Title: Reflections
- In the arterial system reflections of pressure
and flow waves occur wherever there is a change
in the local fluid impedance
- Decrease in diameter or increase in stiffness -gt
- positive reflection of pressure
- negative reflection of flow
- If no reflections pressure and flow waves are
the same shape - Arterial disease usually associated with
increased reflections (except aneurysms) - Energy is lost so cardiac output must increase to
maintain a given flow
2Wave reflection
3Fourier analysis
4Q(t) q0 q1Cos(?t - ?1) q2Cos(?t - ?2)
q3Cos(?t - ?3) ...
P(t) p0 p1Cos(?t - ?1) p2Cos(?t - ? 2)
p3Cos(?t - ? 3) ...
Z pn/qnPressure/Flow F ?n - ?n
Pressure - Flow
5Vascular tree of rat kidney
6Rat Heart
Vessel Diam. mm Number Total CSA mm2 Length mm Total Vol. mm3x103
Aorta 10.0 1 80 400 30
Large arteries 3.0 40 300 200 60
Main branches 1.0 600 500 100 50
Terminal 0.6 1800 500 1 25
Arterioles 0.02 4x107 12500 0.2 25
Capillaries 0.008 1.2x109 60000 0.1 60
Venules 0.03 8x107 57000 0.2 110
Terminal veins 1.5 1800 3000 1 30
Main branches 2.4 600 2700 10 270
Large veins 6.0 40 1100 20 220
Vena cava 12.5 1 120 40 50
8Blood distribution
8 - 11
10 - 12
Systemic Arteries
10 - 12
4 - 5
Small venules
Systemic veins
60 - 70
Total volume 5.5 litre
9Major components of large arteries
Component Stiffness kPa Amount Type Characterist
Elastin E 0.1 30 Protein Rubber Collagen E
10 30 Protein Leather Muscle E 0.05 30
Cellular Liver Ground substance E 0 10 MPS
Gel Marmalade Endothelium E 0 lt 1 Cellular Wet
Water 70
Stiffness depends on the ratio of collagen to
Bone 10 - 50 Wood 100 Steel 1000
10Size shape
11stanford-online.stanford.edu/ cardio2006/docs/Tayl
- Randomly kinked, covalently cross-linked
polypeptide chains - Fibres of around 10 µm in diameter with variable
lengths, found in lung, skin etc. - Fenestrated lamellae (layers) around 3µm thick,
found primarily in the tunica media of the
arteries - Found in all vertebrates with a closed (high
pressure) circulatory system. - Not hagfish and lampreys
- Equivalent rubbery materials in invertebrates
- Resilin, abductin, octopus arterial elastomer
- Synthesised by VSMC and VEC (perhaps)
- soluble tropoelastin
- excreted
- cross linked
- Undergoes large recoverable (elastic) stretch
- Elastic fibres are not fibres
14Elasticity of Elastin
- Entropy (typical elastomer)
- Hydrophobicity
- When relaxed, hydrophilic entities are in contact
with interstitial water. - When stretched, hydrophobic part of the molecule
is brought into contact with the water, work is
done against repulsion