Title: Annual Membership Meeting
1- Annual Membership Meeting
- December 2, 2007
- Welcome and Year in review
- Board Elections
- Treasurers report
- Committee Reports
- Membership Services Committee
- Legislative Committee
- Data Committee
- Joint Session with ICC and Family Alliance
- State Issues and Planning
3Welcome and Year in Review
4Here's the strategy that I have used. It's taken
me decades to learn it, and it has worked In the
good years, work very hard to win everything
that's possibly winnable. In the bad years, work
just as hard to keep your losses to a minimum.
There are good times, and there are bad times.
But you have to stay in the game. Ed Ziegler
5New Part C Coordinators since 2005
- Arkansas
- Colorado
- District of Columbia
- Georgia
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Minnesota
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- New York
- Rhode Island
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
6Seven Year Members
- American Samoa
- Arizona
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Indiana
- Kansas
- Massachusetts
- Mississippi
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Oklahoma
- Puerto Rico
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Washington
7Six Year Members
- Alaska
- Guam
- Illinois
- Iowa
- Maryland
- Nevada
- Northern Marianas
- Ohio
- Rhode Island
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
8- Five Year Members
- Florida
- Louisiana
- Missouri
- Pennsylvania
- Tennessee
- Three Year Members
- Arkansas
- California
- Maine
- Montana
- South Dakota
- Virginia
- Wyoming
- Four Year Members
- Colorado
- District of Columbia
- Kentucky
- New York
- South Carolina
- Virgin Islands
- Two Year Members
- Alabama
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Nebraska
10Renewed for 2008
- Florida
- Kansas
- Minnesota
- Missouri
- Virginia
- Washington
11Conference Calls
- NPRM Calls
- Overview All states and territories, ICC Chairs
and EI Family Alliance Board Members 65
registrants - Topical calls 46 members
- Determinations Calls 26 members
- Fiscal Verification Calls 26 members
12Other Activities
- Ongoing conversations with OSEP
- Responses to multiple NPRMs
- Support letters for various proposals
- Determinations Analysis
- Medicaid Utilization Analysis
- Child Count Data Analysis
- Early Intervention Family Alliance
13Board Elections
14By-Laws Requirements
- The Board of Directors shall be comprised of
Category 1 members of the Association and
represent an appropriate geographical, state size
and lead agency mix.
15Current Board
- Ron Benham President 2008
- Terry Harrison Vice President 2009
- Julie Curry Secretary/Treasurer 2007
- Mary Ann Discenza Member at Large 2007
- Debbie Cheatham Member at Large 2008
- Molly Dries Bright Member at Large - 2009
16Past Presidents
- 1998 Cindy Oser, Ohio
- 1999-2001 Maureen Greer, Indiana
- 2001-2002 Linda Goodman, Connecticut
- 2003 Duncan Munn, North Carolina
- 2004 Mary Jones, Idaho
- 2005 Andy Gomm, New Mexico
- 2006 Stephanie Moss, Georgia
17Past Board Members
- Sue Brown, Hawaii
- Sandy Morris Loerch, Washington
- Anne Lucas, Virginia
- Monica Rutkowski, Florida
- Mark Sharp, Oklahoma
- Vice President
- Julie Curry Iowa
- Secretary Treasurer
- Mary Ann Discenza
- Member At Large
- Rick Ingraham - California
19Treasurer's Report
20Category 2007 Budget Expenditures through 11/15/07
Annual Meeting 5,000.00 0.00
Summer Board Meeting 3,000.00 2,348.17
Staff Support 22,000.00 18,330.00
Governmental Liaison 17,952.00 14,960.00
Travel 6,000.00 1920.70
Web Maintenance 1,000.00 250.00
Web Server 1,200.00 1,000.00
Publications 1,000.00 0.00
Postage 500.00 0.00
Office Supplies 600.00 72.98
Board Conference Calls 3,000.00 1,680.24
National database 5,000.00 0.00
Directors and Officers Insurance 1,300.00 1,320.00
Association Membership Fees 550.00 475.00
Committee Activities/Products 7,500.00 5,534.62
Other  23,500.00
Total 75,602.00 71,391.71
21Cash on Hand November 30, 2007
- Checking
- 15,650.94
- Savings
- 59,511.62
- (14,500 from 2008 Dues)
22Category 2008 Budget
Annual Meeting 5,000.00
Summer Board Meeting 3,000.00
Staff Support 44,000.00
Adminstrative Support 5,000.00
Governmental Liaison 36,000.00
Travel 2,000.00
Web Maintenance 1,000.00
Web Server 1,200.00
Publications 1,000.00
Office Supplies 600.00
Conference Calls 3,000.00
Directors and Officers Insurance 1,300.00
Association Membership Fees 550.00
Committee Activities/Products 10,000.00
Total 113,650.00
24Membership Services
25Promote increased leadership capacity at the
state and national level.
