Title: Prsentation PowerPoint
1Renewable energies Energy storage Christian
2Electricity production Dominated by hydraulic
Source DGEMP
3Heat production Dominated by biomass
Source DGEMP
4Hydraulic power One of the best renewable energy
5Hydraulic power
6Micro-hydraulic power
Small hydro installed in the EU (MW)
7Solar thermal power Not enough used
The market of heat (or refrigeration) is important
8Thermal solar energy
Cumulated surface area of thermal collectors in
the EU (in m2) (EurobservER)
9Photovoltaïc energy An energy well adapted well
to dispersed settlement
It arrives approximately 1kW/m2 on the earth. In
France, about 1500 kWh/m2/year. But poor yield
of the cells 13-14 (crystalline silicon). Still
too expensive for connected the network (0,5/kWh
which is more than 10 times the price of
conventional kWh) Profitable for autonomous
installations (1,5/kWh) compared with a power
generator unit Current technology requires a lot
of energy to manufacture the cells (1kWh for
1Wc). It takes several years to recover this
one). Main problem of the autonomous
photovoltaic energy storage (approximately 48
of the price of linstallation at the end of 20
Objective to reduce the cost of the cells (thin
layers, peel Si,) and of energy storage
systems. Organic cells?
10Photovoltaic energy
Installed photovoltaic capacities in the EU (in
MWp) (EurobservER)
11Wind power In full development
- The power is proportional to the cube the speed
of the wind. - Efficient if vgt5m/s (force 3). One needs v15m/s
(force 7) - Pour une éolienne de 750 kW on a
- 750 kW for a wind of 15m/s (54km/h)
- 28 kW for a wind of 5m/s (18km/h)
- In the average about 150 à 200 kW.
One should not confuse working installed capacity
and power recovered. To obtain 1000 MW, one
needs more than 5 000 éoliennes of 750 kW
Future Wind mills offshore (stronger and more
regular wind but corrosion).
12Wind power
Few remarks The big wind power is still too
expensive (2 to 3 times) subsidies. A conflict
between centralized and decentralized energy
production one needs extend the electrical
network to carry out the current produced by
windmills It is necessary to build at the same
time power stations with gas to compensate for
situations where the wind is too small. In good
sites about 2/3 of time) No scaling effect for
large wind mills. The only advantage of big ones
is that you need less for the same power (visual
impact) Small wind mills are well adapted to a
dispersed settlement but it is necessary to store
13Wind power
Wind power installed in EU (MW) (EurobservER)
Plants - gt biocombustibles, biocarburants Solar
energy is diffuse, intermittent. The plant makes
it possible to store this energy and consumes CO2
while growing Poor energetic yield (1 temperate
zones, 2-3 tropical zones). Wood it does not
burn, it decomposes (pyrolysis) Carbonization,
gazéifaction Biofuels (bioethanol, ETBE) About 3
times too expensive
Ethanol production in EU (in tons) (EurobservER)
Biodiesel (EMHV) production in EU (in tons)
18Heat is important Biomass should have an
important contribution
40 Mtoe
30 Mtoe
20 Mtoe
On 225 Mtoe
19Geothermal energy
- Origin radioactivity
- 235U (18 J/g/y), 40K ou Th (0,8 J/g/y), .
- 0,06 W/m2 i.e. 3500 less than the solar flux
- Geothermal gradient 3,3C each 100m
- But there are favoured zones geothermics
- Low temperature geothermics (30C and 100C) ?
heat - Average and high temperature geothermics ?
electricity - H2S, corrosion
20Geothermal energy
Low temperature geothermal (except geothermal
heat pump) in the EU in 2000 (in m2)
Heat pumps 3,1 TWh in 2000 for 1,569 TW
installed (2,03 TWh in Portugal)
21Waste energy
Anaerobic digestion Biogas (mix CO2, CH4) Waste
from livestock farming Industrial
effluents Muds of the tratment stations
Household refuse, Incineration of
waste Household refuse (1kg/day per capita in
Europe) Industrial wastes Special agricultural
residues In France, incinération of all waste
would lead to 1 of the energy consumed
22Energy from sun
- The earth receives from the sun a power of about
1201015W. About 1 are transformed in mechanical
energy (windt), i.e. 1,2 1013w - About half of it is used for photosynthesis
- The maximum theoretical yield for photosynthesis
is ? 5,5, but one gets rarely more than ? 1-2.
23Renewable energies will unfortunately represent a
small part of the total energy consumption for a
long time
Evaluations from J.R.Bauquis for electricity
production Renewable energies without the large
hydraulic 1995 ? 100 GWh ? 2050 ? 250
GWh Contribution going from 0,8 to 3 of the
world energy consumption Including large
hydraulic 1995 ? 2 500 GWh ? 2050 ? 4 250
GWh Contribution going from 19 to 10 of the
world energy consumption Fossil fuels with still
dominate the world energy consumption in 2050
24Preserving environment But which one ?
25Order of magnitude. Dépends on the technology
Green in service Blue construction,
transport, etc.
26Savings energy More than necessary with renewable
- Production of negawatthours
- Order of magnitude for France
- Normal house 100 m2 14 300 kWh/year
- Well exposed house 9 420 kWh/year (-34)
- Bioclimatic house 5 070 kWh/year (-65)
- Traditional Chimney ? yield 10-15
- Hearths closed ? yield 70-80
- Remote watches Television (80 W) for 3h ? 240
Wh - watch (15W) for 21h ? 315 Wh
27Energy storage The week point of energy
28Energy storage The week point of energy
29Energy storage
30Energy storage
31Energy storage
32Energy storage
33Energy storage Few orders of magnitude
34Current context, evolutions, problems
Energy mix Take the most appropriate sources
depending on the context Savings Do more or the
same with less energy
Research To decrease the price of energy