Game Theory - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Game Theory


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Game Theory

Game Theory
  • Game theory was developed by John Von Neumann and
    Oscar Morgenstern in 1944 -
  • Economists!
  • One of the fundamental principles of game theory,
    the idea of equilibrium strategies was developed
    by John F. Nash, Jr. (A Beautiful Mind), a
    Bluefield, WV native.
  • Game theory is a way of looking at a whole range
    of human behaviors as a game.

Components of a Game
  • Games have the following characteristics
  • Players
  • Rules
  • Payoffs
  • Based on Information
  • Outcomes
  • Strategies

Types of Games
  • We classify games into several types.
  • By the number of players
  • By the Rules
  • By the Payoff Structure
  • By the Amount of Information Available to the

Games as Defined by the Number of Players
  • 1-person (or game against nature, game of chance)
  • 2-person
  • n-person( 3-person up)

Games as Defined by the Rules
  • These determine the number of options/alternatives
    in the play of the game.
  • The payoff matrix has a structure (independent of
    value) that is a function of the rules of the
  • Thus many games have a 2x2 structure due to 2
    alternatives for each player.

Games as Defined by the Payoff Structure
  • Zero-sum
  • Non-zero sum
  • (and occasionally Constant sum)
  • Examples
  • Zero-sum
  • Classic games Chess, checkers, tennis, poker.
  • Political Games Elections, War
  • Non-zero sum
  • Classic games Football (?), DD, Video games
  • Political Games Policy Process

Games defined by information
  • In games of perfect information, each player
    moves sequentially, and knows all previous moves
    by the opponent.
  • Chess checkers are perfect information games
  • Poker is not
  • In a game of complete information, the rules are
    known from the beginning, along with all possible
    payoffs, but not necessarily chance moves

  • We also classify the strategies that we employ
  • It is natural to suppose that one player will
    attempt to anticipate what the other player will
    do. Hence
  • Minimax - to minimize the maximum loss - a
    defensive strategy
  • Maximin - to maximize the minimum gain - an
    offensive strategy.

Iterated Play
  • Games can also have sequential play which lends
    to more complex strategies.
  • (Tit-for-tat - always respond in kind.
  • Tat-for-tit - always respond conflictually to
    cooperation and cooperatively towards conflict.

Game or Nash Equilibria
  • Games also often have solutions or equilibrium
  • These are outcomes which, owing to the selection
    of particular reasonable strategies will result
    in a determined outcome.
  • An equilibrium is that point where it is not to
    either players advantage to unilaterally change
    his or her mind.

Saddle points
  • The Nash equilibrium is also called a saddle
    point because of the two curves used to construct
  • an upward arching Maximin gain curve
  • and a downward arc for minimum loss.
  • Draw in 3-d, this has the general shape of a
    western saddle (or the shape of the universe and
    if you prefer). .

Some Simple Examples
  • Battle of the Bismark Sea
  • Prisoners Dilemma
  • Chicken

The Battle of the Bismarck Sea
  • Simple 2x2 Game
  • US WWII Battle

Japanese Options Japanese Options
Sail North Sail South
US Options Recon North 2 Days 2 Days
US Options Recon South 1 Day 3 Days
The Battle of the Bismarck Sea
Japanese Options Japanese Options Japanese Options
Sail North Sail South Minima of Rows
US Options Recon North 2 Days 2 Days 2
US Options Recon South 1 Day 3 Days 1
Maxima of Columns Maxima of Columns 2 3
The Battle of the Bismarck Sea - examined
  • This is an excellent example of a two-person
    zero-sum game with a Nash equilibrium point.
  • Each side has reason to employ a particular
  • Maximin for US
  • Minimax for Japanese).
  • If both employ these strategies, then the outcome
    will be Sail North/Watch North.

