Title: FMCSAs Research and Technology Program
1FMCSAs Research and Technology Program
- Presentation to
- American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials - Subcommittee on Highway Transport
- Michael Griffith
- Director, Office of Research and Analysis
- June 16, 2006
2Crash Statistics
- In 2004, large trucks accounted for 8 percent of
the vehicles in fatal crashes and only 3 percent
of the vehicles involved in injury. - In 2004, 4,440 fatal crashes involved a large
truck resulting in 5,190 fatalities. - 75 percent of these cases involved at least one
large truck and at least one passenger car.
3Strategic Research and Technology Priorities
- Produce Safer Drivers
- Improve Safety CMV
- Produce Safer Carriers
- Advance Safety Through Information-Based
Initiatives - Improve Security through Safety Initiatives
- Enable and Motivate Internal Excellence
4LTCCS and Driver Factors
- Driver factors up to 10 times more prevalent than
vehicle or environmental factors in events that
led up to crashes involving one truck and one
passenger vehicle - Drivers physical condition, actions and
decisions, and familiarity with the roadway and
the truck played a bigger role than faulty
brakes, bad road signs, or poor weather
Critical Reason - Truck Crashes
5Safety Data Risk Study
- Identify commercial vehicle driver factors that
contribute to increased risk of large truck
crashes - Case-control sampling method (2,000 drivers)
whereby crash-involved drivers (cases) are
compared to non-crash-involved drivers (controls)
- Factors
- Driver Individual Characteristics (demographics,
background experience, training, and medical
conditions) - Behaviors (personality traits - aggressiveness
and risk-taking) - Operating Environment (schedules, work hours,
conditions) - Expected Outcome Increased understanding of
driver risk factors
6Naturalistic Driving Research Program
- Provides in-vehicle, real-time data identifying
driver factors such as issues of performance,
inattention, distraction, fatigue, and other
crash precursors. - Truck cab is equipped with 5 video cameras
providing views of drivers face, dashboard view,
forward view, and 2 side mirror views. - Expected Outcome The analysis of the
naturalistic driving video data will provide a
better understanding of the causes of crashes
and potential
7Driver Fatigue Research
- North American Fatigue Management Program (FMP)
- FMCSA and Transport Canada
- Components of FMP sleep apnea screening as well
as training for managers, schedulers, drivers,
and drivers families. - Pilot test completed J.B. Hunt and a Canadian
company evaluating FMP over next two years. - One Expected Outcome Further development of a
Drowsy Driver Warning System
8Summary of Driver Factors
- Working on complementary studies to better
understand the causes of crashes and provide a
foundation for effective countermeasures. - Studies use different methodologies each has its
strengths - LTCCS provides nationally representative sample,
largest number of crashes evaluated, large number
of data elements, and researchers at crash scene. - Safety Data Risk, will identify driver risk
factors. Study should support medical
rulemakings. - Naturalistic Driving Study is actual video of the
precursors to crashes data will improve
understanding of driver performance, inattention,
distraction, and fatigue.
9Simulator Validation Study
- FMCSAs ongoing Simulator Validation (Sim Val)
Study examines conventional training,
simulator-supported training, and no formal
training for truck drivers
- Next study phase
- Examine whether simulator technology enhances CMV
driver training and long-term driver performance - Showcase the advanced capabilities of truck
simulators to replicate emergency maneuvers
10On-Board Monitoring to Improve Safety
- Caltrans and FMCSA - On-board monitoring and
reporting. - Study will define driver skills to be measured
determine best means for communicating feedback
to drivers develop a suite of hardware to
monitor driver performance and develop research
methodology - FOT will be conducted to evaluate impact of
on-board monitoring and feedback on CMV driver
11CVISN Deployment Program
- SAFETEA-LU provides FMCSA 25 million/year
- Deploy Core capabilities nationwide
- States must have accepted CVISN Program Plan
- Receive no more than 2.5 million
- Define, develop, and implement Expanded
capabilities - Certified by FMCSA as completing Core deployment
- Receive no more than 1 million
- 19 States submitted CVISN grant applications,
expect to receive requests from 20-25 States
12Status of States
HI is developing its Business Plan
13Core and Expanded CVISN Deployment
14CVISN Ad Hoc Teams
Roadside Identification
CVISN Central Support
Driver Info Sharing
CVISN Stakeholder Community
COMPASS Coordination
Security Flags
15On-board Technology Initiatives
One Vision of a Safer Truck
Roll Stability Control Systems and Electronic
Stability Control Systems
Collision Warning Systems with Adaptive Cruise
Lane Departure Warning Systems
16Stability System Video
- Please view this video by clicking on the link at
the Highway Transport Recent Meetings page.
17On-board and Other Technology Initiatives
One Vision of a Secure Truck
- Satellite Mobile
- Communications System
- Real-time, Two-way Data
- Position Location (GPS)
Emergency Panic Buttons
- Cargo Security Technology
- Trailer Tracking
- Cargo Sensor
- Door Sensor
- Geo-fencing
- Trailer Connection/ Disconnection Status
18Roadside Wireless Truck and Bus Inspections
- Develop alternative concepts to support
inspections - Leverage advanced on-board sensor systems and
wireless communications technologies - Current inspection activities and need for
improved process - Final report under review published later this
19Wireless Concept
- Driver Data
- Driver identification, CDL status, and log info
- Vehicle Data
- Fault codes
20Thermal Imaging Inspection System (Sec. 5513a)
- Conduct a demonstration of thermal imaging
technologies - Identify, in real time, faults and failures in
tires, brakes and bearings mounted on commercial
motor vehicles - Employ system along the interstate
- Develop statistical tools that can predict
impending tire, brake, or bearing failures - Two-year Project
21Driver Related Projects
- Employer Notification Service
- Burden to discover driver history is on motor
carriers - Design and prototype national ENS System
- Pilot test in Colorado and one other State
(Summer 2006 November 2007) - Commercial Drivers License 3rd Party Testing
Anti-Fraud - Goal reduce fraud in CDL process
- Develop IT-based strategies to monitor testing
- Pilot test software (Summer 2006) report (Fall
22Enhanced Rear Signaling for Commercial Motor
- Rear-end crashes are one of the most frequent
accident configurations in heavy vehicles - Countermeasures will be evaluated by installing
them on a test truck and observing driver
behavior - Final report (September 2006)
23Enhanced Rear Signaling Features
24- Michael S. Griffith
- Director, Office of Research and Analysis
- 400 Seventh Street, SW, Room 8214
- Washington, DC 20590
- Phone 202.366.2829
- E-mail mike.griffith_at_dot.gov