Title: A1261176335xLTNf
1 A.Kiseleva2,
P.P.Bhaduri1 S.Chattopadhyay1, A.K.Dubey1,
M.S.Ganti1, P.Ghosh1 , P.Senger2, I. Vassiliev2,
A.Khanzadeev3, E.Kryshen3 , V.Nikolin3,
V.Samsonov3, M.Rzyhinskiy4 1.Variable Energy
Cyclotron Centre ,Kolkata-64,India
2.GSI,Darmstadt,Germany 3. Petersburg Nuclear
Physics Institute, Gatchina, Russia 4.SPb-STU,
St. Petersburg, Russia
The Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) Experiment
at the Future Facility for Antiproton and Ion
Research (FAIR) is aiming at the investigation of
strongly interacting matter at very high baryon
densities. The research program of CBM comprises
the exploration of the equation of state of dense
hadronic matter, the search for the
deconfinement first order phase transition which
is expected to occur at high net-baryon
densities, and the study of in-medium
modifications of hadrons .
Experimental challenges
Central AuAu collision at 25 AGeV (UrQMD
160 p 400 p- 400 p 44 K 13 K-
- up to 1000 charged particles per reaction
- up to 10 Mio reactions per second
- vertex resolution of about 50 µm
- identification of hadrons and leptons
Invariant mass spectra
Central AuAu collision at 25 AGeV
Signal-to- Efficiency Mass
Particle background ()
resolution (S/B) ratio
(MeV) ?
0.11 4 10
f 0.06 7
12 ? 0.002 2.8
J/? 18
13 21 ?'
0.8 16 27
GEM Testing at VECC
Detector technology options
Micromegas Micro Mesh Gaseous Detector
GEM Gas Electron Multiplier