Title: Dr. Fred Binckes
1Dr. Fred Binckes Visits Joan Martin School
2Dr. Fred Binckes came to us from Rocky Mountain
College in Billings, Montana, where he is a
professor of music. He is a nationally known
concert organist and composer, whom we are
pleased to welcome to our school. This year he
talked to our students about American music which
we document in the following slides.
3American Music
4Dr. Binckes is a professor at Rocky Mountain
College in Billings, Montana. He came to tell us
about American Music
5The Indians had the first music in America. The
Pilgrims brought their music with them from
6Dr. Binckes brought an authentic Indian Love
Flute, and explained how a young brave played it
very softly for the young lady of his choice,
early in the morning. He played softly so no one
else could hear it.
7Some of the early people in America used shaped
notes and syllables instead of the notes we know
today. There are still people here who use this
system. They are called FaSoLa Folk.
8Dr. Binckes pointed out that the first truly
American music was Jazz. Until then, our music
was imported from other countries.
9Dr. Binckes showed a DVD clip of Louis Armstrong,
and pointed out that the players were not using
any music, since true Jazz is made up as you go
10Thank you, Dr. Binckes!
Joan Martin Students