Title: Quasi
1Quasi Non-Experimental Designs
Quasi-Experimental designs Not quite true
experiments because the different
groups/conditions are not created by
__________________. Groups or conditions are
defined by _____________ variable or a ______
variable. Non-Experimental designs do not
allow you to rule out many threats to
2Quasi Non-Experimental Designs
- Those using ____ group, compare behavior across
_____ - Time-series designs (quasi-experimental)
- One group pretest-posttest (non-experimental)
- Longitudinal design (non-experimental
- Those using multiple, ____________ groups
- Pretest-posttest nonequivalent control group
design (quasi-experimental) - Posttest-only control group design (Static-group
design) (non-experimental) - Differential (Causal-comparative) design
(non-experimental) - Cross-sectional design (non-experimental)
3Summary of Quasi Non-experimental designs
4Time-Series Design
- Definition A quasi experimental design in which
behavior in one group of participants is measured
across time _______________ an IV is implemented. - ___________________ control for multiple threats
to internal validity - Allows you to evaluate _________ across time
- Called ___________________ when the IV is not
created by the experimenter - Called an _____________________ design if the
treatment is repeatedly presented and withdrawn
(provides more evidence that the effect not due
to coincidence)
5____________ Design
6Time-Series Design
Example Effects of anti-smoking campaign on
smoking frequency
No ______ group hard to tell if campaign was
Time Series Effect was just part of periodic
Time Series Effect was just part of downward
Time Series Effect occurs only after
7One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design
1 naturally occurring group Pretest and postest
8One Group Pretest-Posttest Design
- Observation made in ____ group before and after
treatment - No attempt is made to control for many threats to
9Developmental Research Designs study
age-related changes in behavior
- Longitudinal design
- Measuring a variable in individuals over an
___________________ - Like a time-series design with no _______________
- Can determine how an individual _________
- No cohort effects
- Very _____________, expensive
- Problems with _____, ________
10Pretest-Posttest Non-Equivalent Control-Group
11Pretest-Posttest Nonequivalent Control-Group
- Definition A quasi-experimental design in which
behavior in two _______________groups is measured
pre and post-IV - No random __________ and ___________
- Because you measure behavior before treatment you
can evaluate group equivalence - it reduces the
threat of _______________ - e.g., Effects of Flexible vs. fixed work hours on
productivity in two factories - e.g., Effects of Home-based vs. School-based
treatment on problem behavior
12Posttest Only (Static) Group Design
13Posttest Only (Static) Group Design
- No random selection and assignment
- 2 __________________, e.g., children in 2 clinics
- Groups should be ______
- Susceptible to internal validity threats, e.g.,
assignment bias (selection threat) - group
assignment is _______ - Example effects of peer tutoring in two
14Differential (Casual-comparative) Research
- Definition Research design in which behavior is
measured in 2 groups that differ on 1 primary
variable. - The IV (not true IV) is the ________ or
______variable - Classification variable is not manipulated
because it is _______ or ___________ - Normal adults vs. psychopaths
- history of abuse vs. no history
- Males vs. females
- heroine abusers vs. polydrug abusers
- Does Group A differ from Group B on measures of
the DV?
15Differential (Casual-comparative) Research
16Differential (Casual-comparative) Research
- Does ____ demonstrate a causal relationship
- There is no guarantee that the two groups will be
______________ in all other ways. - There may be ________________ explanations for
the observed differences. - e.g., kids who play sports vs. those who dont
compare measures of academic success.
17Conducting differential (causal-comparative
- Select groups that vary on __ quantifiable
variable - Requires ________ definitions
- Matching participants equate groups on
______________factors - Select _____________ groups more likely to see
difference in variable of interest
18 19 20Developmental Research Designs study
age-related changes in behavior
Age group 1 e.g., 2-3
Age group 2 e.g., 4-5
Age group 3 e.g., 6-7
- Cross-sectional research design
- Measure a variable in different ___________
- Like a ____________ group design
- Cannot determine how any ___________ changes
- Other factors may influence groups other than age
(______/_____________ effects)