Decision Tree
The Prisoners Dilemma
  • The Prisoners dilemma is also 2-person game but
    not a zero-sum game.
  • It also has an equilibrium point, and that is
    what makes it interesting.
  • The Prisoner's dilemma is best interpreted via a

A Simple Prisoners Dilemma
Prisoner A Prisoner A
Confess Confess
Prisoner B Confess -1 -1 0 -10
Prisoner B Confess -10 0 -5 -5
Alternate Prisoners Dilemma Language
Uses Cooperate instead of Confess to denote
player cooperation with each other instead of
with prosecutor.
Prisoner A Prisoner A
Cooperate Defect
Prisoner B Cooperate -1 -1 0 -10
Prisoner B Defect -10 0 -5 -5
What Characterizes a Prisoners Dilemma
Uses Cooperate instead of Confess to denote
player cooperation with each other instead of
with prosecutor.
Prisoner A Prisoner A
Cooperate Defect
Prisoner B Cooperate Reward Reward Tempt Sucker
Prisoner B Defect Sucker Tempt Punish Punish
What makes a Game a Prisoners Dilemma?
  • We can characterize the set of choices in a PD
  • Temptation (desire to double-cross other player)
  • Reward (cooperate with other player)
  • Punishment (play it safe)
  • Sucker (the player who is double-crossed)
  • A game is a Prisoners Dilemma whenever
  • T gt R gt P gt S
  • Or Temptation gt Reward gt Punishment gt Sucker

What is the Outcome of a PD?
  • The saddle point is where both Confess
  • This is the result of using a Minimax strategy.
  • Two aspects of the game can make a difference.
  • The game assumes no communication
  • The strategies can be altered if there is
    sufficient trust between the players.

Solutions to PD?
  • The Reward option is the joint optimal payoff.
  • Can Prisoners reach this?
  • Minimax strategies make this impossible
  • Are there other strategies?

Iterated Play
  • The PD is a single decision game in which the
    Nash equilibrium results from a dominant
  • In iterated play (a series of PDs), conditional
    strategies can be selected

The Theory of Metagames
  • Metagames step back from the game and look at the
    other players strategy
  • Strategic choice is based upon opponents choice.
  • For instance, we could adopt the following
  • Tit-for-tat
  • Tat-for-tit
  • Choose Confess regardless
  • Choose Confess regardless

A Prisoners Dilemma Metagame
Prisoner A Prisoner A Prisoner A Prisoner A
Confess Regardless Confess Regardless Tit-for-tat Tat-for-tit
Pris B Confess -1 -1 0 -10 -1 -1 0 -10
Pris B Confess -10 0 -5 -5 -5 -5 -10 0
The Full PD Metagame
  • See page 36 in Brahms
  • Using the Metagame tit-for-tat strategy, we get
    three possible equilibria
  • One the original both confess
  • The other two, both confess (a cooperative

The Morality of tit-for-tat
  • Note that the conditional strategy of cooperate
    regardless is a direct manifestation of the
    Golden rule, perhaps the simplest and most
    ubiquitous moral maxim we have.
  • Tit-for-tat invokes a rough system of justice (or
    equality in any event)
  • Because tit-for-tat always results in equal
    payoff to both players, it is a very equitable
  • It also teaches its morality, by encouraging
    mutual benefit through reciprocity.

  • The game that we call chicken is widely played in
    everyday life
  • bicycles
  • Cars
  • Interpersonal relations
  • And more

The Game of Chicken
Driver A Driver A
Swerve Swerve
Driver B Swerve 1 1 2 4
Driver B Swerve 4 2 3 3
Chicken is an Unstable game
  • There is no saddle point in the game.
  • No matter what the players choose, at least one
    player can unilaterally change for some
  • Chicken is therefore unstable.
  • We cannot predict the outcome

Chicken is Nuclear Deterrence
National Missile Defense
  • Lets pick a current problem
  • National Missile Defense
  • Structure this as a game

The Game of National Missile Defense
Build Build
Rogue State Attack 60B 5BG 1Tr 5BG
Rogue State Attack 60B 0 0 0
Calculating Expected Utility of NMD
  • E(Build)pA(B-C)pA(B-C)
  • E(Build)pA(B-C)pA(B-C)
  • E(Build)pA(0-60)pA(0-60)
  • E(Build)pA(0-1000)pA(0-0)
  • Build NMD if E(Build)gtE(Build)

