Horn current monitor - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Horn current monitor


This looked that it is adding inductance and also that it is weak against ... In case the force sum up coherently, 300gW. Elastical limit of the wire is 400gW. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Horn current monitor

Horn current monitor
  • H. Kubo, A. K. Ichikawa (Kyoto university)
  • E. D. Zimmerman (KEK Colorado university)
  • T. Sekiguchi (KEK)

  • K2K used CTs for each striplines.
  • The stripline structure was different at the CT
    position. This looked that it is adding
    inductance and also that it is weak against the
    Lorentz force. (c.f. T2K Lorentz force is 1.7
    times larger than that for K2K.)
  • So we started a project to monitor the current
    flowing the stripline with pick-up coils, which
    is small enough that there is no need to change
    the stripline structure.
  • K2K has a analogue interlock module looking at
    the valance among four CT outputs. Its maximum
    rating was 300kA. We have decided to make a new
    digital interlock system using PLC.

K2K CT Interlock module
Present status
  • The progress of the RD was not so quick. This is
    partially because trial and debugging cannot be
    done by the power supply problem. We have only
    three opportunities to actually see signal before
    this March.
  • So it is still debugging process.
  • With the experiences in this April and June run,
    it should be modified if necessity found.

Purpose and requirement
  • Monitor the current of each stripline
    pulse-by-pulse during throughout experiment. Both
    magnitude and timing should be monitored.
  • From purely physics point of view, required
    precision for total current is 5.
  • See http//jnusrv01.kek.jp/internal/t2k/nubeam/rep
  • http//www.t2k.org/docs/technotes/004
  • To monitor the stripline or cable status,1
    sensitivity for stability monitoring is required.
  • So we set the requirement for the monitor as
  • A few tenth of 1 sensitivity for stability
  • lt5 for the absolute current determination
  • See p.? for other facility horn occurences.
  • This monitor will be also used to tune the horn
    fire timing against beam. Required timing
    precision is 80micro seconds. (1 current drop
    from the peak)
  • Note that this monitor was intended to be used to
    protect horn, striplines and cables, but not to
    protect the power supply. If lt0.1 pulse-by-pulse
    sensitivity is required in order to protect the
    power supply, this monitor would not work for
  • Because it will be installed in radiation
    environment, it should be fully passive in the

Proportional to field change
Ground level control tent
Integration circuit
Interlock PLC ADC
Peak Hold module
Isolation amp
Pick-up coil
Copper FADC
An integration circuit is necessary In order to
deal the signal with the peak hold module and PLC.
Assumption of this method
  • The field at the coil position is approximately
    uniform. Or the coil has to be small compared to
    the stripline width(40cm).
  • The field at the coil position is dominantly
    determined by the current of the striplines
    sandwiching that coil.
  • The magnitude of the current of the striplines
    sandwiching the coil is approximately same.

Field calculation by Poisson/Superfish
  • apply 250/4 kA for each pair.
  • m1 is assumed for aluminum

Required Time constant of the integration circuit
  • Since the horn pulse width is 13ms, ideally t
    should be gt100ms.
  • But large t means small output voltage and weak
    against noise.
  • Simulation study was done.
  • Still pulse shape with 20ms integrator dose not
    exactly reproduce the original pulse shape. But
    considering the purpose of this monitor, we
    decided to use t20ms in order to achieve
    sufficient pulse height for the production.
  • Optimization of t may still need some study. Peak
    timing should be also checked.

Blue Horn current black induced voltage Red
integrator output (Absolute pulse height depends
on the coil inductance. Just see relative
magnitude here.)
1st option with compensation coil
Compensation coil using fine-met core
2nd option with RC circuit
Compensation coil v.s. RC
  • Both options look promising.
  • But we had a some difficulty to produce good
    compensation coil, we decided to use the RC
  • (RC integrator is easy and cheap.)

What we learned in July and August, 08 operation
at Tsukuba.
  • Observed 510 field in the gap where field
    should be low.
  • This is same whether the striplines are connected
    to the horn or just terminated. In the latter
    case, the current in both side of the stripline
    pair is exactly same.

