Title: Quadrant diode configuration
1Quadrant diode configuration
X or configuration? ISYS quadrant diodes
2X or configuration?
3Comparison X and configuration
- Relative sensitivity of X configuration
- Virgo QDs are used in X configuration
- Same signal-to-noise-ratio as config.
- Couplings
- Horizontal/vertical error signal couplings
- X config couplings for hv miscentering
- Misalignment sensitivity
- Strong horizontal or vertical misalignment
- X config may give no error signal
- Conclusion
- For new QD front ends
- configuration desirable
4Simulation h/v couplings
- Simulation of horizontal/vertical coupling
- Normalized asymmetry fluctuates - 0.5 0.5
(C7) - X config 4 coupling Tx - Ty
- config none
Q81 (8 hours)
dh dv 0.3
Normalized asymmetry
Power as seen by QD (horizontal)
Normalized asymmetry
5ISYS quadrant diodes
6ISYS Quadrants PHD (IMC, RFC) (Preliminary
Quadrant photodiode specifications - Centronic
QD40-4x, silicon photodiode (EGG YAG 444-4) -
7.98mm diam, 200microns gap, 0.4 A/W (11.4 mm,
0.45 A/W) - 120V bias (IMC RFC) (180 V) -
10mA peak current (3 mA) - geometrical
configuration (X configuration) Quadrant box
specs. - 6 MHz 22 MHz, demodulation done
onboard (RFC, IMC respectively) - IMC RFC
involved in servo-loops - vertic/horiz error
signals (AC DC) provided onboard, BNC
connectors (unipolar) - R_ac 50 kohm -
4quadrants, shot noise limited for 16 mA,
should be 0.6mA, (need TBC and check reason
for extra noise) (in that case, S/N would be
equivalent to Frascati quadrants)
Frascati QDs
7ISYS Quadrants PHD (IMC, RFC, PMC, SL)
Centering electronics
8ISYS Quadrant PHD (IMC, RFC, PMC, SL)
- Discussion
- we can work shot noise limited with present
ISYS quadrants - Question
- Is it worth to extend LA standard for ISYS
quadrants (24)? - Main advantage standardization
- Price to pay
- - Extra demodulation boards
- - Extra cabling
- - Swap translation stages
- - rearrange optical setup? (VIRGO quadrant box
larger) - What about QDs for monitoring SL PMC (nearly
same as IMC RFC) (14 MHz)? - What about DC QDs (BMS, MC end mirror
transmission)? - at present EGO is to provide those QDs (UDT
photodiodes already bought), - use temporarily PMC QDs (for BMS), and Nice
QD for MC mirror
10LA electronics
TStage driver
Demodulator board (2 channel)
Phase shifter (2 channel)
QD front end
11Quadrant photodiode
- type EGG YAG 444
- sensitivity 0.45 A/W
- DC power 3 mWmax
- transimpedance 2 k?
- Bias voltage 180 V
12QD electronics
Quadrant diode box
13Scheme of LA electronics
14Noise measurements
15Influence of QD power
16Fast quadrant centering system
- Couplings
- Coupling with longitudinal error signals
- Horizontal/vertical error signals are coupled if
h v miscentering - Coupling with waist mismatch
- Coupling with longitudinal noise
- Better rms centering required
- See G. Vajentes talk (Napoli 03/10/2005)
- Bad mirror motion reconstruction
- Not understood
- Fast QD centering system could remain ON all time
- Control signal would be used for beam
stabilization - Present system too noisy
17Requirements for centering
With the present centering configuration
(activates every few minutes) RMS change of a
factor of 4 Extrapolating from these
measurements Taking a reasonable range around
the minimum, the maximum DC asymmetry must be
less than 0.1
Even with the best centering rate now possible
(every 4-5 seconds) we cant reach this precision.