Title: Sylvia Puente
1Changing Demographics Serving Latino
Populations in the 21st Century
- Sylvia Puente
- Sung-Chang Chun, Ph.D
- Institute for Latino Studies (ILS)
- University of Notre Dame
2Institute for Latino Studies
- Research
- Education
- And Outreach
- On behalf of the Latino Population
3Units of the Institute
- Inter-University Program for Latino Research
(IUPLR) - Latino Ecclesial and Pastoral Concerns
- Border and Inter-Mexican Offices
- Center for the Study of Latino Religion
4Metropolitan Chicago Initiative
- Focus on Berwyn-Cicero community
- Research
- Immigration
- Political Empowerment
- Education
- Capacity-building
- Education
- Voter registration and education
- ResearchClosing the Latino Education Gap
- IUPLR is a Census Information Center and is the
research arm of ILS. - Please visit the above URL for more Census data
on Latinos.
- Population Growth
- Ethnic Diversity
- Social Indicators
7Census Facts 1990 to 2000
- US population grew by 13
- Latinos grew by 58
- Latinos grew from 22.7 M to 35.3 M
- Latino concentration rose from 9 to 12.5
8Latino Concentration 2000
9Extra Latinos Asians Some NY, But NOT
Note In millions.
10U.S. Latino Population2000
11Top 12 Cities in Latino Population
12Latino Subgroups 2000 35M Latinos
13US Foreign Born Population 200028M Foreign Born
14Percentage Gains by Region 1990-2000
15New Immigration Centers Emerge
Source Urban Institute
16Population Change in Midwest States
17Proportional Sizein Midwest MSAs 2000
18Midwest Region Latino Population in Top 5 MSAs
19Illinois and Chicago Percent Change for Total
and Latino Population1990 - 2000
20Illinois Latino Population 1970-2000, Source
Census, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000
21Chicago Latino Population 1970-2000, Source
Census 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000
22 Latino Population6-County Chicago Metropolitan
23(No Transcript)
24Top 10 Places by Latino PopulationIllinois
25Top Ten Places by Latino Population(excluding
Chicago)Illinois 2000
26Map provided by Kiljoong Kim, DePaul University
27Percent of Population Under Age 18 that is
Hispanic 2000
28MCIC Data1995-2000
29MCIC Data1995-2000
30MCIC Data1995-2000
31MCIC Data1995-2000
32MCIC Data1995-2000
33www.census.gov www.nd.edu/iuplr/cic/
- For even more Census information,
- visit the URL listed above.
34Population Latino Children6-County Chicago
Metropolitan Area1990-2000
35 Population Latino Children6-County Chicago
Metropolitan Area1990-2000
36The Latino Population1990-2000
- This presentation was prepared by the Research
and Chicago Metropolitan Initiative Units of the
Institute for Latino Studies, University of Notre
Dame. - DirectorResearch Philip Garcia, Ph.D.
- Research Analysts Sung Chun, Ph.D. chun.1_at_nd.edu
(Tel)574 631-8146 - Wei Sun, Ph.D.
Sun.7_at_nd.edu (Tel)574 631-8456 - Research Assistants Ma. Elena Bessignano, Anna
Maria Mendez, Javier Hernandez - DirectorChicago Metropolitan Initiative Sylvia
Puente spuente_at_nd.edu (Tel) 708-749-3556 - Assistant Robyn Mann
- Data sources include Annie E. Casey
Foundation--KidCount 2002, Voices for Illinois
Children--Illinois Kids Count 2002, Census 1990
and 2000, MCIC 1995-2000 -