Raw signal
After offline integration
? at terminator at horn2 connection black
coil A red coil B green coil C blue coil D
  • Difference among coils is small.
  • Pattern is same for the termination connection
    and horn2 connection.
  • -gt This phenomenon cannot be explained by
    unbalance among pairs.
  • Many current patterns are investigated using
    Poisson/Superfish, but failed. Nominally, the
    field should be 24. (Current distribution in
    the stripline plate is assumed to be uniform in
    this study.)
  • See http//jnusrv00.kek.jp/jnu/tgt-horn/horn/strip
  • So 7 is not understood.
  • In order to confirm that there is really 10
    field, field probe measurement was carried out in
    December 08 and the result is consistent.
  • Possible origin may be dynamical effect?
    (Poisson/Superfish is static analysis.)
  • Or non-uniform current distribution in the
    stripline plate?

What we learned in December, 08 operation at the
target station ground level.
  • pick-up coils are set and connected to coaxial
    cables. The expected signal size was 1V before
    integration and 15mV after integration.
  • Big noise at the rising edge.
  • 200 mV, repetition cycle 5micro seconds
  • did not disappear even after integrator or
    isolation amp.
  • Seemed to be on GND Line of the coaxial cable.
  • Noise was reduced when the GND line of the
    coaxial cable was connected to the earth.
  • Coaxial cable was replaced with twisted pair
    cables with shieldings. The shielding was
    connected to the earth in control tent. -gt Big
  • We have decided to adopt twisted pair cable with
  • We have decided to enlarge the signal size by
    increasing the number of turns of the pick-up

Pick-up coil specification
  • 9ch/module
  • 0.25mm wire
  • 8mm thickness 48 mm width 40 mm wire region
  • (140 turns expected)
  • wire resistance 15m/ch, 370ohm/km(JIS) --gt 5.5
  • inductance 1.4mH
  • At ?1000(3ms pulse) --gt corr. 1.4 ohm calculated
    by http//emclab.mst.edu/inductance/rectgl.html
  • expected signal size
  • 30V (before the integrator)
  • 300mV (after the integrator)

Radiation Dose
  • Expected radiation dose is 100Gy/5years.
  • Teflon should be avoided.
  • Acrylic would be O.K.
  • No active electrical component should be used in
    the area.

Calibration strategy
  • Use well-calibrated hall probe at close location
    to the pick-up coil.
  • Read simultaneously pick-up coil signal and hall
    probe signal.
  • Get absolute field value by hall probe and
    normalize the pick-up coil signal.
  • Use FEM calculation to link the field value and
    current of the stripline.
  • 0.194T_at_250kA, 0.248T_at_320kA
  • c.f. 0.251T_at_320kA by hand calculation
  • See p.6 for the assumption for this method to be
  • Since we observed 7 discrepancy at the low-field
    gap, the obtainable accuracy for the absolute
    current would be 7 unless we can understand
    this phenomenon.
  • Field measurement along the stripline width may
  • Relative calibration accuracy between coils will
    be determined from the noise level. Another way
    of relative calibration is to move the pick-up
    coils to different gap position and measure.
  • The absolute normalization can be improved by
    doing the field measurement by hall probe in side
    the horn conductors while pick-up coil is
    measuring the field in the stripline gap. We
    expect 2 level accuracy with this method. See
  • Rogowsky coil suggested by Koseki-san is also
    potent to calibrate the pick-up coil.

Hall probe specifications
  • SENIS three-axis magnetic field probe
  • Specially ordered model with 25 kHz bandwidth
  • Linear range /- 2 T
  • Output coefficient is 0.2 T/V
  • Field accuracy of probe 0.1
  • Temperature sensitivity 0.01/C
  • Noise lt2 mV (4 gauss)
  • Calibration stability lt1 over 10 years

Field probe measurement at stripline
  • (Done and being analyzed by Kubo-kun now.)

