Hawaiian History : - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Hawaiian History :


2 distinct migrations from Polynesia: Circa 600 AD and 1100AD ... 1991 1st Hawaiian Miss America. 1993 Clinton publicly apologizes to Hawaii ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Hawaiian History :

Hawaiian History A Fantastical Journey
Megan Beesley
In the beginning
2 distinct migrations from Polynesia Circa 600
AD and 1100AD
Highly stratified caste system and multiple
kingdoms King Chiefs alii Priest craftsmen
kahunas Commoners makaainana Outcasts - kauwa
No written language but memorized chants
Kapu system dominated all aspects of life
4 main gods Ku, Kanaloa, Lono, Kane
And then Captain Cook arrived January 20th, 1778
The Sandwich Islands?
At first, locals thought he was Lono, god of
fertility and peace, but eventually they killed
him in an uprising.
400,000 to 800,000
The Monarchy!
1795 Kamehameha I unification, foreigners 1819
Kamehameha II modernize globalize 1824
Kamahameha III most difficult time in
history foreigners, land titles, in love with
sister 1854 Kamahameha IV pressure from sugar
to annex 1863 Kamahameha V last old school
king fist fights in legislature, sold sugar to
Yankees in CW 1872 William Lunalilo elected by
legislature, liberal democratization, wanted to
give PH to US 1874 David Kalakaua Merry
Monarch 1891 Queen Lilioukalani surrendered
to US military power in 1893. McKinley signed
annexation in 1898
Missionaries 1820 from Puritan New England
schools, medicine, census, hula is bad!
haole wrote down the language
Starting around 1850s, sugar and pineapple
plantations hired 36,000 workers from around the
world Chinese hawaiian-chinese common
today Japanese 1900 40 of population Portuguese
Koreans between 1911 and 1924, 800 mail order
brides Filipinos Puerto Ricans Samoans only
group not to come as plantation workers
Queen surrenders 1893 1898 McKinley annexes it
as Territory Statehood debated in Congress for
over a year 1900 Organic Act set up
government 12/7/1941 Pearl Harbor Poindexter
declares martial law 1944 martial law lifted
Japanese werent interned Before war,
Republican After war, very Democrat, strikes for
workers rights 1959- Hawaii becomes 50th state
under Eisenhower Admission Day 3rd Friday in
Modernish History 1970s cultural
renaissance 1980 Magnum PI starts to blow people
away 1983 Kilauea erupts 1987 John Waihee 1st
governor of Hawaiian descent 1991 1st Hawaiian
Miss America 1993 Clinton publicly apologizes to
1972 The Bradys visit Hawaii Greg almost drowns
Sources Hawaiian-roots.com/hawaiihistory.htm Hawa
iian.com/history.html Lonelyplanet.com/destination
s/north_america/hawaii/history.htm Hawaiischoolrep
orts.com/history.htm Images.google.com
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