Title: Graphical User Interfaces Part 2
1Graphical User Interfaces Part 2
- Dialogs
- JButton
- JLabel
- JTextField, JTextArea
- JRadioButton and ButtonGroup
2Last week
- command line interface
- no choice, no user input
- menu-driven with user input
- GUI menu using javax.swing
- this week
- input and output using javax.swing
3Dialog boxes
- simple way to
- get one item of input from user
- confirm actions
- output messages
- use static methods of JOptionPane class
- useful for 'find student' use case
- as shown here
- used to output a message
- parameters
- parent frame (usually this)
- message to output
- title
- icon JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE,
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Student "
studentName " not found", "Not found",
- used for simple input
- parameter
- prompt
- if OK button clicked, returns the input as a
String - if Cancel button clicked, returns null
- can also specify title and icon as in message
String studentName JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
"Name of student?")
6printStudentDetails() method
- Public void printStudentDetails()
- String studentName JOptionPane.showInputDial
og("Name of student?") - Student tempStudent soc.getStudentByName(stu
dentName) - if (tempStudent ! null)
- JTextArea outputArea new JTextArea()
- outputArea.setEditable(false)
- getContentPane().add(outputArea)
- outputArea.setText(tempStudent.toString())
- else
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,
"Student " studentName " not found", "Not
found", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE)
7More complex input
- could make a custom dialog box
- by extending swing's JDialog class
- add other GUI components to it
- change method registerStudent() so that it
creates the new dialog box to do student
registration - when this dialog is closed, control returns to
SchoolApp and another menu item can be selected - public void registerStudent()
- new RegisterStudentDialog(this, soc)
- need to write this new class
- look at code RegisterStudentDialog.java
- subclass of JDialog
- implements ActionListener interface
- method to deal with JButton, and JRadioButton
presses - import javax.swing.
- import java.awt.
- import java.awt.event.
- public class RegisterStudentDialog extends
JDialog implements ActionListener
10Using components
11Using components
- declare components as attributes
- create components in constructor
- add listeners to buttons and radiobuttons
- add components to the dialog or frame
- write actionPerformed() method for buttons and
radiobuttons - write any methods called by these methods
12Declare components as attributes
- private JButton register, clear, exit
- private JLabel nameLabel
- private JTextField nameText
- private ButtonGroup programGroup
- private JRadioButton computingRadio, SERadio,
ITRadio - private JTextArea messageArea
- private String program "Computing"
- private School soc
13Create components in constructor
- public RegisterStudentDialog(JFrame schoolApp,
School s) -
- super(schoolApp, "Register New Student", true)
// parent frame, title, is it modal? - soc s
- // create buttons, label and textfield
- register new JButton("Register")
- clear new JButton("Clear")
- exit new JButton("Exit")
- nameLabel new JLabel("Name")
- nameText new JTextField(30)
String for the button
what the label will say
width of TextField, in characters
14Create components in constructor
- // create button group and radio buttons
- programGroup new ButtonGroup()
- computingRadio new JRadioButton("Computing")
- computingRadio.setActionCommand("Computing")
- // associated command
- computingRadio.setSelected(true)
- // show selected when Dialog first appears
- SERadio new JRadioButton("Software
Engineering") - SERadio.setActionCommand("Software
Engineering") - ITRadio new JRadioButton("Internet
Technology") - ITRadio.setActionCommand("Internet
Technology") - programGroup.add(computingRadio)
- programGroup.add(SERadio)
- programGroup.add(ITRadio)
15Add listeners to buttons and radiobuttons
- // create text area for feedback
- messageArea new JTextArea("", 2, 30)
- messageArea.setEditable(false)
- messageArea.setLineWrap(true)
- // add listeners to buttons and radio buttons
- register.addActionListener(this)
- clear.addActionListener(this)
- exit.addActionListener(this)
- computingRadio.addActionListener(this)
- SERadio.addActionListener(this)
- ITRadio.addActionListener(this)
16Add components to dialog
- Container cp getContentPane()
- cp.setLayout(new FlowLayout())
- cp.add(nameLabel)
- cp.add(nameText)
- cp.add(computingRadio)
- cp.add(SERadio)
- cp.add(ITRadio)
- cp.add(register)
- cp.add(clear)
- cp.add(exit)
- cp.add(messageArea)
- setSize(400,150)
- setLocation(100, 100)
- show()
17actionPerformed() method for buttons and
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
- if (e.getSource() instanceof JButton)
- messageArea.setText("")
- JButton b (JButton)e.getSource()
- if (b register)
- registerStudent()
- else if (b clear)
- nameText.setText("")
18actionPerformed() method for buttons and
- else if (b exit)
- setVisible(false)
- dispose()
- else if(e.getSource() instanceof
JRadioButton) -
- program e.getActionCommand()
19registerStudent() method
- public void registerStudent()
- String name nameText.getText()
- if (!name.equalsIgnoreCase("")
!program.equalsIgnoreCase("")) -
- Student stud new Student(name, program)
- if (soc.addStudent(stud))
- messageArea.setText(name "
successfully added with program " program) - else
- messageArea.setText("Sorry the school is
full") - nameText.setText("")
- else
- messageArea.setText("Enter student name and
- this example used a FlowLayout object to manage
the layout of components - displays the components from left to right in the
order they are added - centres the line of components
- wraps to next line when first line is full
- alternative layout managers
- BorderLayout
- GridLayout
- GridBagLayout
- components can be added to one of five regions
- only one component per region
- to add more, define a Panel object, add the
components to the Panel, then add the Panel to
the region
- setLayout(new BorderLayout())
- add("Center", messageLabel)
- add("South", okButton)
- places components in rows and columns
- fills up left to right by row
- setLayout(new GridLayout(2,3))
- allows precise placement of components on a grid
of cells - components can occupy more than one cell
- component can occupy entire cell, or be padded
with white spaces - flexible but complicated!!
25Class diagram
26Designing the interface
- have a clear separation between interface
(command line menu or GUI) and system code - system code unchanged when interface changes
- can incrementally improve interface
- may need to implement more GUI classes
- keep it modular
- replace one use case at a time with GUI version
- don't be afraid to mix GUI and command line
27Designing the interface
- think about GUI (or menu) design
- make flow charts
- when use case finishes, what happens next?
- user returned to previous menu?
- user has opportunity to repeat use case?
- there are many more Swing components
- but general principles same
- similar to
- awt components used in Applets
- VB GUI components
- for more info, see Swing tutorials on Sun website
- http//java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/TO
28Further work
- Reading
- Malik and Nair
- Chapter 3 "Using Dialog Boxes for Input/Output"
p. 113-120 - Chapter 6 "Graphical User Interfaces" p. 263-290
- Tutorial
- add Dialog box to School system
- add GUI components to your assignment system
- for Distinction
- don't attempt until you've fulfilled Pass and
Merit criteria