Horn field measurements
  • Used probe holder and positioning tool from Univ.
    of Colorado
  • Data read by KEK differential-input dataloggger

Horn field measurements
  • Several sources of error at the 1 level
  • Probe radial location position read off from
    scale on probe holder precision is only about
    0.5 mm
  • Position is referenced to outer conductor which
    (in Horn 2 and Horn 3) may not be round,
    introducing more error on radius
  • Tsukuba horn test facility did not have precise
    horn current measurement
  • Hall probe averages over unknown (probably about
    1 mm) area

Horn 1 and Horn 3
  • Measurements were made in 2007 by Z. Butcher and
    KEK group
  • Analysis used peak probe voltage in pulses
  • Field agrees with absolute prediction from
    Amperes law to within 2 except for expected
    dropoff near outer conductor

Horn 1 downstream left port
Horn 1 downstream left port
Horn 1 and Horn 3
  • Horn 3 upstream ports have largest observed
    deviations from expected field nearly 2.

Horn 3 upstream left port
Horn 3 upstream top port
Horn 2
  • Measurements made in August 2008 by E. D.
    Zimmerman and M. M. Tzanov
  • Current was 250 kA, not 320 kA analysis used
    sine-wave fit of central portion of pulse ten
    pulses wereaveraged for each location.
  • Field is within 1 of nominal at all but one port

  • Lorentz force on the wire
  • Field 0.2Tesla, Imax1A
  • F 0.2 N/m 0.2gW/cm
  • 2.5gW per 1 turn.
  • In case the force sum up coherently, 300gW.
  • Elastical limit of the wire is 400gW.
  • Capton tape around may not be robust for 5 years
    use. Photo?
  • We have to see what happen in this april and May
    run and improve before autumn.

1st trial with compensation coil
  • ??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????
    ?? 50O???????100mV ??????? (2mA) ??
    300?????6cm?????20000 ??? ??????????????? ?
    0.04??? ???????????????1.2 ????????60 mA (3V
    ????? ?)??????? ????????FADC??????????????????????
    ? ????????????????????? ???CT?????N
    ??????????????? ??????????N?2?????????????????????
    ?? ?????? 1/N ?????? ???????3????????????
    1.???????????????? 2.??????????
    3.??????????????????????1 ???????????????????? ??
    10µH ??????? ????????167 Hz ????????????????????10
    mO??? ????50O???????????????? ???????2H
    (167Hz???????2kO??) ????????????? ????????
    ?????????????????????????? ???????????????????????
    ?????? ????????????????????????????

2nd option with RC circuit
  • RC??????????????????? L ???????????????????????
    ????R , ??????????C, ????50 O???? ????
    50RC/(R50) ???????????? ????????????? C ????R
    ?50 O?????????????????????? ??????????????????????
    ??? ????????????????????????????? 50/(R50) ?
    ????? ?????????????????????????
    ???????????????????????????????????? ?????
    ???????????????????????????0.5A ??? ???????1V
    ??????10O???????????????????? ????(??????????)
    ??? 4.7 mF ???????????????????46 ms ???????
    ????????????????????? 4.7 mF ??????????10??????3??
    ???????????? 200?????????????? http//jp.rs-online
    ProductR3654048 ???????????????????????????120
    Hz ????? ?????????? ????????????????????

  • ???? ???????????????????????? FADC
    ???????????????????????????? 10 mV
    ??????????????????????????????? ?? Atsuko K.
    Ichikawa ???????? gt ?????? gt gt
    ????????????????????????????????? gt
    FADC??????????????????????????? gt
    ?????????????????????????? gt ?????????????????????
    ??? gt gt Hajime Kubo ???????? gtgt ???? gtgt gtgt ?????
    gtgt gtgt ???????????????????? gtgt ????????????????????
    ?? gtgt gtgt ???????????? gtgt ??????(167 Hz)
    ????????????????(10 Hz ??? gtgt 100ms)
    ??????????? gtgt ?????????????????????? gtgt gtgt
    ?????????????????????????????????? gtgt
    ?????????????? gtgt gtgt ? ?????????????10?????? ?
    ????? gtgt ??????100 Hz ?????????????????????? gt gt
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