximum permitted capacity in this
case, subsequent emissions unit operation is
limited to 110 percent of the test rate until a
new test is conducted. Once the unit is so
limited, operation at higher capacities is
allowed for no more than 15 consecutive days for
the purpose of additional compliance testing to
regain the authority to operate at the permitted
31Annual Performance Tests
- Rule 62-297.310, F.A.C.
- Observation period
- The required minimum period of observation for a
compliance test shall be sixty (60) minutes for
emissions units which emit or have the potential
to emit 100 tons per year or more of particulate
matter, and thirty (30) minutes for emissions
units which have potential emissions less than
100 tons per year of particulate matter and are
not subject to a multiple-valued opacity
standard. The opacity test observation period
shall include the period during which the highest
opacity emissions can reasonably be expected to
occur. - Reporting
- Test reports are required to be submitted to the
Department within 45 days of the test date.
32Annual Performance Tests
- Rule 62-297.310, F.A.C.
- Test Frequency
- Performance tests for visible emissions must be
conducted annually. (The rule revision effective
January 10, 2007 requires annual testing.) - Annually is considered once each calendar year
(January 1-December 31). - DEP guidance memo DARM-OGG-18 http//www.dep.stat
33Relocation Requirements
- Relocation requires notification to the
Department by telephone, e-mail, fax, or written
communication at least one business day prior to
moving and transmit by e-mail, fax, post or
courier, a Facility Relocation Notification Form
no later than five business days following
relocation. - Relocation Notification Form located online at
34Conditions for Collocation
- A crusher using a general permit may be located
with other facilities that separately registered
for, and are also using, the NMMP plant air
general permit, and with facilities using the
concrete batch plant air general permit, even if
under the control of different persons as long as
the following conditions are met.
- The following types of units and activities may
collocate - Concrete batching plants using air general
permits - NMMP plants using air general permits
- NMMP plants exempt from permitting
- Other emission units and pollutant-emitting
activities exempt from permitting
35Conditions for Collocation
- Site-wide fuel usage limitations apply to the
collocation site. - Total fuel consumption limits applied to the
collocation site - 23,000 gallons per year of gasoline
- 275,000 gallons per year of diesel
- 1.3 million gallons per year of propane
- 44 million standard cubic feet per year of
natural gas - An equivalent prorated amount if multiple fuels
are used
- Site One or more contiguous or adjacent
properties under control of the same person (or
persons under common control). (Rule
62-210.310(5)(e)1., F.A.C.)
36Conditions for Collocation
- Recordkeeping requirements
- The owners or operators of all collocated
concrete batching plants and NMMP plants shall
maintain records to account for site-wide fuel
consumption for each calendar month and each
consecutive twelve months. The owners or
operators shall retain these records, available
for Department inspection, for at least five
37Non-routine Operation at Non-Title V Facilities
- Non-routine use at facilities with air
construction or air operation permits is allowed
as long as the following conditions are met - The NMMP plant must not be located at a single
site for more than six months in any consecutive
12 months - Records must be kept that indicate how long the
NMMP plant has been at the permitted facility - No NMMP plant using an air general permit shall
perform a routine task at a permitted facility
unless the NMMP plant operation is authorized by
the permitted facilitys AC or AO permit. RAP
crushing at an asphalt plant is considered a
routine task.
38New Requirements in 40 CFR 60, NSPS Subpart OOO
for NMMPs
39New Requirements in 40 CFR 60, NSPS Subpart OOO
for NMMPs
- Proposed Effective Date in State Rules is
- October 16, 2009
- NMMP NSPS applies to affected facilities for
which construction, modification, or
reconstruction commenced on or after August 31,
1983. - These final amendments include revisions for
affected facilities for which construction,
modification, or reconstruction commenced on or
after April 22, 2008.
40New Requirements in 40 CFR 60, NSPS Subpart OOO
- Monitoring Requirement
- Initial Testing Requirements for Fugitive
Emissions - Fugitive Emission Limits
- Initial Testing Notification Requirements
- Recordkeeping and Report Requirements
41Potentially Affected Regulated Entities
42Monitoring Requirement Addition
60.674 Monitoring of operations. (b) If a
wet suppression system is used to control
emissions, facility must perform monthly periodic
inspections to check that water is flowing to
discharge spray nozzles in the wet suppression
Note Only facilities constructed, modified, or
reconstructed on or after April 22, 2008.
43Initial Testing Requirement for Fugitive
Emissions Revision
60.675 Test methods and procedures. From (c)
(3) When determining compliance with the fugitive
emissions standard, the duration of the Method 9
observations may be reduced from 3 hours (thirty
6- minute averages) to 1 hour (ten 6-minute
averages) if no individual readings are gt 10
percent and there are no more than three
readings of 10 percent for the 1- hour period.
(c)(4) Deleted (crushers w/o capture
systems) To (c)(3) When determining compliance
with the fugitive emissions standard, the
duration of the Method 9 (40 CFR part 60,
Appendix A4) observations must be 30 minutes
(five 6-minute averages).