  • Open Excel table

Utility Curves
  • p1

Adding Complexity
  • More players
  • Information differences
  • If players do not know the payoffs then they have
    very incomplete information
  • Nested Games
  • The

Tragedy of the Commons
  • First observed during the British Enclosure
  • Describes the problem of the unregulated use of a
    public good
  • Take a commons e.g. a common pasture for
    grazing of cattle in a village

An example
  • Take a village with 10 families
  • Each family has 10 cows which just exactly
    provide the food they need.
  • The village commons has a carrying capacity of
    100 cows

Cow Carrying Capacity
  • Each cow produces 500 lbs of meat dairy per
    year up to or at carrying capacity of the
  • 10 families X 10 Cows X 500 lbs 50,000
    lbs of food at carrying capacity
  • and then Farmer Symthes wife has triplets

One more cow
  • So Farmer Smythe decides he really needs one more
  • And there is no one to tell him no because the
    commons is an unregulated public good
  • Like
  • Air
  • Water
  • Security ?

Reduced Capacity
  • With the overgrazing, each cow will now produce
    only 490 lbs of food.
  • 10 families X 10 Cows X 490 lbs 49,000
    lbs of food at carrying capacity
  • Each family gets 4900 lbs of meat dairy,
    instead of 5000.
  • Except Farmer Smythe, who gets 5390 lbs
  • Even with the reduced carrying capacity, it is
    still to his advantage to add the extra cow

Look Familiar?
  • Look at the situation
  • N players
  • Equilibrium solution is to cooperate
  • Joint optimal outcome is to cooperate,
  • This is an n-person Prisoners dilemma

Thinking Strategically 10 Tales of Strategy
  • Dixit and Nalebuff offer 10 simple concepts that
    are strategic in nature.
  • They are worth reviewing, as they all demonstrate
    some particular strategic choice.

The Hot Hand
  • Are hot hands just random sequences in a long
    series of trials?
  • Probabilistic analysis suggests that what sports
    observers claim as periods of exceptional
    performance are not statistically excessive
  • But hot hands may be masked by team responses.
  • Take tennis
  • If your backhand is weak, your opponent will play
    to it.
  • Improve your backhand, and you get to use your
    better forehand more

To Lead or not to Lead
  • Front-runner strategy
  • The leading sailboat copies the strategy of the
    trailing boat.
  • Doesnt work in 3 boat races
  • Applicable to election?
  • When to go negative?

Go Directly to Jail
  • Just the Prisoners Dilemma

Here I stand
  • Taking an irrevocable stand may change your
    opponents strategies.
  • A public statement makes a commitment (and
    thereby changes payoffs) in ways that may dictate
    an outcome.
  • Opponent has to take it or leave it.
  • May be costly next time!

Belling the Cat
  • Is the individual willing to assume the risks of
    the group
  • This is a Hostages Dilemma
  • Note the reference to plane full of passengers
    powerless before a hijacker with a gun.
  • Is this likely to be the case after 9/11?
  • What does this say about this strategic decision?

The Thin End of the Wedge
  • Special interests get attention due to a
    one-at-time strategy
  • We approve special provisions for a single
    request, when if we looked at the aggregate
    impact of many such requests, we might not
  • Line item veto is strategy for dealing with it.

Look before you leap
  • Look at long term consequences/commitments prior
    to decision
  • E.g heroin

Mix your plays
  • Rely on your best strategy strongest asset
  • But not exclusively
  • If you run the football every play, the defensive
    backfield will pull in and you will be less
  • The pass sets up the run.

Never give a sucker an even bet
  • When someone offers to bet you, they often know
    the odds dont bet.
  • Such as appliance warranties

Game theory can be dangerous to your health
  • Check your bargaining position before you
  • Do you negotiate first or afterwards?
  • Does your physical setting influence strategy?

Other Games
  • Battle of the Sexes

Battle of the Sexes
Football Ballet
F Football 2 1 0 0
F Ballet 0 0 1 2
Battle of the sexes
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