Title: Arc Hydro Terrain Processing
1Arc Hydro Terrain Processing
Exercise 3
Input Data
HydroID Assignment
2HydroID Assignment
Used in this exercise
Unused in this exercise
Catchment HydroID 535 to 654 (120
Catchments) DrainageLine HydroID 655 to 774
(120 Drainage Lines) AdjointCatchment HydroID
775 to 828 (54 Adjoint Catchments) DrainagePoint
HydroID 949 to 1068 (120 Drainage
Points) HydroID is always unique if you create
a feature class and then delete it or overwrite
it, HydroIDs are all assigned new
3HydroID - DrainID
HydroID of Catchment DrainID of DrainageLine
and DrainagePoint
NextDownID 549
NextDownID 557
NextDownID 549
NextDownID 557
NextDownID of a Catchment is HydroID of next
downstream Catchment
5Tracing by NextDownID
Tracing Downstream
Each catchment has only one downstream catchment
(like a DEM cell)
6Upstream Tracing using Next DownID