Title: Youth Crossroads Centre
1Youth Crossroads Centre
Promotion and prevention
Components Activities Target
Groups Short-term Outcomes Long-term
- Offer individual, family and group counselling
- Offer a drop-in service
- Hold a homework club
- Facilitate training workshops
- Supervise a youth recreation committee
- Provide access to a computer room
- Organize a youth- run café
- Organize discussion groups
- Collect documentation and information on the
resources and services available to youth in the
community - Circulate the information in the community
Youth ages 12 to 18 and their parents
Youth ages 12 to 18
Youth ages 12 to 18, their parents and other
members of the community
Increased youth involvement in their community
Enhanced social and coping skills of youth
Increased social, recreational and educational
opportunities offered to youth
Reduction of youth-related problems
delinquency, dropping out, family break-up, drug
Increased adoption of healthy behaviour by youth
Improvement of youths quality of life
Program Evaluation Tool Kit