- Recruitment and retention efforts
- Orientation, mentorship and ongoing support
- Regular communication regarding technical
assistance that increases the knowledge and
skills of members - Category Two membership.
26Legislative Committee
27Advocate for increased federal Part C funding as
well as increased funding and alignment of
various federal resources to maximize benefits to
children and families.
- Establish a funding goal for each of the five
years - Develop a funding methodology recommendation
- Prepare members to assist in advocacy efforts
- Track other Federal funds
- Identify National Champion
28Increase Part C visibility through strategic
collaborations and effective partnerships among
national organizations and professionals to
impact policies affecting young children and
- Ongoing communication with OSEP
- Represent on national projects, grants, advisory
committees - Continue presence on the hill
- Good News
- Partnerships
29Data Committee
30Advocate for and facilitate the collection, use
and dissemination of consistent credible national
- Identify, brainstorm, and problem solve
challenges of required data collection and
reporting. - Quarterly Conference Calls
- Face to face meeting at the annual Data Meeting
- Identify strategies for sharing data collection
and reporting concerns and promising practices - Identify and/or prepare on data collection and
reporting concerns
31Advocate for and facilitate the collection, use
and dissemination of consistent credible national
- Develop and maintain a consistent ITCA national
database. - Maintain and develop the ITCA National Database.
- Facilitate updates and access to needed data
- Maintain linkage to the national Data Community
of Practice
32 33Part C Challenges and Opportunities
- Early Challenges
- Accomplishments
- Current Realities
- If Part C is successful, where will we be in 5
35Membership Survey Results
Response Rate 68
36The Association met my State/Territory's
Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly Agree No Response
0 5.9 5.9 26.5 52.9 4.3
37ITCA's Representation on
None Adequate Excellent No response
Part C NPRM 5.9 11.8 76.5 2.9
Determinations 17.6 29.4 44.1 5.9
Mentoring 8.8 20.6 23.5 26.5 20.5
Outcomes 2.9 2.9 26.5 29.4 26.5 12
Funding 2.9 17.6 29.4 44.1 5.8
Fiscal Verification 2.9 17.6 26.5 38.2 14.7
Partnerships 2.9 17.6 32.4 35.3 11.7
38Coordinator Demographics
41Tipping Points
42Tipping Points
43Tipping Points
44Tipping Points
- Primary reasons for loss/shortage of providers
- Rates of reimbursement (64.7)
- Paperwork (38.1)
- Federal Requirements (29.4)
- Percentage of States with a State Line Item
(91.2) - Increase 61.8
- Decrease 11.8
- Percentage of States experiencing a decrease in
other Fund Sources (70.6) - Decrease in Medicaid (23.8)
45State Issues
46Issues that the Association Should Address
Issues Percentage of Respondents
Child/Family Outcomes 29.4
Personnel Capacity 70.6
Medicaid 47.1
Private Insurance Funding 41.2
Focused Monitoring 26.5
Child Find 5.9
Funding 55.9
Data Collection 26.5
Family Cost Participation 23.5
Social Emotional Development 44.1
Due Process 8.8