Title: RCRA Basics
1- Cost Benefit Analysis and Ecology
- Valuing environmental benefits
- Market Value
- Travel cost/shadow prices
- Contingent Valuation/wtp problem
- Can CBA accommodate the precautionary principle?
How does CBA account for future costs?
2Back to values David Broder (1990) "The
argument is no longer about values. Thats over
and the environmentalists have won. The argument
is now about policies. And those with the best
evidence and the best arguments, not just the
purest hearts, will prevail. Do you agree?
3Private Law/Torts
4Private Law/Torts
Private plaintiff(s) vs. private defendants
- Theories of liability
- private nuisance
- public nuisance
- trespass
- negligence
- negligence per se
- strict liability
Coordination, or free rider problems
5Madison v. Ducktown Sulphur (TN, 1901)
6- Madison v. Ducktown Sulphur (TN, 1901)
- smoke pollution from smelter ? ruining timber and
farming land in Appalachia - private nuisance action
- Should court grant injunction? Damages?
7- Madison v. Ducktown Sulphur (TN, 1901)
- smoke pollution from smelter ? ruining timber and
farming land in Appalachia - private nuisance action
- Should court grant injunction? Damages?
- What factors matter? Who was there first?
Relative benefits of competing land uses?
Shall we grant plaintiffs request to blot
out two great mining and manufacturing
enterprises, destroy half of the taxable values
of a county, and drive more than 10,000 people
from their homes?
8- Tennessee Copper (USSC, 1907)
- same smelter, same damage
9- Tennessee Copper (USSC, 1907)
- same smelter, same damage
- public nuisance
- Should court grant injunction?
- No damages requestedwhy?
- Should states have superior rights to private
individuals in this situation?
10Missouri v. Illinois (USSC, 1906)
11- Missouri v. Illinois (USSC, 1906)
- Chicago pollution polluting Lake Michigan
- City reversed rivers flow ? Illinois River ?
Mississippi River ? typhoid in St. Louis - No. of typhoid cases increased after flow
reversed. Is Missouri entitled to injunction?
12- Missouri v. Illinois (USSC, 1906)
- Chicago pollution polluting Lake Michigan
- City reversed rivers flow ? Illinois River ?
Mississippi River ? typhoid in St. Louis - No. of typhoid cases increased after flow
reversed. Is Missouri entitled to injunction? - Missouri permits upstream Missouri towns to
discharge raw sewage. Does that matter to the
court? Should it matter?
13Spread of Environmental Values, post WWII WHY?
- industrialization ? pollution?
- developments in science of ecology?
- liberal social movements
- broadening prosperity?
- leisure goods
- post-materialism hypothesis
- US vs. other industrialized democracies
14RISE OF PUBLIC LAW 1. Catalyzing Events Silent
Spring ? FIFRA Scenic Hudson ? NEPA Cayuhoga
River fire Santa Barbara oil spill ? CWA
15RISE OF PUBLIC LAW 1. Catalyzing Events 2.
Federalization Common ? State regulation
? federal law regulation
16RISE OF PUBLIC LAW 1. Catalyzing Events 2.
Federalization 3. Politics Industry vs.
environmentalists Left vs. right STATUTES
17NEXT TIME Property rights and the limits of