Title: Getting Control of your Digital Photo Library
1Getting Control of your Digital Photo Library
2Say Thanks upfront
- Pittsburgh Filmmakers
- Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council
3Its all about Darwin
- 20 years ago
- no line items for personal computers.
- Few orgs had in-house photography
- Library management 3 ring binders
- Expectations lower, timelines longer
4Those who adapt survive
- High Expectations
- media delivery on demand
- Pressure and possibility of handling media
in-house writing, photo, video, design - high quality
- New costs
- Equipment (computers, software, servers)
- Resources (human, space)
- More pressure to creatively use resources
5Those who adapt survive
- Digital Asset Management
- Response to the flood of digital media that
cannot be tracked with conventional methods - New, essential business process.
- Challenge is to communicate the need to
stakeholders before the issue hurts the org.
6Welcome to DAMDigital Asset Management
- Photos
- But also Videos, PDFs, Illustrations
7Welcome to DAMDigital Asset Management
- Old methods dont work.
- A new business issue has emerged.
8In a perfect world
- What functions do you want your DAM system to
have? (Wishlist)
9The reality is
- What are the problems with the way you currently
do DAM? - What are your current worst case scenarios?
10Who is involved?
- Creators- Staff, freelance pros, clients,
partners - Managers
- Digital Asset Mngrs, Editors, Dev. Director
- Consumers
- Media outlets, clients, funders, public,
in-house clients - What priorities and needs does each group have?
11Who pays the bills
- Who signs the requisition sheet, not necessarily
who you submit the request to. - Be ready to defend your ideas in ways that are
valuable to top management - Write down that persons values (at the end of
the process map back to manager values and
mission values.)
12Power of human relations in digital systems
- Must start with credibility
- Must achieve buy in
- Practices must be clear and easy to use.
- Must be able to source tools
13Roles, Responsibilities, Resources
- Formality of a plan legitimizes DAM
- Pay now or pay later
- Leadership buy-in
14Image Lifecycle
- Is an image used more than once?
- What are the legal issues associated with an
image? - Eg documentation of damage
- Specific rights limitations
- Do you retire images?
- Renovation projects
15What are the business functions for images
- Branding
- Promotion
- Program documentation
- Funding appeals
- Training
- Enhance partnerships
- Income
- Consider these functions when you budget
16Process over product
- Develop a plan based on workflow that meets needs
rather than mastery of a specific software. - Plan should be scaleable
- Written plan makes it easier to handle new
17Map current workflow
- Initiate, Ingest, Annotate, Catalog, Store,
- Who wants photos?
- What are the uses?
- New or existing work?
- Legacy work
- Lifespan
- Cost to organize
- Consider partial organization (or prioritize)
20Initiate The paperwork
- Model or property releases
- Logistics sheet
21Initiate RAW
- Max image quality
- Image quality of legacy files can be improved
over time as parametric image editors improve. - White balance can be applied
- Output can be 16-bit depth, advantage for post
processing. - flexibility in adjusting exposure and brightness
values. - Adjustments are non-destructive
- Source dpBestflow.org
22Initiate RAW
- Bigger than JPEG (but smaller than TIFF).
