Title: Expressing Position: Coordinate Systems
1Expressing PositionCoordinate Systems
- Need system to express location
- Issues
- Coordinate approaches
3Geographic Coordinates
- AKA geodetic coordinates
- Components
4Geographic Coordinates
5Geocentric Cartesian Coordinates
- 3-D system
- Orthogonal X, Y, Z axes
- Origin at geocenter
- Orientation of axes based on
6Geocentric Cartesian Coordinates
7Plane Coordinates
- Challenge
- Most surveys ignore curved earth
- Considerations
8Map Projections
- Aim of map projections
- Application
- Example coordinate systems
9Projection Concepts
- Transfer earth location to plane
- Challenge with map projection
10Developable Surfaces
11Projection Distortion
- Challenge
- Distortions are acceptable
- Limiting distortion
12Transverse Mercator Projection
- Use fictitious cylinder
- Scale
- Applications
13Transverse Mercator Projection
14Transverse Mercator Projection Scale Variation
15Transverse Mercator Projection Scale Variation
16Lambert Conformal Conic Projection
- Use fictitious cone
- Scale
- Application
17Lambert Conformal Conic Projection
Standard parallels (line of equal scale)
18Lambert Conformal Conic Scale Variation
19Lambert Conformal Conic Scale Variation
20Geodetic and Grid Azimuths
- On projection
- Implication
- Difference between grid vs. geodetic azimuth
varies - Size of difference related to
21Geodetic and Grid Azimuths
22State Plane Coordinate Systems
- National Geodetic Survey (NGS) designed plane
coordinate system for each state - Use transverse Mercator or Lambert projection
- Scale distortions limited to 110,000 if
- Width of zones is less than 158 miles
- 2/3 of zone between lines of zero scale change
- Break large states into zones to limit scale
distortion - NY has four zones uses both projections
- Alaska and Florida use both projections
23UTM Coordinate System
- U.S. military designed global plane coordinate
system - Application
24UTM Zones Over New York State
Zone 18
Zone 19
Zone 17
25Coordinate Systems and Datums
- Issue
- Horizontal datums
- Large area datums ellipsoidal reference
- Examples NAD27, NAD83, WGS84
- Challenges
- Coordinate systems may use specific datum
- SPCS27 State plane coordinates using NAD27
- SPCS83 State plane coordinates using NAD83
- Fundamental theory same parameters vary
- Chapter 20 sections 20.1 20.5, 20.12 20.13