Title: Gina Volynsky
1Promoting Responsible Investments
Gina Volynsky UNDP Brussels, Belgium June 28,
2WHAT is responsible investing?
- Investments by the private sector that are part
of their core business and profitable. - Contribute to the sustainable development of the
country. - Often Public-Private Partnerships.
- Often build local value and supply chains
- Sometimes introduce cost effective services and
products that improve the lives of low income
3WHY pursue responsible investing?
- For the company
- Difficult business environment but also a vast
opportunity, both for expanded markets and
increased value chain efficiencies. - Public relations / marketing
- For UNDP and governments
- Contributes to sustainable development.
4HOW does the program help?
- Local knowledge and convening power of the UN
- Regional network
- Project approval, development and facilitation
- Feasibility studies
- Technical assistance
- Sourcing of local products
5WHO is the Broker serving you?
- Broker
- Dedicated and on the ground in countries around
the region - Public, private background
- A pro-active person, local knowledge and contacts
- Support of the UN access to government, and
regional players. - In partnership with Investment Promotion Agency
6WHERE are our services available?
Western CIS (Belgium) Belarus Moldova Russia Ukra
ine Caucasus Armenia Georgia
South East Europe (Austria) Albania Bosnia Macedon
ia (FYR) Serbia Turkey
7Thank You!
Individual meetings arranged with brokers after