- Proprietary raw formats may become unreadable at
some point in the future. (Canon did this once
and found out it was a bad idea.) - Processing raw files requires a computer, special
software and time. - Proprietary raw files can take a while to be
supported by third-party processors. - Proprietary raw files are not good candidates for
storing custom metadata. In fact, most software
applications refuse to embed any type of metadata
in them, forcing the use of sidecar files or
storage of the information in a database or
folder. - The only standardized raw file format, DNG, is
not supported by all raw processing software. - Source dpBestflow.org
23Initiate RAW/DNG
- Adobes answer to the RAW problem
- Publicly documented, royalty free, open standard
file format - Standardized alternative to proprietary camera
raw files. - The DNG specification incorporates rich metadata
support along with imbedded previews, camera
profiles, and maker notes (private or proprietary
metadata). - DNG can employ lossless compression that can
result in a significant file size reduction over
the original proprietary raw. - It is also being promoted as an archival image
format since it is fully documented and has been
submitted to the ISO. - Source dpBestflow.org
24Initiate File format/ Tif
- Tiff
- Not compressed
- Able to make a greater range of changes
- Big files
- Slow
25Initiate File format/ Tif
- Tiff
- Not compressed
- Able to make a greater range of changes
- Big files
- Slow
26Initiate File format/ Tif
- Tiff
- Not compressed
- Able to make a greater range of changes
- Big files
- Slow
27Initiate File format/ Tif
- Tiff
- Not compressed
- Able to make a greater range of changes
- Big files
- Slow
28Initiate File Format/JPG
- Compressed
- Not much room for manipulation
- Small file size
- Very fast workflow
- Most versatile in use
- When compressed at Max QualityTif
29Initiate File Format/JPG
- Compressed
- Not much room for manipulation
- Small file size
- Very fast workflow
- Most versatile in use
- When compressed at Max QualityTif
30Annotate Metadata
- Metadata can be defined as information regarding
the characteristics of any object, such as its
name, location, importance, quality and
relationship to other objects in the collection.
In other words, it's structured information about
resources. - Cataloging is the act of adding an image to an
image database.Source ControlledVocabulary.com
31Annotate Naming Conventions
- Dont rely on a descriptive name as your primary
method to find photos. - Identifier_YYYYMMDD_IMG1234.tif
- Keep the image number that the photographer
assigned. - Keep names under 32 characters including the dot
and the suffix.
32Annotate Naming Conventions
- Dont use spaces in names. UseCapitalizationIfNeed
ed. - Dont use special characters ()./\
- Use only letters, numbers, dashes and
underscores Source ControlledVocabulary.com
33Annotate Keywords
- Captions are fully searchable, so create keywords
for words in the caption that also need plurals,
variants and synonyms. - Use plural spelling only, unless the spelling is
different than just adding an "s." - Use gerunds not verbs.
- Do not capitalize unless it's proper noun
- List alt. spellings for international audience
Source ControlledVocabulary.com
34Annotate Keywords
- Limit keywords to those that express or describe
the visual content of the image. - Apply attribute / concept words very selectively
- Cut/paste into Photoshop CS field, use a comma
and then a space between terms. Source
- Lightroom
- Aperture
- Extensis Portfolio
36Catalog Hierarchies
- Top level is organized by date
- Take some time to figure out how you look for
images - Client, annual event, department, issue
- Can have several paths to find the same image
- Ability to create the SLAM DUNK
- Favorites, annual report, media ready
- 5 minutes to talk, phone, text and generate ideas.
- Two back ups plus write once
- Conform with your overall system backup protocol
- If you dont have a system backup protocol .
- Free image downloads
- End-user pays for print or download
- What are your obligations as a steward of the
- Photoshelter
- Extensis Portfolio (enterprise)
- ZenFolio.com
- Online filefolder
- YouSendIt.com
42Disperse Photoshelter.com
- Heavy SEO and viral marketing
- Strong web presentation
- Flexible still image files RAW TIFF JPG PSD
- Sell or allow free download
- Tout security capabilities
- Video not available yet--but soon
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44Disperse Extensis Portfolio
- Only free downloads available now
- Lots of flexibility in permissions
45Disperse Zenfolio.com
- Flexible E-commerce
- Took two tries on the MOM test
- GREAT prints
- Extension to upload fr Lightroom
- Can do free downloads, but clunky
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47Disperse YouSendIt.com
- Free or paid subscriptions
- Works similar to Online Filefolder
- No e-commerce, just large file sharing
48Disperse GoDaddy Online Filefolder
- Web-based.
- Really easy to use once set up.
- Upload and download
- No e-commerce
- Very secure
- Customer cant see images beforehand (I use a
Lightroom workaround.)
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52Disperse (Print)
- Tom Underiner pixel.river_at_gmail.com
- Modern Reprographics (412) 488-7700
- Mpix.com
- Scanning (low-end) Costco