Note For all facilities subject to Subpart OOO.
44Initial Testing Requirement for Fugitive
Emissions Addition
60.675 Test methods and procedures. (e)(2) A
single visible emission observer may conduct
visible emission observations for up to three
fugitive, stack, or vent emission points within a
15-second interval if the following conditions
are met (i) No more than three emission points
read concurrently (ii) All three emission
points must be w/i a 70 degree viewing angle in
front of the observer such that the proper sun
position can be maintained for all three
points. (iii) If opacity reading for any one of
the three points is ? the applicable standard,
then the observer must stop taking readings from
the other two points and continue reading just
the single point.
Note For all facilities subject to Subpart OOO.
45(No Transcript)
46Initial Testing Notification Requirement Revision
60.675 Test methods and procedures. From (g)
If after 30 days notice for an initial scheduled
performance test, there is a delay in conducting
any rescheduled performance test required in
this section, the owner or operator of an
affected facility shall submit a notice to the
Administrator at least 7 days prior to any
rescheduled test. To (g) For performance tests
involving only Method 9 (40 CFR part 60 Appendix
A4) testing, the owner or operator may reduce
the 30-day advance notification of performance
test in 60.7(a)(6) and 60.8(d) to a 7-day
advance notification.
Note State Rule 62-297.310(7)(a)9,F.A.C.,require
s a 15-day advance notification.
47Initial Testing Notification Requirement Addition
60.675 Test methods and procedures. (i) If
the initial performance test date for an affected
facility falls during a seasonal shut down of
the affected facility, then with approval from
the permitting authority, the owner or operator
may postpone the initial performance test until
no later than 60 calendar days after resuming
operation of the affected facility.
Seasonal shut down means shut down of an
affected facility for a period of at least 45
consecutive days due to weather or seasonal
market conditions.
48Recordkeeping and Report Requirement Addition
60.676 Reporting and recordkeeping. (b)(1)
Record each monthly periodic inspection required
under 60.674(b) or (c), including dates and any
corrective actions taken, in a logbook (in
written or electronic format). The owner or
operator must keep the logbook onsite and make
hard or electronic copies (whichever is
requested) of the logbook available to the
Administrator upon request.
Note Only facilities constructed, modified, or
reconstructed on or after April 22, 2008.
49Recordkeeping and Report Requirement Revision
60.676 Reporting and recordkeeping. From (h)
The subpart A requirement under 60.7 (a)(2)
for notification of the anticipated date of
initial startup of an affected facility shall be
waived for owners or operators of affected
facilities regulated under this subpart. To (h)
The subpart A requirement under 60.7 (a)(1)
for notification of the date construction or
reconstruction commenced is waived for affected
facilities under this subpart.
50Recordkeeping and Report Requirement Addition
60.676 Reporting and recordkeeping. (k)
Notifications and reports required under this
subpart and under subpart A of this part to
demonstrate compliance with this subpart need
only to be sent to the EPA Region or the State
which has been delegated authority according to
51RAP Crusher at Asphalt Plants
- New Format for Asphalt Plant Permits
- RAP Crushing System Specific Conditions
52Waste Processing Facility Permit Requirements
53Solid Waste Management RuleChapter 62-701,
Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.)
- Rule 62-701.200, F.A.C. Definitions
- Rule 62-701.300, F.A.C. - Prohibitions
- Rule 62-701.220(2)(d), F.A.C.
- Industrial by-products solid waste permit
not required - Majority must be sold, used or reused within 1
year - Cannot be hazardous wastes
- Must be managed in such a way that Department air
or water quality standards or criteria are NOT
violated -
- Rule 62-701.710, F.A.C.
- Waste processing facilities solid waste
permit required - Engineering drawings, site plans, operation plan,
calculations, etc. -
54Solid Waste Management RuleChapter 62-701,
Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.)
Asphalt road base concrete crushing operations
55Solid Waste Management RuleChapter 62-701,
Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.)
Asphalt road base concrete crushing operations
56Solid Waste Management RuleChapter 62-701,
Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.)
- Asphalt road base concrete crushing operations
- Generally meet definition of industrial
by-products - if BMPs are followed ? ? ? no solid waste permit
required - BMPs need to include
- Only clean concrete and asphalt road base
material is received - Residues from processing (incidental plastic,
wood, metal) must be containerized and removed at
least weekly for offsite disposal -
57Solid Waste Management RuleChapter 62-701,
Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.)
Waste processing facility Solid waste permit
58Solid Waste Management RuleChapter 62-701,
Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.)
Waste processing facility Solid waste permit
59Solid Waste Management RuleChapter 62-701,
Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.)
Waste processing facility Solid waste permit
60Any Questions, Comments? DEP Air Contact
Natrevia GradneyNatrevia.Gradney_at_dep.state.fl.us
DEPs websitewww.dep.state.fl.us/airEPAs
Federal Register Websitewww.epa.gov/federalregist
er EPA Regulatory and Inspection Manual for
Nonmetallic Minerals Processing Plants Document
No. 305B97008http//nepis.epa.gov/epa/html/pubs/p